
Rock Rose

Editor’s note: The following two case studies by Iolanda Sarri were submitted for the FES certification program as administered by the GAIA centre in Barcelona, led by Ricardo Mateos and Begoña Arias. The texts have been edited for web presentation.

Introduction by Iolanda to her general methods of working with clients

VAE: From pessimism and doubt to more self-assurance and confidence
An overview of the VAE’s soul development—

Instilling more certainty

Awareness of fears, living in the present and manifesting intentions

MMR: developing self-esteem, committing to personal growth
and alleviation of physical problems

Physical symptoms lead her to therapy which uncovers emotional pain

An overview of the MMR’s soul development—
Recovering health, energy and positivity

Awareness of emotions and improvement in vision
Self-realization and moving forward

Iolanda Sarri

Introduction by Iolanda to her general methods of working with clients

Selecting and working with the essences

After taking the FES course at the GAIA center in Barcelona and reading additional textbooks, I have been able to match the potential healing aspects of the essences with my clients’ global conditions. In addition, I sometimes use radiesthesia and intuition about which remedies to use because the name of the essence comes to me during a Reiki or meditative session.

I do not actually meditate per se with the patients, but since I usually have a reiki session with them or do some reconnective healing with flower essences, most of them enter into an altered state of awareness. At other times, I have them chant mantras related to the main chakras for a short period of time. The vibrations may also help them to attain a state of awareness that may possibly be altered.

The interview with the patient already provides me with considerable information, though at times, during the final reiki sessions, other essences I may not have considered at the start sometimes pop into my mind. In other cases, when I show the patients images of flowers, they help me to clarify the information. After taking into account the specific features of each essence, and the sources described, which may vary from one session to another, I usually confirm the selection using a pendulum.

In general, I prescribe 4 or 5 drops, four or five times a day depending on the patient’s response. During the first session, I give some advice on how to use the essences, by means of which I try to create an awareness in the client concerning their dosage as well as other factors that should be taken into consideration, such as trying to have more contact with nature, earth, or looking towards the sky whenever it is possible. When the patient has been acquainted with the essences for some time, I tell him/her to listen to his/her body to know when it needs them.

Prayerful formulation

Preparation of the flower essence blends or skin creams with flower essences is performed by me at home before a "little altar" with a meditative attitude and acting as a reiki channel. I also ask the flower essences to help the client in the global healing process.

My altar is placed in a quiet part of the office which, according to the “bagua map,” corresponds to the fame and reputation area, close to the love and marriage area. Geopathic stress and the various types of electromagnetic waves have been corrected in this space, as in the rest of the office and private rooms. The altar, which is placed on a buffet, has various interfaith symbols, as well as some earth elements such as volcanic stones from Iceland, fossils from my native land and quartz crystals. To prepare the bottles for the flower essences, I first "sterilize" the bottle and dropper with some good brandy, away from the altar. Afterwards, I add the water, brandy and drops of the different flower essences selected, in standard proportions, at the altar, with my mind in silence, imploring help from the flower essences so that they work properly for the patient. Sometimes I apply reiki symbols to the bottle which I place in the hands of the Buddha statue on my altar, while I finish talking with the patient.

When making creams I usually prepare them in the same place, using a Lotus cream base, and following the FES recommendations for the process of mixing the ingredients. I use them in cases where there is some type of dermatological problem (eczema, scars, cellulitis, itching, etc.).

Using visualization

Every time I formulate flower essence combinations, pictures of these flowers are shown to my patients. The session is complemented with some advice and exercises using visualization and detachment from the mental energy caused by the focus of pain. At other times, if additional allopathic advice needs to be provided, it is given on request of the patient. Generally, therapeutic sessions with the essences are accompanied by a reiki session, in which I apply the essences to my hands or the client’s chakras, for at least 20 minutes.

The visualization exercises I currently recommend more and more often are related to the healing powers of light and the use of key phrases such as, "Light and divine healing for all of the cells in my body and my whole being." At other times, I recommend visualizing the area affected, when there is a specific physical problem, trying to work the cells or tissue that are involved in the affliction, bringing out the emotion, grateful for the information they provide, learning from the message and sending it away "for a holiday."

Sometimes, I use standard visualization exercises, but as I receive updated information which I consider can be valuable to the patient, we add it. Among the standard exercises, for example, I might use one for coping with pain, thus reducing the attention and energy directed to the body area affected and the area of the brain that deals with the pain. I recommend the following: 1) have the patient visualize the pain in the shape and color that they prefer, 2) lock it up in a box, 3) go to place they like, 4) place the box in a balloon, 5) cut the balloon's moorings and 6) watch how it rises and becomes smaller, while at the same time the person moves away gradually from that place they know so well.

In the first session, and sometimes in some of the following ones, I explain to the patients how we can shape our brains and create new nerve pathways to the extent that we change thoughts, beliefs, habits, attitudes and emotions. What I'm attempting to do is to provide the patients with the instruments for change and empowerment, if they will so allow. Flower essences are basic life and change instruments, as is visualization, and when it is necessary, the vibration of specific mantras related to each chakra or the adequate use of language. Sometimes I turn to flower cards, angels cards, the I Ching, the Enneagram, Goddess Archetypes or anthropological information, reading of self-help books, in addition to basic medical and culinary information that can be therapeutic.

