
Rebecca Wood's Healing Journey
with Flower Essences

by T. M. D'illon

In 1991 Rebecca Wood was an unhappy, stressed-out housewife diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Seven years later she created an interactive children's garden at the Albuquerque Zoo. Hers is a story of personal growth andhealing, and flower essences played a major role.

"I've now experienced enough confusion and suffering living a life that others have picked for me. This time in my life is about freedom; freedom to think for myself, to choose where I live, to choose my work, to choose the education best suited for my children, to choose my wellness and to choose to share my story."

The diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis was unacceptable to Rebecca. "I'm busy. I've got 3 children and unfulfilled dreams. I will not be sick" was her response. Her body manifested a paralyzing disease reflecting how she was feeling emotionally. "I was so out of touch with my self (my dreams). I suffered from fatigue because I was sick and tired of things the way they were. I had eye problems because I didn't want to see things the way they were. I had bladder control problems because I didn't have control over where I lived, money, schools, anything. And I was in major denial about all of it."

"I was this SuperMom," she continued, "built this corporate life, looked good--but it didn't make any sense. I was overwhelmed with responsibility--much more than I was able to handle--big house, three kids, problems with the husband. I wasn't happy. I felt like I was dying on the vine."

Rebecca said the essences "helped me to get my own mind back and remember what really mattered to me." They were instrumental in restoring her confidence and expunging deep resentments she had held of others. Acupuncture, massage and steroids were also used during her healing journey.

Rebecca points to the positive changes in her life as proof of the effectiveness of her therapy. "The flowers brought such beauty into my life. The healing and growth wouldn't have happened without them. My sons have seen it. We built the community gardens in honor of a little boy who was killed by his father (called Jumpland, see linked story) to give back, to let others know of the healing qualities of the flowers. I am so appreciative & grateful to the flowers."

Attitude played a crucial part. Rebecca said she underwent serious self-analysis. "I realized that if I had created this dis-ease, I could also un-create it. I began taking responsibility for my creation. With the help of the flowers, my thoughts began to change. This paralyzing disease became my best friend. It was showing me what I had been too asleep to get any other way."

Rebecca set out to recover soulfully and spiritually. She found flower essences in a health food store. She began to eat healthier, and less. She had Ayurvedic treatments. She discovered homeopathy, meditation, chiropractic, acupuncture and other alternative therapies.

Rebecca also makes it clear conventional steroid therapy (in the first 3 years her therapy included Prednisone & Solu-Medrol) was important in her case. "It's important to aggressively treat the symptoms during an exacerbation so no permanent damage occurs. During an exacerbation, I took conventional treatment, but in between, I utilized multiple alternative therapies to heal my body. Prayer and the flowers treated my soul."

The first essence combinations Rebecca tried included Centaury, Chicory and Cerato . "I knew what I wanted to do but I wasn't doing it. I was in a pattern of following the advice of others and then resenting them for it."

She made her selections through reading and intuition. Later Rebecca added kinesiology to the process. Initially she took the drops straight from the stock bottle. Later she took flower essence study courses and learned to make her own dosage bottles with spring water.

Rebecca lived in Albuquerque when she received the MS diagnosis. She moved to Dallas when her husband was transferred. Despite being a Texas native, Rebecca didn't care for the city and pined for the more natural settings in New Mexico. She stayed in Dallas four years and as her healing began to progress, Rebecca chose to get divorced and move back to "where I really wanted to be."

"With the flower essences and other therapies working in tandem, I realized I was being guided back to Albuquerque, Rebecca recalled. "Different essences helped me to come to that conclusion and give me the strength and courage to put it into action."

She reported using Beech, Larch (for confidence) and Mimulus (for the fear of moving or leaving). Her confidence returned and, feeling stronger, she took Wild Oat, Walnut, Scleranthus . "Most of the flowers had a subtle effect on me, but Scleranthus had an immediate, very powerful effect. Within a couple of days I rented my house and moved."

Rebecca said the essences, especially Wild Oat , made her remember things which made her feel safe as a little girl, like flowers and plants. Hers was a troubled youth; and she wanted to make the world a safer better place for children--because she was one of those children who didn't have a very safe world. The vision which would make a project like Jumpland a reality had begun.

Back in New Mexico she took at various times Elm, Olive, Oak, Clematis, Willow and Honeysuckle ("to be strong for my kids and not be stressed from all of the new responsibilities and at the same time remembering all I'd left behind.")

"The essences took me to places I didn't know existed within. They were these little faeries who took me there and gently embraced me. They made it safe for me to be there. I didn't realize I was self serving and resentful of others." But there is a time for assuming responsibility and there's a time for spreading your wings to fly--a balance must be reached. And the flowers helped Rebecca reach that balance.

Rebecca hasn't been sick in over six years. Not a trace.

"God has given us everything we need. If we ask the questions we will get the answers. Our responsibility is to expect a blessed outcome, listen, then take action on what we hear and feel. This is working in partnership with nature, being co-creative."

Rebecca said the purpose of sharing her story is twofold. The ability to express herself frees her from fears of what others think and secondly, if just one individual is inspired by her account to choose freely for themselves, then her favorite prayer rings true. "Dear God, help me be the best I can be so I can help others."


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