
Solidarity Social Work with Flower Essences
Voluntariado Floral Solidario Buenos Aires - Argentina

Editor's note: The following is a report received from Lic. Claudia Stern regarding the work of Voluntariado Floral Solidario in Argentina.

Voluntariado Floral Solidario (VFS) is a group of Flower Essence Therapists who voluntarily offer their knowledge, time and experience during 4 to 5 hours a day each week to assist persons who are not able to pay for private consultations.

The goal of the group is to contribute to the community so that those individuals can access and benefit from flower essences at whatever stage of life they are in.

VFS was founded in November of 2009 under the initiative of Lic. Claudia Stern (right), Buenos Aires, director of Centro de Estudios Florales y Naturales (CEFYN) with the intent of being an independent, therapeutic and non-profit group.

In May of 2010 VFS began the work with two therapists at Caritas in Belgrano, city of Buenos Aires (see below Institution profile) and with another therapist assisting clients coming from ¨La Casa de la Mujer¨ at another location.

Presently, the VFS is working at the Caritas location, at the Centro Trinitario , at an institution called Puerta Abierta assisting each client every 15 days. Two therapists work together with each patient. The current therapists are Silvia Oppenheimer, Ida Brancatella, Silvia Baldi, Alicia Moreno Casas, Ines Sada, Ana María Aragunde, María del Carmen Mastrocesare, Valeria Molina, María Cristina Portero and Liliana Oropesa, participating in group meetings in supervision and other tasks Lic. Claudia Stern, Silvia Arrili, Amalia Hamer.

The intent of the VFS into the future is to be able to extend its work into other organizations concerned with social wellbeing in order to accomplish its goal of bringing Floral Therapy to many other people.

Read about the institutions and people benefiting from the work of VFS:

Puerta Abierta

Cielo Abierto

Centro Trinitario

Puerta Abierta Recreando

Here are some of the people helped by VFS:

Maria Rosa: building confidence to accept life’s circumstances

Dora: regaining self-esteem

Elida: balancing emotions

Rosa: positive changes leading to creativity

Ricardo: achieving self-actualization

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