No matter with what other resources I provide the patients, they are always grounded in the flower essences. I recommend direct use of essences to be taken orally, to be applied topically or to the hands for reiki positions, or to reflex points, as well as their use indirectly when I use homeopathy based on the enneagram or the archetypes that also correlate to various essences.

In the case of VAE (below), she also had seven acupuncture sessions [with my husband, Dr. Ramon Ravella] and sometimes auriculotherapy and homeopathy. I think that basically in her case, reiki and acupuncture were good adjunct therapies. I also used applications of the FES Seasons of the Soul oils (Benediction oil and Saint John’s Shield) which helped her very much in the sessions as well as taking Rescue Remedy/Five-Flower Formula from time to time.

I use the Seasons of the Soul oils when they are indicated; I apply them to the main chakras for which their use is recommended or to a specific part of the body if so required during a reiki session. In VAE's case I considered their use to be important because she was predisposed to aromatherapy and because they were very positive to radiesthesia.

In addition, books about personal and spiritual growth have been suggested to her, and her applications to some of the universities (NY, Los Angeles) have been reviewed and improved.

MMR had also about eleven acupuncture sessions and sometimes auriculotherapy. And in this case also, reiki and acupuncture were good complementary therapies. Following my advice, MMR went to a visual therapy clinic for more than half a year, almost weekly, where she carried out some exercises with very satisfactory results. In addition, books about personal growth were suggested to her, her résumé was improved and corrected, and addresses for companies to which she might send it were provided to her.

VAE: From pessimism and doubt to more self-assurance and confidence

VAE is a dark-haired, slim young twenty-something, sensitive to cold, and, as befits her Aquarian nature, she loves freedom, doesn't seek to take advantage of her femininity and dresses in dull colored, rather worn clothes. She wishes to experience all sorts of realities and is terribly afraid of making mistakes in her choices and shows a tremendous desire to learn, raising her finger to ask questions at every session. She likes to describe the experience as "radical," "brutal" or "ecstatic," expressed in a faint and restrained voice that sounds as though she can hardly get it out of her throat. She not only swallows her voice but also her burps, perhaps to compensate for the heated discussions she has with her father. VAE is a sharp observer who picks reality apart in order to create stories; this leads to fragmentation of her inner and outer worlds. Intelligent, educated, hesitating, with fluctuating humor, dramatic, restless, perfectionist, demanding, with low self-esteem, pessimistic, bad-tempered, misunderstood, quite solitary, sensitive to people and surroundings, full of doubts and fear, she controls even my slightest movements both visually and verbally.

VAE has a brother with whom she rarely speaks, one senses the relationship is not good, but to whom she compares herself as he is exempt from doing anything in the way of housework and she demands of her mother equal treatment.

The relationship with the father is quite a bit more clear from the beginning; he is a figure with whom she clashes at nearly every meal, he sets off her feeling of rebelliousness, her intellectualness, her desire for self-sufficiency and she is aware of feeling that she is not being listened to; sometimes she feels mistreated and that drains her. He appears to be a hard man, critical, tactless, loud-voiced, disappointed, disillusioned, resentful and sure of always being right.

She wants more light at home, not only in the family environment that makes her feel hopeless, negative, frustrated and complex, but also in her bedroom. On the other hand, her parents would like her to put on 10 or 12 lbs. because, as her father says, she is “skinny,” without realizing that the reason for that is because they have disagreements at every meal although she later confesses to not liking the way her mother cooks.

She has come to see me in part due to her father’s intervention and in part voluntarily, as she is in an inner state of great anxiety. All is “black” at home and there is little light, and she is in a frenzy of mental activity, judgmental and obsessive, with little contact with the here and now. Her father, toward whom she has intense feelings of shame and rejection, appears to be worried about her weight.

She remembers experiences that she has had abroad and recalls the magic of the incidents and how easy it was to feel good.

She is at a key moment for redefining her immediate professional future which could lead to radical change in her life, entailing the leaving behind of family, partner, current job and country in order to follow her dreams which, she confesses to me after a year and a half of therapy, she has had since she was very young.

These are the positive changes I noticed since VAE started treatment:

• She learns how to burp.

• VAE’s level of consciousness increases so she is now living in the present, paying more attention to what is happening and using more personal resources.

• Important decrease in pessimism. Hardly any more “buts…” Increase in confidence and focus on the future.

• She is granted a Fulbright scholarship from “La Caixa” in July to pursue a Master of Arts degree in Cinema Studies in the USA.

• Admission interviews at more than 9 universities in the USA. In March, nearly all of them accept her.

• The paternal authority that weighs on her starts to become more positive.

When she comes to see me, VAE has already ended her studies in Audiovisual Communication. She spent some time in San Francisco about 4 years ago and then in London to practice English. At this time she combines a job in Nespresso, selling coffee, with hectic activity related to the production of several programs that she will try to sell to a television station. In spite of being a bright and well-rounded person, her demands, pessimism and doubts (both hers and her father’s) hold her back from seeking the postgraduate degree in Fine Arts in Film Production she wants to undertake in the USA.

