
Part 2

Señora Charo

Age 51 years, has 6 children, many worries regarding money, her husband has no work and doesn't live with her or help her in any way. She has tension headaches, low self-esteem, her shoulders are tense and she cries often. Sra. Charo is an extremely talented knitter, seamstress and teacher. She is always at the beck and call of her family, has no personal boundaries, and needs a lot of reassurance from Julio and Lucy, the Directors of the Q'ewar Project.

Flower essences used

Angelica – to be aware of “help from above,” to feel she is not alone

Sage – for greater contact with the wisdom she does have, making sense of her life

Yarrow (then Pink Yarrow the second month) – for boundaries and knowing when to say "no"

Lavender – for calming nerves, to be less open to all the negative energy at home


After the first month she said she didn't cry anymore, wasn't pining after her husband, felt more able to cope and could say "no" to her children. In the past, she always cried a lot about her problems, this time she said she was a new person! I gave her the Pink Yarrow, plus the other flowers for a second month to consolidate her healing. After the second month, she felt like a new woman! It was a very dramatic case from my point of view.

I had composed an affirmation for her and she used it faithfully when taking the drops twice a day, 4 drops under the tongue.

She has subsequently had other formulas and responds well.

Señorita Jesusa

27 years old, has an incurable disfiguring disease which started at puberty, comprised of tumors in the brain, hip and jaw. She has six siblings, their mother is dead, and the father is alcoholic and blind. Four siblings, the father and Jesusa live together in a dwelling without electricity or a bathroom. Jesusa feels responsible for her younger siblings as though she was their mother. However, they don't listen to her, and she stays awake and cries every night. She never receives love or affection from any family member. Jesusa feels nervous all the time, never talks amongst strangers, feels very timid and lacks courage in her life.

Flower essences used

Angelica - for comfort and connection to her Angel

Penstemon - to help to accept her chronic disability and to see a larger picture

Oak - to know what her responsibilities actually are and not to try to strive for more than she is able to carry out

Red Chestnut - to help her calm the obsessive fears for her siblings and the anticipation of problems in her life


Speedy and healing;  Jesusa stopped crying at night, slept much better and felt more calm about her siblings. She told me one night her father couldn't sleep so she gave him some of her flower drops. She said he went right to sleep; he thought it was like a miracle! It made her SO VERY happy that she could help her father.

Even though Jesusa could not read or write, I composed an affirmation which she said her brother could read aloud for her and she could then memorize it. She used it faithfully when taking the drops twice a day, 4 drops under the tongue.

This was a remedy I gave her in 2005 and she has grown into a confident and trusting woman at the Project. She talks amongst her fellow workers and is very adept at the simple work she is given. She takes pride in her work, is learning her letters and does VERY well in adding and subtracting now! She is keen to learn and is not shy anymore. Jesusa is a lovely person and sees Julio and Lucy as the loving father and mother she never had.

Señora Jesusa V .—

Aged 35 years. From 3 years of age, her father when angry or drunk would hit her in the head. In later years, she was examined by a doctor who said she suffered from a head trauma. She cannot read or write, could never cope with school and still has headaches if she has to concentrate. Her alcoholic father died approximately 12 years ago. She is very angry with her father for his abuse and neglect of the family.  Her mother still cries about how they never had enough food to eat, etc.

This woman has a REALLY angry look – “fit to kill.”  She LOOKS mean and appears to relish her anger. Nevertheless, she came to me to ask for some kind of help in her life.

Flower essences used

Willow - for her anger

Baby Blue Eyes - for a reconciliation with her father's abuse

Sunflower - another "father healer," and for low self-esteem and feelings of shame because she cannot read or write


After one month, I sat before a woman who was ALL SMILES! She said, "It's like another life, nothing like before!" She immediately told me she had no more pain in her heart (she hadn’t told me about that) and doesn't think about her father much anymore or cry about him. It was quite an extraordinary change in her. I used the same formula a second month to strengthen the changes in her.

Dosage - 4 drops under the tongue twice a day upon awakening and retiring.

Señora Mayca

Aged 25 years and has many fears about feeling timid and unsure of herself outside her family. She said that when she was a little girl she was much more timid. She has no girlfriends with which to share her life. Mayca wants to feel more strength in her natural abilities.

Flower essences used

Buttercup – for greater feelings of self-esteem and worth

Larch - for her lack of confidence, for feeling she can cope as a leader in the Q'ewar childcare group

Mimulus – for timidity and fears in daily life

Zinnia - to learn to be more "child like," to let go, have fun, smile and not to take life so seriously

Giving her this formula and showing her the photos of the flowers, Mayca chose the affirmation for the Zinnia flower (this was by only looking at the flower, not choosing the affirmation).


A couple of weeks later, Mayca talked to me saying that she felt nothing for the first week or so, she had some weeping spells, then began to feel more peaceful going to sleep. She said she memorized the affirmation and uses it during the day. Overall, she feels better.

Later we talked again and she said she now has many dreams and is sleeping more profoundly. She had many questions about her dreams, how to be protected, etc., but said that she is not troubled by this increase in dreams.

As to her initial problems, she said little. I felt this was a successful formula because it opened her up to some new dimensions, more peace in her soul and more profound sleep. Mayca is very perceptive and with continued work she could, I believe, resolve these issues of inferiority/timidity.

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