
Written by Jann Garitty

Correcting orientation and alignment  

Case narratives:  
Using flower essences in lieu of sleeping pills  
Healing soul amnesia resulting from deep post trauma  

About Aryanish Patel

“With the correct dose of motivation and a sense of self-belief, only the sky is the limit.”
— Aryanish Patel

Amidst the intense, sensory-rich, and stimulating energy of one of the most populated metropolitan areas of the world (over 20 million people), Aryanish Patel conducts her practice helping children with neurological impairments.

Aryanish Patel has a private practice and though she works with adult clients, she primarily works with children who attend reputable schools. The children all have neurological impairments such as dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, speech impairments, selective mutism, behavioral disorders and post trauma. Aryanish has developed her own specialized techniques to help children with these conditions. At this point, she uses flower essences with all the children with whom she works.

“Flower remedies are the best thing to help create emotional balance and health. They are good for children,” says Aryanish.

Children and parents welcome the remedies into their lives – Aryanish reports, “Because of my work and reputation over the years, they know about me and take my work seriously – they listen to me and do what I recommend even if they haven’t heard of it before.”

Aryanish explains to children and parents that flower essences are safe – and keeps the explanation simple, that they’re just plants… She says, “I try to let parents know that they have to be assistive and supportive of taking the remedies; they need to open their minds to understand their children better.”

The children most often have issues expressing themselves. There is much frustration for dyslexic children – Aryanish knows this herself as she is dyslexic and “overcame my problems on my own,” she reports.

• Presence: Aryanish will often use Snapdragon and Clematis for children to be present, and Cosmos . Many times if a child is sluggish, she uses Sunflower .

• Communication: If a child has difficulty with communication and finding friends, Aryanish gives them Sweet Pea and Spreading Phlox .

• Protection: Aryanish personally uses St. John's Shield to protect her aura, and for energy clearing. She says, “When one works with depressed people, it helps at the end of the day to clear the energy.”

• Calming: When a child first comes to visit Aryanish, he or she comes with an “intimidated self,” and they have a look on their face that expresses, “This is another treatment…” The children already have had enough to deal with—teachers, school, parents, etc.

First she gives them Rescue Remedy (aka Five-Flower Formula ) and creates an atmosphere reflecting that “I’m not one to attack you about your problems, I’m not going to add to your problem.” Aryanish doesn’t want to pressure them, and so chooses her words carefully with them.

Aryanish takes the child aside, separately from the parents, and makes it clear that she knows how they’re feeling. “And when they tell me about their feelings, it’s very different from what the parents feel,” says Aryanish. Aryanish first looks into what remedies are needed, solely by what the child is feeling.

Parents give in to social and environmental pressures when dealing with their children, which is just another added stress. “We have to help them understand, the child is not a problem, but having a problem,” Aryanish emphasized.

Special needs children are sensitive: “These are children who have a high and clear level of intuition; they can read right through you. These are divinely intellectual children, and need sound reasoning for what you want them to do and why,” says Aryanish. One thing required of them is to have an understanding of how hierarchy works: in school, for example, how to listen to teachers and not take it personally. Aryanish uses Dill to help the children feel less sensitized by everything around them.

Aryanish helps the children to understand that it does not have to be so difficult, they just have to get it right and be positive. “There’s nothing that can’t be worked out,” she tells them. When parents are stressed out, Aryanish also gives them Rescue Remedy / Five-Flower Formula also.

Correcting orientation and alignment

Another key aspect of Aryanish’s work with the children includes using clay and other mediums, such as sand and beads, to help them come into orientation and alignment. It helps them feel, but not under a great deal of pressure from others. She guides them to make shapes or forms, which they do, and also provides them the space to think on their own. Aryanish speaks with them and asks how they are feeling. When she knows they are not feeling good because of something that happened, she helps them with techniques so that they do not feel so bad and then come out of it easily. With the techniques she has developed, “Whatever you want to give them, it just slides into their memory, you don’t have to push it,” she says.

Following are two case summaries involving women’s issues with which Aryanish has been involved—

Using flower essences in lieu of sleeping pills

M, a woman, wanted help with her 3-year addiction to sleeping pills. After reading online about the side effects of the drug, she wanted to stop using it immediately. After speaking with her, Aryanish decided on this formula for M:

Chestnut Bud to break her habit patterns
Walnut as a base to move forward
Alpine Aster helps when one has anxiety to calm down and feel connected with nature
Forget-Me-Not for fear of letting go
Bleeding Heart because she has an autistic son and perpetually worried about him

“I wanted to help slow her mind down, to not constantly be thinking about this and so get good deep sleep,” Aryanish said. “I work to clear the first layer of disturbance and then whatever emotions surface are dealt with one at a time.”