VAE comes for therapy after her father has called, somewhat worried because she works too much and doesn’t eat enough. According to her, she is “very obsessive” and she needs to get rid of her obsessions. VAE is a very mental person who dissects the reality she perceives and this can confound her when she feels alive, brilliant, creative, very restless, negative, wavering, extremely perfectionist, as she lives very disconnected from the here and now and her inner world and the outside world. Although she cries, it is very difficult for her to connect with emotions.

In the first place, through therapy I hoped to help her gain hope, confidence and to follow through on her career intentions, as right now she is at a crossroads in her personal and professional lives. To bring her closer to the present moment and begin to cure the relationship of paternal “rejection” are medium term goals. Finally, that she be able to live fully within her self and that this be translated into an enjoyment and improvement of her nourishment, her sexuality, her femininity and ultimately in her ability to communicate from the heart with other human beings.

An overview of the VAE’s soul development : The Four R’s of Flower Essence Response

Release, Relaxation or Rejuvenation

Instilling more certainty

This first part of the evolution of VAE’s soul lasted from mid-February to mid-May (3 cycles). At the physical level, she has had an intermittent UTI, while her relationship with food has been on again, off again. In other aspects she continues to be anxious, questions everything, has a desire for knowledge, is perfectionist, full of doubts, is afraid she’s missing something, dithering because she doesn’t know what to do, she has trouble understanding, fitting in and going with the flow, is negative, frustrated and feels hopeless and struggles against her father and his declarations that she will be a failure.

As for positive changes we have to note:

• A brighter face with disappearance of the dark circles under her eyes and more relaxed.

• Reorganization of the two rooms in which she sleeps and works. She moves to sleep in the one that has more light and a better orientation.

• She cries more when she is made to see her rational discourse and when she talks about her father.

• She's beginning to realize she wants to quit her job selling coffee.

During this period many essences related to uncertainty have been administered to her, the most important being the following:

Scleranthus : This will help her to fit in, to take firm decisions so that her life destiny is not paralyzed by indecision.

Walnut : She needs this remedy to help her to find her own direction free of the influences of others, especially family (above all the father) or friends and also because in a way it will protect her from her chaotic home environment.

Wild Oat : Deep down I believe she is still troubled by her calling and life destiny. She is trying many kinds of work, none of which are satisfactory and on the other hand wishes to have as many different work experiences as possible without any cohesive meaning or purpose.

Cerato : Administered because of that need to know that she may find her inner master. For her father’s invalidation of her own knowledge, her search for perfection and low self-esteem. From the Flower Essence Repertory : “Cerato develops the ability to trust one's inner knowing, facilitating innate spiritual wisdom and strength. In this way, the soul becomes more confident and certain of its true Self.”

Willow : For healing that inflammatory personality that produced cystitis, but basically to heal the bad temper, lack of joy and resentment towards everyone far and near, for the feeling that life is "not fair," the hidden fear, distrust and fatalism.

White Chestnut : To still her mental hyperactivity, lower the level of obsession and control and furthermore to be able to begin to connect more with her emotions.

Larch : VAE suffers from a lack of confidence and expectation of failure that comes from her father, very powerful self-censorship and she is unable to find her voice. The Larch essence particularly heals the throat, and perhaps will help her to bring out her partially hidden voice.

Gorse : This will help her to overcome her chronic experience of pessimism and despair, bringing her hope and renewal.

Buttercup : VAE is not someone who feels like she shines, on the contrary, she has feelings of low self-worth and self-doubt, she is in doubt about her true vocation. In spite of her achievements she always shows restraint and never feels her contributions are good enough. This essence will help her overcome her shyness and will give her an increased sense of inner confidence and self-worth when speaking to others.

Queen Anne’s Lace : This essence is helpful for many who are seeking balanced psychic opening, and VAE has a great need to grasp reality on another level; for example, just as she perceived it at some moments in her childhood or does now when she smokes soft drugs. It will also guide her in her life decisions.

Madia : This young woman is easily distracted, with an inability to concentrate, to focus thoughts and intentions. She must be able to narrow the consciousness, and limit the experience. “Madia pulls the soul into its center, so that the field of consciousness is pinpointed and focused.”

Realization and Recognition

Awareness of fears, living in the present and manifesting intentions

This has been a long, dense and fruitful period with much coming and going and many stressful moments. It extended from mid-May to mid-January (8 cycles). She has had acupuncture, been given homeopathic remedies and Seasons of Soul oils and Rescue Remedy/Five-Flower Formula a number of times. Physically speaking, she has exhibited some manifestations of fear on several occasions, “air” in the heart chakra, sporadic pain in a shoulder and short periods of insomnia, in addition to dysmenorrhoea. She verbalizes fear about the future, of making mistakes and all that would entail, of her relationship with her partner (dreams about separation and jealousy), of speaking in public, of driving, of flying (she dreams of airplanes and accidents), about having a stable life, and of taking after her aunt Ana who is obsessive, tense and talkative. The word “fear” turns up almost as regularly as the uncertainty, the maybes, the demanding and the nostalgia for the past and anticipation for a future that has not yet been experienced.

