
Practitioner Profile: Dr. Aaron Anderson
by Jann Garitty, FES Staff

Read about one of Dr. Anderson's clients here.

The ultimate gift of flower essences is their capacity to ignite consciousness and awaken each individual in their spiritual path.

Dr. Aaron Anderson has studied and worked with vibrational remedies and flower essences for 32 years. He has two distinct practices: during the day he works with clients at the Anderson Chiropractic Center in Redding, California, and during evening hours, he conducts a healing service via telephone with clients worldwide.

Dr. Anderson's interest in vibrational healing came early in life. By age 19, he devoted 2-3 hours each day studying homeopathy. During this time, he met with a South African homeopath who had been in practice for 47 years. He was given a bottle of Mustard flower essence, and was astonished with the effect. Since that time he has had a "love affair" with flower essence therapy.

Dr. Anderson works from a soul-level healing paradigm, including all "life issues, not just the subset of health." Thirty years ago, he began giving flower essences to family and friends and since 1984, he has used flower essences on a daily basis in his chiropractic profession. Nine years ago, he founded his Illuminations service to assist those seeking enhanced spiritual development. Dr. Anderson believes that the ultimate gift of flower essences is their capacity to ignite consciousness and awaken each individual to their spiritual path.

As a result of his many years of study and practice, Dr. Anderson is currently writing a book on prescribing flower essences. He outlines his own personal methodology for developmental consciousness, while at the same time honoring Dr. Bach's paradigm of simplicity.

Listening for "Key Notes" and Unspoken Context

In his chiropractic practice, flower essences are used as a practical healing technique. He listens for "key notes" as well as the unspoken context, as his patients converse with him. For example, a client may talk about stress, nervous exhaustion, over-exertion and a generally tense life—key notes that point to Vervain flower essence. The benefits may be physical as well as soulful—for example, Vervain can be helpful for a client who tends to strain when bending or in other physical exertion, due to their intense approach to life.

Generally, however, Dr. Anderson uses homeopathic remedies for physical conditions. Although flower essences can be used to ameliorate physical conditions, Dr. Anderson believes that the highest use of flower essences is to foster self-realization and spiritual enlightenment. "Although good health is important, it's ultimately not why we came to Earth. We are here to know the Self. Using flower essences to treat physical symptoms is like driving a Lamborghini to the grocery store."

Flower Essences: The Most Powerful Modality for Spiritual Growth

Dr. Anderson's Illumination practice emphasizes flower essences combined with methods for developing spiritual awareness and meditation. He finds flower essences to be one of the most powerful modalities to accelerate conscious awakening.

Some clients have been practicing meditation for many years and have reached a point of stagnation. By using transformative techniques that illumine the brain and subtle body structures alongside flower essences, there can be dramatic opening. "A well-prescribed year of flower essences equals ten years of spiritual growth without them. Flower essences coupled with spiritual exercises are less methodical but more transformational and speed up the process."

Dr. Anderson does not subscribe to a particular religious belief or dogma, instead his work emphasizes conscious choices and an examination of one's belief system. He encourages clients to make decisions that are life-affirmative. Each one of these positive choices takes on a luminous quality in the soul and becomes part of a mosaic, a multi-dimensional divine picture.

Dr. Anderson requires three fundamental commitments from his Illumination clients:

1) Take the flower essences as prescribed
"I make one guarantee: if you don't take the remedies, they absolutely don't work." Flower essences work on all levels of consciousness. In the beginning, one sees only partially the effects of the remedies. It takes three months to a year for people to really begin seeing their impact, and by that time, their lives have significantly changed. The goal is to keep consciousness anchored and awake in the spiritual body regardless of life experience. True mastery requires development on all planes of existence—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The more mastery we have, the easier it is to live consciously awakened through all life experience.

2) Show up for consultations every eight weeks, and do the processes required during the interim

3) Commit to a two year in-depth process of development
This is the amount of time usually necessary to clear out and master the emotional and mental body, and to ignite higher levels of consciousness.

During the initial session, Dr. Anderson conducts a client history and determines the core remedy patterns for each individual. These patterns evolve in depth and complexity during future consultations. Dr. Anderson's research points to five basic flower essence states that need initial consideration for every client:

Holly — fundamental emotional purification

Wild Oat — awakening the soul to right livelihood and purpose

The Constitutional Remedy determined by childhood and cultural history, body type, and basic responses to life situations

The Situational Remedy "key notes" which present themselves when the current life situation is described

Rescue Remedy/Five-Flower Formula for basic emotional stabilization


After these basic states of consciousness are harmonized, other flower essences and vibrational remedies are added. Each client engages in a transformative process by learning how to make quality decisions. The path moves them forward incrementally and requires consistent focus. "The truth about enlightenment techniques is that most are easy; the challenge is discipline," notes Dr. Anderson.

Read more about one of Dr. Anderson's clients here .

Contact information for Illumination Consultations:
530-396-2788 (via Dr. Anderson's wife)

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