
Case Study Guidelines

Accurate, thorough record-keeping may seem time-consuming in the beginning stage of application. However, such practices will produce far more effective skills for using the essences in one's personal practice, as well as helping to share the work with a wider professional community.

Keep a record of each client, organized by name and date.

Master case study forms are provided for this purpose by the Flower Essence Society. The  Client Intake Form  is used to obtain key background information on your client and should be recorded in his/her own handwriting if at all possible.

The  Case Evaluation Form  is used by both the client and practitioner to report on the results of each cycle of essence use. You have our permission to copy these forms, or to adapt them for your own purposes.

We also have a  General Reporting Form  for summary reports or other essence feedback.

Make your own notes regarding your observation of the client.

This is in addition to the information which the client actually supplies to you. Successful use of the flower essences requires an insight into the total gestalt of each individual. Dr. Bach himself became so sensitive and highly gifted that he could often summon up this deeper seeing of a person within minutes of that person entering his room. This is a skill that develops with practice.

Collect other documentation of your client's healing journey.

Direct input from your clients is extremely helpful in considering the healing process of the whole being. Graphic records which can provide added depth to case reports may include artistic drawings, changes in handwriting, photographs of work (such as sand-play therapy with children), graphs or charts, or other measurements which you may take of the psycho-physical condition of your client.

Examine the relationship of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of the client's experience.

In aiming to see "the whole person," it is useful to sort out four basic areas of self-expression: the physical (body-sense organization); emotional (feelings, wishes, impulses, and desires); mental (attitudes, understanding, philosophical point of view); and spiritual (ultimate values, the core identity). These four areas are covered on the Client Background Information Form.

Observe physical conditions as clues for the larger picture of the individual.

Although one does not select flower remedies specifically for physical conditions, it is an important part of the total expression of each individual. Begin to see information about the physical condition in the context of its larger "soul picture." For example, someone who never takes the time to get sick, or someone who is constantly "run down" may have emotional issues which are being expressed through these physical symptoms. Observe which part of the body is most affected and what "message" it is trying to convey to the larger organism.

Document the therapeutic history of the client.

Be aware of other medical therapies or current health measures which are being used. See the role of the flower essences within this complete picture of the client's journey toward wholeness.

Discuss the client's hopes and expectations for using the flower essences.

Are they realistic? How self-aware is the client? The Client Background Information Form asks important questions about the client's attitude which helps "screen" and organize this important area of information. These points can then be followed up further in the interview.

Discuss and document realistic development goals with your client.

Be aware of the need to temper and balance developmental goals with your client. At times the client may need to be encouraged beyond self-imposed limitations. At other times, realistic step-by-step measures for successful therapy will need to be introduced. By documenting your goals and objectives, you will develop a much clearer sense of direction and vision in the healing process.

Be sure to follow-up with your client.

Good case studies involve following the developmental process of the essences. Schedule at least one return visit for any cycle of essences and, if necessary, check in by telephone. A cycle of essence use is about one month in most cases, although mid-month or two-week sessions are also very effective.

This is especially important if a dramatic shift or breakthrough has occurred. After such change has "settled" a bit, one can be more certain of just what did take place. While a client may experience some initial rapid changes, be sure essence use continues, so that deeper processes have time to develop.

Make use of your records.

Do use your records when checking back with a client rather than relying on the client's memory. It is easy for the human consciousness to forget the phenomenon of pain, once it has been alleviated. Many times the essences bring improvement that is difficult to record. The practitioner needs to probe effectively to determine subtle psychological and emotional shifts which take place with essence use.

Have your client use journals whenever possible.

Strongly consider having your client keep a dream journal, or daily life journal. This will facilitate much more awareness of the client's inner transformative process, and will provide important diagnostic clues for further essence formulas.

Be wary of the client's attempt to please you with answers.

The flower essences are not a cure-all for all conditions, and yet their effects are real and substantive. By careful attention and work with the remedies, you will be able to discern the true, objective role of the flower essences.

Notice the development patterns with several essence cycles.

When using several cycles of essences for a client, make note of other developmental patterns, such as hypersensitivity to the essences, resistance to change, initial enthusiasm which wanes, mid-point crises, etc. Observe how one set of essences may bring up new issues, or change the "constellation" of issues with which the client is working.


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