Of the numerous positive aspects, I wish to note:

• The winning of a prestigious grant from La Caixa on the anniversary of her cousin’s death. Her attitude becomes more positive and less anxious.

• She quits her job selling coffee.

• The commencement of a stressful process of submitting applications for admission to 10 American universities and the corresponding interviews; at present she has been accepted by nearly all of them.

• She paints her room and changes its furniture.

• She lives more in the present, the controlling and number of questions made in the sessions decreases.

• She begins to qualify emotions using words like jealousy, resentment, guilt, fury, hate, sadness, forgiveness.

• She sees clearly that many of her attitudes are an exact replica modeled after her father.

• In spite of the ups and downs in the difficult relationship she maintains with her father, she learns to assert herself and, in turn, after a year, he tells her that she will be accepted anywhere.

• She speaks of the painful relationship with the brother who assumes the father’s defensive attitude and her attempts to speak frankly to him.

• She discovers new facets of her mother: she is demanding and makes her feel guilty about her brother, she conveys negative feelings about the father, her jealousy of her professional success, the trouble she goes through to prepare food for her.

• She speaks more of the relationship with her partner which has its ups and downs, and fears, although it appears that she has now made up her mind to concentrate on her career.

• For the first time she has had moments in which she felt creative, happy, without any doubts about her intentions and of having made a wise decision in choosing her career.

• She is beginning to wear brighter colors, is better groomed and a little more feminine though still austere.

• She passes the test for her driver’s license in spite of the feelings of panic it gave her just a year ago.

• During this stage she has many dreams of all of her family, her partner, friends, extraterrestrial aliens, airplanes, career. Her dream world is a reflection of her real world.

In the way of essences I would highlight the use of:

Scleranthus : As earlier. For her indecision and to balance her masculine and feminine sides.

Walnut : As before and especially because her father continues to be an important point of reference.

Wild Oat : Administered for the same purpose as in the previous stage.

Willow : This will continue to act on her distrust of everything, such as not believing it when she was awarded the scholarship, just like the father.

Heather : To fill the needy little girl in her and still the inner dialogue, the anxiety, the hint of hypochondria when she is too absorbed in her own problems.

Rock Rose : This essence will help her to have more inner force and break down the outer shell, giving up controlling everything and dilute the panicky feeling she often suffers from.

Buttercup : Used for the same purpose as in the previous stage.

Queen Anne’s Lace : A key essence that has provided her with focus and orientation, has improved her physical and emotional vision, and has helped her to get a grounded connection with the physical world.

Shasta Daisy : Given, as written in the Flower Essence Repertory, for her “over-intellectualization of reality, especially seeing information as bits and pieces rather than parts of a whole.” VAE has the ability to perceive but has a hard time fitting things in. This essence will provide harmony to the chaos and disorder of her home. She admits that during this stage in which she has written numerous scripts it has helped her at times to have creative thinking which allows parts to form a meaningful whole.

Baby Blue Eyes : VAE does not feel supported and loved, especially by male figures (father and brother) with whom she often clashes. And she is not in an ideal situation with her partner. It will help to improve her low self-esteem, her feeling out of place and the fact that in a certain way she looks on women's traditional roles as inferior. Her soul is helped in its healing by learning to recognize goodness in others and in the world, and thus to become more accepting, positive and open in its expressions and actions.

Mariposa Lily : With Mariposa Lily she will feel the warmth and nurturing quality of her heart. It will help her in developing a nurturing ability in all her relationships and allow her to have a warm and loving acceptance of herself and to improve and understand her mother-daughter relationship. Regarding her physical nourishment, she says that her mother went hungry in her childhood and that since she has original tastes and her mother is on a diet, cooking for her is an ordeal, so she usually prefers either not to eat or to eat out.

Saint John’s Wort : For this long period of stress manifested by short periods of slight insomnia, for her fearful or disturbed dreams and for her psychic and physical vulnerability. This essence will help her to find the light that works within the Self as a spiritual force which can illumine and anchor the consciousness.

Shooting Star : Although it was only administered once during the Practitioner program, I think that this essence is basic for this young woman. Among other things VAE suffered from a birth trauma and she feels a fascination for out-of-body experiences, or she needs them, and Shooting Star helps her to find her right connection to earthly life and come to understand the meaning of love, which she seems to find so hard to understand.

Reaction, Resistance and Reconciliation, and Renewal and Reconstellation

I think that in VAE’s case, neither of these two stages have been attained in a very clear way. Although in some aspects a notable improvement has been observed, greater contact with her emotions and with physical life are still necessary.

