
Interview with a Holistic Practitioner

Gayle Eversole:
Sharing a Lifetime of Learning

by Jann Garitty
FES Staff

Learn more about Gayle Eversole

Gayle Eversole believes "natural healing belongs to people, not to organizations."

Gayle Eversole believes "natural healing belongs to people, not to organizations". Toward that end, Gayle has taken on the role of an "educator": she teaches courses through the community college on natural healing, and has taught in Washington state, and around the country. She teaches a class every year on the medicinal uses of wildflowers. At times, in the past, this class has been based on the Flower Essence Repertory, and the participants learned how to make flower essences.

In addition, along the lines of her interest in educating others, Gayle has worked with Rodale Press on six books, and has written a couple herself, one entitled My Happy Garden.

Gayle had known of flower essences for many years, and she then started to include more in her own work and life. She uses them often with clients.

                                                           Gayle Eversole

Gayle uses Five-Flower Formula for herself and others, especially for any traumatic experience.

The "Emergency Formula"—Five-Flower Formula

Gayle uses Five-Flower Formula for herself and others, especially for any traumatic experience. She has given it to fellow townspeople during a recent community tragedy, and friends who have lost their pets. One woman came into her shop who had just witnessed a head-on collision, she gave it to her so she would feel calm enough to travel back home again.

Another time, she gave it to a woman, an owner of horses, who was relocating, and told her to take it, and also to give it to her animals and plants. She didn't see the woman until about six weeks later, and the woman said, "I don't know what it was you gave me, but it helped everything."

Five-Flower Formula has been effective along with Reiki in Gayle's work with dying patients, and the combination makes it much more peaceful for them. She wishes she'd had it back when she worked in ICUs in the 70s.

Impatiens is a flower essence Gayle uses with people in excruciating pain, from chronic illnesses such as cancer, chronic back injury, and nerve damage.

A Flower Essence for Chronic Pain


Impatiens is a flower essence Gayle uses with people in excruciating pain, from chronic illnesses such as cancer, chronic back injury, and nerve damage. She recommends four drops from a dosage bottle every 15 minutes, or as needed, as often as every 5-10 minutes. Dr. Bach reportedly used Impatiens in place of morphine, the key being the frequency of dosage. It is necessary to keep taking it until there's a shift in the energy, and then the frequency of the dosage declines.

Yarrow Environmental Solution is designated by Gayle as a "life-saver."

The Formula for Exposure to Radiation and Environmental Toxics


Yarrow Environmental Solution is designated by Gayle as "a life saver." She uses it for exposure to diesel exhaust fumes. She lives in a small town, and the pollution from gravel trucks is phenomenal: 1000 trips a day are made on the one main road through her small town of 2000 people. She says, on some days, if she didn't have YES she couldn't walk the two blocks between her shop and the post office. She also had an intense exposure to diesel fumes, and took YES for the toxic effects, using an ounce bottle over the course of 4-5 weeks. She now carries it with her whenever she travels.

Gayle recommended it for a former client, a school bus driver, who now uses it constantly for her exposure to diesel fumes on the job, and it helps her tremendously. Normally, poison from diesel fumes takes a long time to get out of the physical system. The main symptom of the exposure is congestion; the natural response of the body trying to clear it out. YES acts quickly, one dose, and it begins to clear out immediately.

Gayle points out that YES is an extremely important essence for cell phone users in today's hectic world. Further, she speculates that one of the main reasons why YES is so effective is because of the sea salt component in its formula.

Gayle developed an oil using St. John's Wort, Self-Heal flower essence, and other medicinal oils, for treating fibromyalgia.

A Massage Oil for Fibromyalgia


An oil for a massage therapist which included St. John's Wort, Self-Heal , along with other medicinal oils, was developed by Gayle for treating fibromyalgia*. It is called "Charlene's Oil" for the therapist it was developed for. Some women with fibromyalgia, who were treated with this oil, were monitored by medical doctors who were amazed by the changes in these women; one or two no longer have the condition, and others were greatly improved.

*Fibromyalgia or FMS (fibromyalgia syndrome) is a widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue disorder for which the cause is still unknown. Fibromyalgia means pain in the muscles, ligaments and tendons--the fibrous tissues in the body. FMS used to be called fibrositis, implying that there was inflammation in the muscles, but research later proved that inflammation did not exist.

Most patients with fibromyalgia say that they ache all over. Their muscles may feel like they have been pulled or overworked. Sometimes the muscles twitch and at other times they burn. More women than men are afflicted with fibromyalgia, but it shows up in people of all ages. —Fibromyalgia Network

Gayle has experience using flower essences with animals as well.

Animals and Flower Essences: A Success Story

                                               Belle; flower essences have
                                               helped her recover from her
                                               difficult life experiences

Gayle has experience using flower essences with animals as well. She "adopted" a Golden Retriever from friends who couldn't keep it any longer. At the time, the dog was six-months old and was on her fourth "home". Her behavior was "crazy"; very unlike most other dogs of that particular breed. She spoke with an animal communicator to get some insight on the puppy's history: "Belle" had come from a "puppy mill" and at two months had somehow escaped the situation, only to be found and put in the animal shelter. She was given no care as a baby dog—who knows what actually happened with her—and she learned negative behavior from the other animals, and people, at the animal shelter. She growled, bit, snarled, and was afraid to ride in the back of Gayle's truck.

Initially Star of Bethlehem, Holly, Vervain, Snapdragon (for the biting) and Mimulus (fear/abandonment) were used with Belle. Gayle also gave an essence to her cat, Jasper (Vine, for being picked on). Now they're all—Gayle, Belle and Jasper—just using Cosmos (communication). Belle no longer bites, gets along better with Jasper, and is learning proper behavior. "We've come a long way."


Gayle feels that flower essences are truly remarkable, and definitely have a role in physical healing. She believes, in order to heal, a person needs to get to the core issues and accept the emotional and spiritual aspects. Without that, a person will never heal. Flower essences work on the tough issues.

Gayle says the knowledge of flower essences touches one person at a time, and when a person sees that their life is different as a result of using flower essences, then in turn, they're more apt to help another person.

About Gayle Eversole

Gayle Eversole has a medical background in a variety of capacities: as a nurse practitioner, intensive care nurse, nurse manager, hospital administrator, and hospital consultant in a variety of areas; design administration, nursing management, and staffing in hospitals. She is founder of NorthCreek (a store offering "whole herbs for whole people", and related wellness products, since 1988), and Director of Creating Health Institute, an educational and clinical tax-exempt, non-profit (501c3) organization. She is a practitioner and life-long student of natural healing, and has been studying, and using, natural healing and natural health systems since age twelve.

Affiliations and certifications:
• Master Herbalist (MH) and professional member of the American Herbalists Guild (AHG)
• Medical Advisory Board member — Keep Hope Alive
• Board Member — Parents of Fluoride-Poisoned Children
• Nursing Practitioner since 1969. Health practitioner, educator, administrator, consultant, and wholistic counselor.
• Certified mediator (since 1982) and certified registered arbitrator
• Usui Reiki Master and Certified Kahuna Energy Healer
• PhD in theology and counseling, and ordained minister

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