M used the formula from 6 pm onwards only, and not during day time hours. She didn’t have to worry about taking it during the day, but when she arrived home at the end of her day, she immediately reached out for the remedy bottle.

M began talking about what was bothering her: the first thing she said was, “What will happen to my son when I am no more?” She then became overly-religious. Aryanish explained that some people at times succumb to obsessive spirituality and constantly talk about it, trying to find solace in doing so.

In addition, these essences were added to the combination:

Iris for her feminine forces; she needed to take rest and believe in herself. She was becoming a person who constantly had to be in charge, and would not let go; she became frustrated, and was lacking sleep.

Olive for exhaustion

Pine for guilt; the social system is tense in this part of the world, and M was feeling “I did not deliver a normal child.” That was the weight she carried.

Later when Aryanish saw a feeling of overwhelm, Elm was useful for blending with the formula.

After two months of flower essence treatment, M’s life is lighter and is no longer burdened with thoughts. She sleeps easier and no longer uses sleeping pills.

Healing soul amnesia resulting from deep post trauma

C, a woman, was going through deep post trauma; she lost her3-1/2 year old son and later underwent a divorce from an abusive husband. The post trauma never healed, and she had never cried completely. She had not “woken up” and appeared to have soul amnesia. When C first walked into her meeting with Aryanish, it seemed like she was dragging herself. It was Aryanish’s first morning appointment and C was not showing signs of someone looking forward to the day. “It is one thing to not expect somebody to always be in peppy mood but when someone starts the day and appears so lost, it is indicative of a serious issue,” said Aryanish. “The face tells the story; body language says it all.”

Aryanish stated, “When I started to select remedies, I felt that I wanted this woman to feel alive, be alive, and really know what it was like to be alive.”

Aryanish chose for her:

Fireweed – for waking up the soul. Aryanish thought this essence should be used immediately. C had a shop, and if she kept going on this way, she wouldn’t be able to focus on it at all. Aryanish felt that C’s entire soul needed to recreate a new self. According to Aryanish, “One can’t forget the traumatic experiences, but one can build anew from them. Fire means it’s a spark, and C needed to feel that light in her soul which was diminished, that which needed to be ignited again.”

Joshua Tree – “As a healer I not only look at what types of problems someone has, but also the family background. In this case, the sister and brother had also divorced and they had lost their father. It seemed like this was a family pattern, generational or a karmic pattern,” said Aryanish.

Lilac for soul amnesia; “Given her trauma that was most apt thing to give her,” said Aryanish.

Lungwort – because C was dragging herself, the depression was in her body; for her resigned attitude toward life.

Spreading Phlox was given for her gloomy self, for not being able to get out and meet people. All of C’s interactions were meaningless…she was doing everything just for the sake of doing it, not from the point of having fun, enjoyment or engagement. Also, for having to live with too many of societal expectations. She lacked the independence for being herself, yet wanted to be acknowledged. Spreading Phlox could help her see and accept herself, help her want to move on in social life interactions, and communicate from deeper levels. It would help her stand up and make choices.

C constantly said, “I don’t know where I am – am I sad or depressed?” Given that, Aryanish felt that she needed more clarity about where she stood and therefore included Cerato and Walnut .

Aryanish also advised her to chew on raw ginger in the morning for 3 days, with a little warm water. Ginger is good for opening the throat chakra and for the lungs, and it boosts immunity and confidence. Aryanish felt this would help her because she didn’t want to voice herself for fear of being abandoned again.

When Aryanish spoke with C again, her very hello was a different one. C also said, “When I lost my son, I thought I’d never be able to rebuild myself.”

About Aryanish Patel

Aryanish was born dyslexic, but overcame the challenge at an early age. Showered with love and understanding, she grew up in an environment where individual conditions were seen as mere variations in the human diversity that enriches the planet. As she grew into a talented and accomplished youngster, Aryanish felt obliged to empower others in similar situations.

She went on to pursue a training course in Dyslexia Correction in London. She also embarked on a year-long research in the fields of classical Indian music and belief restructuring through neural pathways. To keep herself abreast with international developments in the field, she underwent training in ‘Bach Flower Remedies’ from the Bach Centre, London.

Today, Aryanish has four method patents pending on corrective learning with dyslexia, ADHD, ADD and post-traumatic disorders. She has been featured in numerous journals and magazines such as DNA and Times Wellness. Her products have been well received in Indian and international markets. Her focus is now to reach out to a wider audience and provide innovation solutions on a global scale.

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