MMR: developing self-esteem, committing to personal growth and alleviation of physical problems

MMR is a twenty-two-year-old, dark-haired girl with a slight sallow complexion. Introverted, pessimistic, serious, dazzled, responsible, punctual, sensitive, hesitant, controlling, with a little gloomy voice, with a lot of interests and a “philosopher” according to her. She comes to my sessions giving the impression of heaviness…dressed in a slovenly way, generally she does so in dark colors. Her short toenails are painted in black. MMR is a woman of profuse and vivid night dreams and also with a daytime yearning for flying. MMR is the youngest daughter of an immigrant family from a humble background, with a working father who is out all week long, a mother, with serious depressive tendencies, who is basically at home, and an elder sister who is going through a period where she needs to be paid attention to, although she is the one who is receiving more attention from her parents.

She comes to my office because of a cephalea that affects her temporal and occipital left zones, and which can result in migraines, which have occurred almost daily, for over a year. This disturbance is accompanied by diffuse skeletal pains. She also has an anal fissure in the process of remission and divergent strabismus predominantly in her left eye. She reports later on, that living with her family is a bit difficult and that the atmosphere at home is depressive, anxious and with little understanding. As she doesn’t have many real friends or a serious relationship, she feels the need to go abroad again to be happy.

During the one-and-a-half year therapeutic process, she has finished her studies in Translation and Interpretation and has worked hard in several jobs so that she could go ahead with her aspirations to improve her foreign language knowledge, and so that she could be treated with a flower essence therapeutic process and visual therapy that could help her improve her visual health.

The most positive changes I observed since MMR started treatment are:

• Important decrease in the frequency and duration of migraines from almost daily to one to three monthly ones.

• Improvement in cervical and lumbar pain.

• Substantial improvement in left eye coordination and control.

• Improvement in her overall self-esteem and particularly in her physical state.

• Commitment and deepening into her process of personal growth.

MMR is the youngest of three sisters; all three were born by caesarean section. She has young parents and a curt, uncommunicative, and offensive mother, who had eight siblings. The parents are both emigrants coming from one of the most deserted provinces in Spain and their cultural and social level is rather low.

The main contribution to the family income comes from the father, who works and lives out of the home nearly all week. This has forced the three daughters, who have nearly or already finished their educations, to realize that they must earn a living and study. Financial issues are always the reason for family arguments.

Internalized sadness is the key feeling in her family relationship. The word “rage” would be the favorite to define what she feels when talking about her family, a feeling that lessens with the flower essence treatment. The treatment has allowed MMR to analyze the family situation more clearly, in regard to the lack of love, and expression of true emotions. She describes constant arguing and shouting among the family members; there is no communication and listening to each other.

After many therapy sessions, she tells me that her parents would have liked her to be a boy instead of a girl, when she was born. After a year’s treatment, she has been able to verbalize that she was the only family member who was present at her mother’s suicide attempt with a knife at her throat. Her relationship with her father has improved a little throughout the therapy, although he has always been absent. In his wallet, hers is the only photo that is missing.

When she comes to my office, MMR is a young woman who is in her last courses of her Translation and Interpretation degree, studies that she has paid for entirely by herself by working many different jobs. She is very responsible and is very focused on her studies and work, which causes her physical and psychological strain. Although she is clear about going abroad to improve her Italian and English, about coming back again to Barcelona, she has got constant doubts about how to approach her future.

She suffers from a condition which can sometimes result in a very intense migraine. From what she says, she has been suffering from this disorder almost daily for more than a year now, but medical tests turn out negative.

MMR considers herself to be a pessimist and often feels sad. She feels proud of herself when things turn out well for her or when they turn out as she expects they will. However, she becomes confused or upset when things turn out otherwise.

Specifically, in regard to her biography, I noted the following to be significant:

• Her birth by caesarean section with an uncorrected congenital defect (divergent strabismus predominantly in her left eye) seems significant to me.

• She states that during her adolescence, when she did not feel supported at all, she wrote, in her diary, she hated her parents. At sixteen, her jaw is dislocated. This event traumatized her quite a lot, as no one paid attention to her.

• Her departure to Italy, when she was twenty, to study at the University of Rome with an Erasmus scholarship, leads her to discover part of her potential as a person and her ability for pleasure.

• Later, she comes back to an annoying, inexpressive and sad home environment and she is the only witness to her mother’s suicide attempt.

Physical symptoms lead her to therapy which uncovers emotional pain

Physical symptoms and, in particular, her problems with migraines are her main reasons for consultation. She feels mentally and physically exhausted and she does not know where to go. She is sure that she wants to be happy, finish her degree course, and go abroad. During many sessions she does not cry or laugh. She feels anger and sadness. At a non-verbal level, an important degree of sternness and heaviness is evident when walking. Her introversion, her shyness, her fear of living and other fears, her low self-esteem and her need to be in control make her barely talk in the first sessions, about her visual defect or her relationship problems at home.

In the last session, after a year and a half of therapy, MMR comments she comes to my office because she needed a change, since she was very negative. Surely, this is the perspective she has after these months in which the main treatment has been carried out with Dr. Bach’s and FES flower essences.

