
Featuring the Work of Begoña Siegrist

By Jann Garitty

Begoña Siegrist utilizes flower essence therapy in combination with aromatherapy and color therapy. Working in tandem, these three therapies augment each other, helping both the practitioner and the client.

Begoña began her work as an Aura-Soma practitioner and pursued additional training in aromatherapy, one of the components of Aura-Soma therapy. She then discovered flower essence therapy, studying the Bach and FES essences with a teacher in Mexico. Further studies brought her to California where she attended the Flower Essence Society Practitioner Training in 2005. The combination of these therapies resonated strongly for her and she has since then incorporated all three in her healing practice.

A synthesis of therapies inspires a new healing modality

Inspired by the dynamics of the therapies, and utilizing her own innate sensitivity to aromas and the emotions and feelings they stimulate, Begoña naturally began to think about combinations of color, essential oils and flower essences. She experimented with oils in her own home and allowed herself to make combinations freely, by instinct and intuition.

The first combination spray she developed utilized pure rose essential oil which she associated with the color pink (for unconditional love, feminine acceptance, compassion and liberation). She incorporated into it other essential oils and Mariposa Lily (for healing the mother archetype and creating a bond with it) and Shasta Daisy (to reintegrate the emotions and get the feeling of wholeness of oneself) flower essences. When sprayed in her clients’ auras, this formula immediately evoked feelings of love, comfort, emotional security, and warmth, hence she called it Abrazo or “Hug.” Begoña began using it with more of her colleagues and clients, and it was received with much enthusiasm—as were the subsequent six sprays she developed. She found that the spray formulas were a good compliment to the therapy she provided.

Mariposa Lily
Shasta Daisy

A natural therapy for children

Begoña works quite often with children; “It’s a natural therapy, it will not change a child’s personality but guides it toward positive development. It works so well; the personality remains alive, but fears and anxieties transform toward the positive.” She finds that children heal very quickly. Subsequently, she begins working with their mothers who generally have deeper issues to address. Next, the fathers often join in on the therapy and even entire families at times. Begoña notes that often times children are a reflection of their parents; once the parents become well, the children are also well. Read Begoña’s narrative regarding the case of JP , a boy who has been transformed as a result of using flower essences and Begoña’s spray formulas.

A look at the healing sprays

Begoña’s experience has shown that all of the sprays give the sensation of releasing a burden or problem for those who use them; they foster positive sensations. Perhaps one’s life may not actually change, but rather their attitudes in regard to problems change. Following are brief case descriptions or uses of each of the sprays that Begoña developed.

EL ABRAZO “Hug” Pink Spray

As described above, this particular spray has the flower essences Mariposa Lily and Shasta Daisy and Geranium, pure Rose and Ylang-Ylang essential oils, and pink vegetable color.

Case 1

Emilio is addicted to alcohol and drugs, his father admitted him to a detoxification clinic. The place seems like a jail, and the patients are treated like criminals. Emilio's sister gave him the Pink Spray and asked him to use it several times a day. After a few weeks, the sister came back to visit him and he said that the aroma of this spray was his only comfort in that horrible place. He felt “warmth” when using it.

Case 2

The same Pink Spray was applied to a dog that was left alone for most of the day. His owner had to work all day long and did not come back until late in the evenings. She started to spray the dog every time she came back from work and then also started to spray him before leaving. The first thing she noticed was that the dog didn’t mind being sprayed, but seemed to enjoy it. She also noticed that before using the spray, the dog seemed very anxious and sad and after using it, he seemed very happy and secure.

GIRO “Turn” Green Spray

This spray contains flower essences of Fairy Lantern (to stop child-like behavior and obtain a more mature attitude toward life), Filaree (to stop obsessive worry and compulsion to focus on small issues and make them larger) and White Chestnut ( to stop mind confusion). Lemongrass, Cypress and Ginger essential oils were added to wake up the mind and feel alert and fresh. The bright green vegetable color helps to make decisions from the heart, to heal and re-generate on all levels. This spray is intended to help people become more mature, to see things from a new and bigger perspective, and to help with stress and compulsive thinking.

One situation in which this spray was used involved a Reiki and regression therapist that works full time with clients having severe emotional problems. Sometimes, after listening to so many problems he was affected by them. He reports that after using the Green Spray during the evening or after his sessions, his problems seem to be very small and manageable. He describes it as “taking a shower that cleans your energy and suddenly nothing seems so difficult to solve.”

