

The Benediction of Deep Autumn

As we approach Valentine’s Day, it’s a splendid opportunity to focus upon a flower that is exceptionally resonant with heart. Downy Avens is an intriguing and unique member of the Rosaceae botanical plant family, with its deep pink bud-like heart flower pointing earthward. The variety prepared by FES, is Geum triflorum var. ciliatum, flourishing in high Sierra alpine meadows at elevations of 6,000 to 10,000 feet.

During the culmination of its flowering, the Downy Avens reverses direction and rises skyward with extended styles forming a candescent whorl and exalting in the sun-illumined air. At the point of shifting toward air and light, the flower begins to form its seed, and yet as a whole, the gesture of the Downy Avens flower comprises both sky and earth orientations.

When one contemplates the unique “speaking” of the Downy Avens, we are impressed with the exquisite polarity of a contained interior space that firmly holds its flowering process until it comes to fullest fruition, and only then opening in full glory to levitational forces.

The Elemental Signature of Downy Avens – A Union of Earthward and Heavenward Forces

In the alchemical language of Nature, the elements of earth and water are oriented downward, connected with the interior earth pole, while the elements of air and fire rise upward aligned with celestial forces. The Downy Avens integrates these opposite forces with exceptional mastery. It initiates its growth in spring, staying close to the earth, forming a mound of fern-like leaves, gradually spreading horizontally with rhizomatous roots in moderately moist (mesic) soil. In its initial stages of growth, Downy Avens does not ascend in typical vertical fashion, but remains related for a relatively longer period of time to earthward forces. The sepals have two parts, the outer lobes as well as an inner covering. The petals, stamens and pistils are all so tightly fused that bees have to force their way in to pollinate the flowers. Then in a stunning reversal at the culmination of its flowering, it suddenly shifts its direction skyward, opening fully with elongated luminous styles forming radiant pink plumes bearing fruits called achenes. The feathery heads of the Downy Avens are endowed with light-bearing silica, intimately aligned with the weaving air and wafting sunlight.


The Soul Message of Downy Avens – Integrating the Heart’s Inner Activity with Outer Expression

 The key to understanding the archetypal gesture of the Downy Avens involves the exceptional way it holds its flower forces inward before unfolding its spectacular winged effulgence. This quality of containment is related to a particular mystery of the heart and its relationship to the female uterus. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) identifies the Bao Mai Channel as a direct link between the heart and uterus. The Bao Mai Channel governs the blood flow from the heart to the uterus and houses Shen, a vital force that embodies a spectrum of soulful and physical forms of consciousness. The womb “gestates” a metamorphic process of development for the emerging human being until birth into the outer world. In a similar manner, the heart nurtures potential seeds of the soul until mature manifestation in the world.

It is also noteworthy that the Downy Avens is a member of the Rosaceae family, with other plants that have a dual connection to the heart and the reproductive system. For example, strawberry and raspberry leaves are well-established uterine tonics, while Rose blossoms along with rose hips and rose essential oil, Hawthorn and Lady’s Mantle are generally restorative for the female reproductive system as well as the heart. Many of the fruits in the Rosaceae family contain nutritional forces that build the blood and thereby nourish the gestational and lactational functions, especially cherry, apple, strawberry and raspberry fruits.

This interior feminine quality of the heart and its womb-like capacity to gestate the soul’s creative vision and purpose is sadly lacking in modern culture, with its over-emphasis on more yang, immediate forms of knowing and doing. The Gospel of Luke describes Mary as one who “treasures all things and ponders them in her heart” (Luke: Chapter 2). Yet, it is exactly this kind of interior feminine heart-nurturing and holding that is undervalued in contemporary culture. Both men and women have a womb-soul that needs to nourish the seeds of creation until they reach maturation. This is the exceptional gift of the Downy Avens, with its ability to hold its heart flower firmly contained and then ray forth in magnificent splendor when the time is fruitful.