Right from the beginning, I tried to tackle as medium-term goals: improvement in her physical condition, principally her problem with migraines and her skeletal problems; think about how to correct her divergent strabismus; and help her connect more with herself to know the origins of her emotions and more powerful conflicts (sadness, pessimism, anger, fear, hypersensitivity). Other goals to take into account in the future would be to help her improve her feminine expression, and guide her in her professional future (hesitation, low self-esteem). In my opinion, the fact that she is beginning to integrate parts of herself, initiating changes, and connecting with herself, will help her find her place and purpose in life.

An overview of the MMR’s soul development: The Four R’s of Flower Essence Response

Release, Relaxation or Rejuvenation

Recovering health, energy and positivity

From mid-March until mid-August, the most important changes I observed were:

• Significant improvement of migraines, from  nearly daily to 2-4 monthly.

• Improvement in cervical pain.

• A more shiny and relaxed face.

• She feels more positive.

• She begins to be more attentive to her life (people and things).

• She does not think over things so much.

• She feels more energy in her solar plexus.

• The number of dreams increases, except for two nightmares. The majority are
related to water, fish.

• She quits a job and an unsatisfying relationship with a close friend.

Among the essences administered, those which played a more important role were:

Lilac : Used to put straight and unblock not only the spine, the head and the energy that circulates through them, but also to align one´s spirit and nourish it with positive thoughts removing grief, oppression and fright that comes from long ago, perhaps from childhood. A feeling of dis-ease, lack of safety, or a sense of holding back the true self often shows up as rigidity or pain in the spine. The Lilac corresponding behavior pattern is that of someone who is constantly scanning the surroundings in case of danger.

Lavender : This young woman has consciousness and a special sensitivity which makes her physical ailments worse. Probably she takes up far more energy than can actually be processed through the body. Like other people who suffer from headaches or vision problems, and neck and shoulder tension, Lavender has helped her ameliorate them. Furthermore, her irritability, stress and fatigue levels, have diminished. On the other hand, her interest in and practice of meditation materialized at the end of this treatment. Her soul has learned to use its highly sensitive capacities in balance with the physical needs of her body.

White Chestnut : Essence indicated for her mental agitation, leading to headache. Her thinking life is highly compulsive and obsessive. Her life energy is drained through excessive worry and anxiety, which is not directed outward toward others, but is kept inside through a constant churning of the mind. It redirects the extreme congestion of energy in the mental field, helping the individual to gain more awareness in the feeling life, especially in the solar plexus and in the heart.

Impatiens : At the present life of this rather lonely young woman, there is some impatience, annoyance, anger or sadness when things don’t work out as she expects. To a certain extent, she would like to have her degree course finished, perhaps to have gone back abroad and to change other aspects of her personal situation. MMR finds it difficult to be within the flow of time; her tendency is to rush ahead of experience. In doing so, she denies her full immersion in life, even though she may appear very busy and engaged. She needs her inner Self to become more receptive to the unfolding moment.

Holly : Due to the rage MMR feels at home, her eldest sister’s jealousy, her girl friends, and the rage at life in general, it is necessary to internalize and find the cause of this problem. A rage which, on the other hand, shakes the root of her security. This remedy brings the light of love into the darkness of her negativity. When we feel separated from others, we can take no joy or compassionate interest in their affairs (at home her parents tell her she couldn’t care less about her sister or about things), instead our isolation is composed of negative states of jealousy, envy, suspicion or anger. Holly essence nourishes the heart (almost after a year of her therapeutic process and she begins to feel the need of speaking to her heart), helping the individual to make and sustain the shift, from a limited and narrow conception of the Self, to one which is expansive and inclusive of others. In this way, the soul experiences wholeness or “holiness,” for it feels permeated with divine and real love.

Scleranthus : It is used as a key remedy for MMR´s uncertainty, which drains her soul of much vitality and energy and which permeates even into her physical body causing her numerous illnesses that are especially characterized by a continual shifting of physical states and symptoms.

Clematis : She is a dreamer for whom “dreaming is living another life.” Someone who needs to be with people, but who is content to be left alone, too. Clematis will help her have a conscious embodiment and an interest in the world with a focused presence. Like Scleranthus, this flower has no petals, that means having a detached mentality and also a certain emotional dryness and lack of warmth. Thus, the great talents of the Clematis types are largely untapped, and physical illness easily takes hold of the body because the warm forces of the ego are lacking.

Rock Rose : A remedy to treat fear, especially for sensitive people. I think MMR has this particular kind of fear. It is a deeply hidden fear of life itself that can appear in nightmares too. As it is hidden, it is perhaps hard for others to recognize. As Julian Barnard says: “Only those who resonate with the blind panic of Rock Rose soul will recognize its quality.” MMR is always awake, controlling, observing. She says little but sees much, waiting for life to respond. Used because of the traumatic situations lived with her mother, can help her by bringing her courage, and by remaining grounded and present.

Realization and Recognition

Awareness of emotions and improvement in vision

This second phase lasted from mid-August until early February (5 more sessions). Acupuncture has been practiced, with a good result in cervicalgia and headache. She experienced some vertigo and dizziness, and an intestinal virus. It is the beginning of a period of internalization, there are changes, fear emerges.