APOYO “Support” Blue Spray

This spray contains flower essences of Baby Blue Eyes (for trust, support and love) and Sunflower (for a healthy sense of individuality, and self esteem) and Sandalwood, Cedarwood and Orange essential oils and blue vegetable color (which represents authority, protection, action and a good father archetype). After using it most people feel support and find it easier to start doing actions, also they reported to focus better on things. I called this spray “Support.”

Case 1 

This spray was used by a child that was too hard on himself. His mother said the father was too severe with him and that the boy seemed to believe that nothing that he did was good enough for his father. Also, ever since he was a baby, this child never let anyone hug him and he never showed physical affection with anyone. After several weeks of using the Blue Spray, the boy started to be very confident at school, he did not get too emotional if things went wrong for him. The most amazing thing was that he started telling his mother that he loved her and started hugging her and letting himself being hugged. Even the father changed his attitude because the boy did not try to fight him back and seemed not so much emotionally involved; their relationship improved very much.

GOZO “Joy” Yellow Spray

It contains flower essences of Pine (to deal with guilt feelings, for self-forgiveness and freedom) and Zinnia (to be able to laugh again and to recover a sense of humor). Bergamot, Lemon, Patchouli, Cypress and Rosemary essential oils were added because they are cheerful and awakening aromas. The color yellow is related to happiness, laughter, a clear mind, and cessation of fear.

I wanted something that helped people feel light and happy. With my clients, I noticed that guilt was one of the major obstacles for them to feel better. When I have a client who has feelings of depression or guilt I give them the Yellow Spray.

I met with a client who was taking a formula of sea essences and suddenly felt extremely depressed. She said that the only thing she wanted was to die. I gave her the Yellow Spray. After a week, she reported a feeling of lightness and even had periods of good moods and laughter.

ACEPTACION “Acceptance” Orange Spray

This spray contains flower essences of Rosemary (for a warm physical presence) and Manzanita (for joyous embodiment). Ylang-Ylang , Cedarwood , and Sandalwood essential oils were selected for their warm and sensual aromas along with the awakening aromas of Lemongrass and Peppermint . The color orange works with the feeling of self-worth and sensual pleasure.

This spray is meant for clients who have issues with their own bodies and self-acceptance in general. This is given to people who do not feel comfortable in their bodies such as people with eating disorders or children that hate themselves because they cannot move as fast as they wish they could, are not as athletic as others or for those who are rejected because of their physical appearance.

EL CIELO “Heaven” Violet Spray

El Cielo contains flower essences of Tansy , Trumpet Vine , Pomegranate , Quaking Grass , (all for helping to get into action with new creativity and healthy social interactions), Angelica (for a sense of spiritual protection), Joshua Tree (to get rid of old family patterns) and Bleeding Heart (for healing the heart). The essential oils in the spray are Lavender , Ylang-Ylang , Palmarosa , Patchouli , Thyme , Mint , Ginger , Sandalwood , Basil and Angelica . The color violet is mind-soothing and is the color for spiritual transformation, spiritual connection, and heaven coming to earth.

I did something unusual when developing this spray: I selected each ingredient with kinesiology and this beautiful formula of 10 essential oils and 9 flower essences came up. The formula has a strong and calming effect. This formula is the favorite of my clients and very small children love it and become very calm after using it.

LA TIERRA “Earth” Red Spray

It contains flower essences of Hibiscus (for warmth and passion in sexuality), Rosemary (for warm body presence) and Hound’s Tongue (to decrease a materialistic attitude toward life and increase spirituality at this level). A powerful, hot aroma was added with a mixture of Cinnamon , Sandalwood , Marjoram , Rosemary , Rose and Ginger essential oils. The color red works well for survival issues, sexual matters and spiritual renewal.

Red Spray allows people to work with issues such as money concerns, sexual problems and connection to the earth.

About Begoña Siegrist:

Begoña Paula Siegrist is a graduate of New York University. She has a M.A. in Graphic Communication (1998). After graduating, she became a website freelance designer. In the year 2001, she started creating the website for the Aura-Soma Center in Mexico City and became very interested in learning about the healing power of color and essential oils. By 2003, she graduated as an advanced Aura-Soma therapist and began giving consultations. She also studied Bach flower essences and the California essences at “ Florescencias Center ” in Mexico City. In July 2005, she traveled to California to take the FES Practitioner Training. Currently, Begoña combines flower essence and Aura-Soma therapies in her practice. She leads California flower essence study groups in Mexico City, and has also created her own products by mixing vegetal colors, FES flower essences and essential oils.

Write to Begoña

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