
Using Impatiens Flower Essence for Pain Relief:

Case Reports from Two Practitioners

Gayle Eversole

While studying the writings of Dr. Bach, I discovered his reference to using Impatiens in place of morphine to treat pain. Dr. Bach first identified the healing properties of the pale mauve flowers of Impatiens in 1928. Made by the sun method, it treats the emotional state of irritation, tension, and pain. Writing in 1933, he described its "power to heal" and ability to "rob disease of its powers." Impatiens was featured in Bach's list of Twelve Indications as the fifth indication, for pain.*

Coming from a medical background, it was initially difficult for me to accept these indications. After all, I had worked in emergency care and had been the coordinator for a burn center and the critical-care units at a large metropolitan hospital for quite a number of years. My medical side is my logical side, while my natural healing views are spiritually oriented.  In this case, the medical side won out. I said to myself, I am not just taking Dr. Bach's experience as gospel; I am going to prove it!

I had a client at that time with a pain problem. She was in her late 70s, and had been bitten a few years earlier by a Hobo spider. When I met her, she had a wound about the size of a silver dollar on her lower left leg. It was covered with a thick scab, and it was obvious that the circulation in this area was impaired. This part of her leg was dark red from lack of lymph circulation.

I planned a treatment approach and discussed it with the client. At first I made up an herbal remedy to help the wound heal. I also used hydrotherapy, nutritional supplements, and an herbal tincture that I mixed into Self-Heal Cream.

After the first week, she told me she felt much better. The wound seemed to be clearing out, and the tissue showed signs of healing. Some time went by, and it seemed as if the deep wound was almost healed when my client told me she was experiencing a lot of pain. I thought this through carefully and decided to remix the proportions of the herbal tincture I made for her.

This would be a perfect opportunity to test Dr. Bach's indication for Impatiens, I thought, and I added this essence to the herbal tincture. I also mixed a dosage bottle of Impatiens so that I could have my client use it "as often as every five minutes," according to Dr. Bach's writings. She had a prescription from her doctor for morphine, but I asked her not to use it unless it was absolutely necessary. I explained that she could use Impatiens frequently, and that it would complement the herbal tincture that she would take five times each day.

She called me three days later and told me how well the "little bottle" was working for her. She had experienced minimal pain since starting it. She expressed that this made her feel better, because she did not wish to constantly take the morphine, as she had been doing.

Unfortunately, about two years later she developed a recurrence of a previous health problem. She went to the hospital for some tests, and although the doctors were quite amazed at her high level of health, they found that she would require an amputation.

After her surgery, she began to experience phantom pain. I made an herbal tincture for her that helped dramatically. Then one day she phoned, asking me to bring her another "little bottle."

She told me she did not know how I made the water in that bottle help her so much, but that she was certainly happy that I could relieve her pain for her so effectively.

* "Twelve Healers," printed at Epsom, 1933. This article probably appeared in The Naturopathic Journal, according to Julian Barnard, Editor, Collected Writings of Edward Bach, p. 77.

Gayle Eversole   has a medical background in a variety of capacities, including as a nurse practitioner, intensive care nurse, nurse manager, hospital administrator, and hospital consultant, as well as working with design administration, nursing management, and staffing in hospitals. She is the founder of NorthCreek (a store offering "whole herbs for whole people" and related wellness products since 1988) and is Director of Creating Health Institute, an educational and clinical tax-exempt, nonprofit (501c3) organization. She is a practitioner and lifelong student of natural healing, and has been studying and using natural healing and natural health systems since the age of 12.  

Read an    interview with Gayle  .

Mimi Ellison

Impatiens flower essence is well known for helping states of consciousness characterized by lack of patience. Dramatic results can also be obtained in cases of severe pain as originally indicated by Dr. Edward Bach. I decided to test this indication, and have found that this flower essence has very good results for pain management. The following are two brief cases that serve as examples of my insights (names have been changed to protect privacy).

Osteoporosis with Fractured Vertebrae

Carole was a 72-year-old client suffering from severe osteoporosis, with vertebrae recently fractured in the lower spine. When this normally vibrant woman called, she was experiencing stupor from medical drugs and depression, with unmanaged pain levels. I mixed her a tincture of RESCUE REMEDY (emergency formula for de-stressing all situations) and IMPATIENS. I suggested a typical dosage of six drops by mouth every few minutes until a shift occurred. However, she took these essences only four times a day, and by the end of that very day she was off all prescription pain medications. She continued taking the formula in this manner through one refill, then handed the bottle back.

Alleviating Sinus Pain

Diane consulted me soon after surgery for her sinus cavities, performed through the mouth. She was absolutely stiff with acute pain. Diane was an advocate of complimentary medicine and was open to the flower essences, though she had no prior experience with them. I immediately administered several drops straight from the stock bottle, placing them on Diane's tongue. I then blended six drops of IMPATIENS flower essence into a 10-oz. bottle of spring water, along with six drops of RESCUE REMEDY. I had her sip this formula approximately every 30 seconds. After five minutes, I inquired about her pain. She slowly surveyed her condition, turning her head. She pronounced that all the pain had left! She was so surprised.

I added further essences to her formula for ongoing support, not only for pain but also for the residual effects of medical drugs and anesthesia.

Pain Management for Animals

While the above two cases involve human clients, I would also like to add a general recommendation regarding animal care. Whenever I work with a horse that has had an injury or chronic pain issues, I add IMPATIENS to the formula.

I hope that this information reinforces the depth of relief that may be achieved by employing these inexpensive, easy-to-use, nonprescription formulas.

Mimi Ellison is a practitioner who utilizes Healing Touch Therapy, Reiki, acupressure, reflexology, aromatherapy, orthobronomy, Shiatsu, BioScan Light Therapy, homeopathy, and flower essence therapy. She works with both people and animals. Mimi has extensive experience working with horses.  

This article originally appeared in Equisense, a publication of the Pennsylvania Arabian Horse Association. Reprinted by permission of the author, Mimi Ellison.

Read Julian Barnard's profile of the Impatiens plant and remedy.

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