I would like to highlight changes and realizations:

• Improvement of strabismus in intermittent exotropia with flower therapy. Visual therapy started.

• Almost disappearance of the migraines and decrease of intermittent spinal pain.

• She realizes she needs to improve coordination with her oral and written expression.

• She speaks more about herself, about what her strabismus causes in her, about what she feels in general (pain, lack of love, sadness, shyness, fear, she does not smile, has doubts, and feels like an ugly duckling), and about her family.

• She makes a list of her positive and negative qualities. She questions herself.

• She realizes that doing so many things and going on trips is an attempt to escape from home.

• Job changes, less friends, a less dark, gawky, sluggish and more feminine image. More relaxed.

I want to point out the following essences as the most important ones during this period; most of them bring light to her mental aspects:

Scleranthus : It is essential in the task of helping her to coordinate vision, expression; and for those uncertainties and intermittences in diseases, symptoms, activities and states of mind. It will make her more supple, mentally and physically.

Clematis : It channels her sight, fantasies, dreams and her escapes from physical life.

Lavender : It continues helping her with her migraines and irritability.

Gentian : Like Scleranthus, it will provide her with tenacity and holding to a life purpose. Because of her doubts and discouragements about her abilities, which are gradually transformed into deeper faith, she becomes too easily discouraged and disheartened when problems and setbacks occur. Gentian gives encouragement, especially helping the soul to shift its mental perspective and see the long view.

Sagebrush : It has helped her producing new cognitive awareness about feelings and behavior, and has prepared her for the next stages, thanks to a receptive “emptiness” capable of transformation and change, moving forward in her destiny with far greater forces of discrimination and inner freedom. She needs to release dysfunctional and stifling aspects within her personality, surroundings, cluttered and chaotic attachments. Sagebrush helps her to come in touch with the naked, essential Self, for it is here that truly free and spacious spiritual forces reign.

Arnica : Helps her to heal deep-seated shock or post-trauma (a well-known one is her mother’s suicide attempt, for which I also administered Star of Bethlehem), which may become locked into her body and prevent full healing recovery. Helpful for some of her unlocking, many puzzling, or psychosomatic illnesses. I think that, at a certain moment, her soul disassociates from her physical vehicle, and may never properly re-enter certain parts of the body.

Rock Rose : It helps her, basically, with her buried and still unconscious fear of living; with the paralysis she went through, at critical moments, with her mother; and it brings her flexibility and change in her life.

Mimulus : She is hypersensitive to her environment with aversion to talking and to being questioned, and she lives with a great many small fears of ordinary and everyday events (of crowds, darkness, animals…). With apprehension of new thresholds of experience, in spite of the fact that she realizes she must change and changes things. In this respect, it will help the action of Sagebrush. She is afraid but she has the ability to stand up and face the difficulties of daily life. She is especially afflicted in the solar plexus, which churns with great anxiety and unease. It helps the individual shift its fixation from myriad lesser fears to usually unconscious fear, fear of the physical body, or of physical life itself, and, in this point, it complements the action of Rock Rose in her life.

Mustard : Used because MMR appears not to be happy, with a majority of psychosomatic illnesses and with not sufficient interest in present circumstances. I think she is susceptible to depression or despair, due to fluctuating life events. At this moment, this condition may be the result of changing the anger balance into more sadness, and of the critical situation at home. It brings equilibrium and equanimity by helping her Self to balance extreme polarities of light and dark. Her soul is able to experience darkness as a transformative process.

Gorse : Administered for her chronic physical ailments and for the oppressive family atmosphere that makes her have a pessimistic attitude, and be unable to trust or imagine a positive outcome for future events. It will contribute to her hope and renewal. Through Gorse, the soul learns to use light as an alchemical agent for change and healing, directing a powerful, illuminating beacon even in the most trying moments and bleakest situations.

Reaction, Resistance and Reconciliation

Self-realization and moving forward

I think that, in this case and at this stage that has lasted until mid-September (about 8 sessions), MMR´s soul present evolution has ended. Yet MMR still feels furious and painful towards her family. She begins talking about her mother and eldest sister saying she feels sorry for them. Furthermore, she gives more details about her childhood. Moments of resistance, with physical symptoms that come and go, have occurred, like the anal fissure, tendonitis, conjunctivitis (after taking Queen Anne’s Lace), insomnia, dysmenorrhea that goes on without improvement, cervicalgia due to job stress (she quits a job and begins another one), and a sensation of dizziness for all the changes and the last year’s review. The clearest resistance has happened at the beginning of the stage, in which, literally, the patient explains “she sees herself negatively” (coward, ugly, small…).

I would like to emphasize in regard to her changes:

• A very important amelioration in her visual coordination that exceeds the expectations of the visual therapist. She has been persistent with the therapy despite several adversities.

• She cries, for the first time at the office, when she speaks about the pain caused by her visual defect. She recalls past conversations and insults from friends and relatives. She does not like to be in pictures. She does not have many of herself in childhood either.

• She relates her lack of physical appeal with her visual problem and she does not believe a word when men say she is good-looking, because they have not treated her very well. She speaks much more about her need to have a partner and sexual relationships.

• In sentences, she often uses variations of the verbs “to see” and “to settle down.”

• She describes with details, after a year, her mother’s suicide attempt to which she was the only witness. At that moment, her mother suffered again from a serious attack, but she feels she has more resources and she is the only one taking action.

• She describes the various arguments at home, the lack of financial cooperation, of communication, the insults at home and the excessive, hateful comparisons. Apart from rage which comes and goes, she feels sorrow.

• She is aware that she is very obsequious, accommodating, and she does not know how to set limits.

• She has internalized much the hysteria, anguish and pessimism of her immediate environment.

• She is afraid of inheriting her mother’s depression, of not getting a job related to her degree, and to a degree, of talking in public.

• There are attempts to change her parents’ attitude towards her.

• She is very focused on her studies, she has finished her degree with such good grades that she is surprised. She is clear about studying for a master’s degree in Italy that she is going to begin in October.

• Despite some sessions in which she goes back to all the dark feelings, she uses the word “happy” for the first time, she has been more spontaneous and open, she has felt like opening up more to people and fitting in with them more, she has seen herself as a beautiful woman, and she dresses less in dark colors and with a more feminine image.

These were key flower essences used by MMR during this period:

Scleranthus : It continues helping the described levels contributing, together with Queen Anne’s Lace, to the satisfactory results of the visual therapy. It will enliven her consciousness towards deeper levels of development.

Queen Anne’s Lace : A key essence that has provided her with focus and orientation, has improved her physical and emotional vision, and has helped her to get a grounded connection with the physical world. Queen Anne's Lace harmonizes both “higher” and “lower” energies, which in her case are in an unbalanced state, so that one can stay connected with the Earth, yet also be emotionally clear and objective in one's spiritual insight and vision. When she ended this period, she began meditation practice.

Willow : Administered for her tendency to blame others or see herself as the victim. It will furnish forgiveness for the rage directed towards her family. In her case, her physical body is still not flexible, but becomes stiff and contracted, due in part to the accumulated resentment.

Star of Bethlehem : Contributes to the consolation of having asked for very little during her life. She restructures old and new side effects of trauma and pain, and prepares her for a new growth.

Mimulu s: Used in the same sense as in the previous stage.

Pine : For that guilt feeling that comes to the surface in her family life. To help deflect the fury that she directs back at herself and help her to believe that she deserves and is worthy of a fluid and happy life. At its highest level, Pine teaches self-acceptance and inner esteem as a pathway to the soul's realization of its own sacredness and divinity.

Gorse : Used in the same sense as in the previous stage.

Scotch Broom : MMR needs positive and optimistic feelings about future events, as far as her mother’s health and her life in general are concerned, especially bearing in mind the family atmosphere. This essence helps her soul to meet the challenges of our times as opportunities for self-growth and for helping others. In making this transition, the soul shifts from its unconscious identification with world darkness to the vision of a more hopeful, positive world future.

Saint John’s Wort : This young lady with slight insomnia, photo-phobia and sun blotches on her skin, which appear in the summer, presents a psychic and physical vulnerability. This essence will help her, so that light will work within the Self as a spiritual force which can illuminate and anchor the consciousness.

Red Clover : MMR is sensitive to mass hysteria and anxiety. At times when she loses her own identity, she is used as a vehicle to serve the needs of an unleashed force of negativity. This situation can also arise in her family, especially during emergencies or crises, when the blood ties of the family become stronger than the self-awareness of her individuality, which is then propelled by hysterical or destructive energy. Red Clover infuses strong forces of self-awareness so that the individual can think in a calm and steady way, and act from her own center of truth.

Centaury : Used for her servile attitude and her difficulty in setting limits, both of which feed her tiredness. It will provide strength to her ego.

Renewal and Reconstellation

MMR was about to enter this stage when she finished her therapy. Beginning to tackle more profoundly various aspects of her soul development as are defined in the MetaFlora levels will undoubtedly help her become fully immersed in this stage characterized by the 4 R’s.

Iolanda Sarri

Having been raised in the country, Iolanda Sarri, has always been captivated by the wonders of Mother Earth and especially by flowers. She has a Doctor's degree in Biology, is a former professor of Physiology at the University of Barcelona, and has also taught doctoral level classes at the Hospital Clínic in Barcelona. She has been a member of a Doctoral Dissertation Committee and holds a Master's degree in Pharmaceutical Medicine. Iolanda has been connected with health issues for over 17 years, through research, both in biomedical diabetes as well as in clinical investigation of drugs for multinational pharmaceutical companies, in various medical specialties. Fruits of this work are the more than 20 scientific articles published in Spanish, and in international journals and congresses, and participation in three books.

Iolanda is a flower essence therapist, a Flower Essence Society certified Practitioner, an Advanced Practitioner of the Australian Bush Flower Essences, and she also has knowledge of other flower essence systems. She has taken courses in Homeopathy, Foot Reflexology and Auriculotherapy, is a master of Usui Tibetan Reiki, and she practices Reconnective Healing and Biological Decoding.

Ramon Ravella and Iolanda Sarri

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