A Beneficial Flower for the Pedagogical Challenges Facing Today’s Children

Today’s children are prompted by outer methods of learning, especially digital and electronic modalities that stimulate only the brain, and encourage rapid, but superficial learning. While there are many modalities that can address so-called attention deficit disorder and related learning challenges such as Asperger’s syndrome and autism, Downy Avens is an essential remedy to consider. The amount of time that children can engage in true creative play, particularly the forces of imagination and inspiration, is vastly under-cultivated in both home, community, and school environments. Modern pedagogical methods utilize intellectual methods of memory in which the brain is rapidly fired, rather than deeper forms of memory that develop more slowly by the heart’s engagement over time, including the process of forgetting and then “re-membering” and re-encountering phenomena with freshly awakened perspective. The modern approaches to the education of the child are particularly painful for sensitive children who are inundated with intellectual and technological forms of surface ‘learning’ that bypass the true longing of the heart to fully experience and engage in life-based learning.

A typical example of how Downy Avens helps children is demonstrated in a case submitted by a flower essence therapist who used this flower remedy for a young boy who exhibited autistic and hyperactive tendencies in his mainstream schooling. During the time of using the Downy Avens this child developed a greater connection to his social and physical environment. Through this deeper form of heart activation, his outer symptoms of hyperactivity were gradually transformed. This young boy became more engaged and no longer presented as being autistic; instead, he progressively formed a genuinely loving and interested connection to the outer world and social relationships around him.

Another case involves Downy Avens used with Lewisia flower essence, for a young child diagnosed with autism. His parents took him to a treatment center, but they were told their child’s condition was too severe and could not be helped. The child was described as having an entrenched veil or sheath around him that prevented him from expressing his true self. With the use of these two flower essences, the parents were astonished to see that their young son “became calmer, more responsive and presented more clarity.” At his school he was able to be more expressive and clearly state his preferences. Gradually, it was noted that new forces were flowing through him that seemed to “unclog” and open his receptivity for others and for his environment.


Helping Adults of All Ages to Become More Creative by Engaging the Heart

Downy Avens provided a major breakthrough for a woman in her late thirties who had many creative interests but was never able to bring these impulses to fruition. In taking Downy Avens she was able to stay with a writing project that she had abandoned many times, finding new attunement and inspiration for what she wanted to express. After many struggles and frustrations, her writing now began to flow more readily. She finally produced a book that was beyond her initial expectations and was well-received by the colleagues in her academic profession. While she did not intentionally take Downy Avens for such, she had also struggled for over a decade with reproductive health issues, including infertility. Several months later she found herself happily and successfully pregnant for the first time, much to her astonishment.

A flower essence practitioner reports extensive use of Downy Avens for clients “working in fast-paced, high stress situations” and who therefore lose connection with the heart’s true values and purposes. A typical case example involved a female lawyer, who saw herself struggling in what seemed a man’s world to keep up with everything in her schooling and profession, while still maintaining her core feelings and feminine identity. Downy Avens helped her to “pace herself, as it were, to install brakes,” as the practitioner described it.

In general, the Downy Avens helps in many different situations in which the heart needs to find its expression and embrace of life purpose. Typically, it is very beneficial for those who attempt to force or hurry their outer goals, or desire for external achievements. By nurturing the “inner womb” of creativity and allowing a true connection with the heart’s feelings and interests, many forms of outer pressure or seeming failure can be transformed and find their right path forward. Downy Avens is notably beneficial for those involved in intellectual or technological lifestyles who may be alienated from, or tend to bypass, the heart’s deeper connectivity and purpose. Without the heart’s engagement, many forms of depression, boredom, restlessness, or chronic fatigue eventually develop and stymie the soul’s true embrace for life purpose and passion.


Knowledge of the heart.

Giving the Heart a Voice: Gestating Visions and Making Decisions

Overall, Downy Avens is helpful used alone, or in tandem with other flowers to cultivate the voice of the heart. Too often in modern life, we bypass a sifting and listening process when making impactful decisions about our lives. The overwhelming influence of social media, advertising and outer social culture pulls us away from our connection to the heart’s true voice as the source of deeper values and moral sensibilities.

For example, a couple had saved money for several years to build their dream home. Yet, when it came time to draw up plans for their home and begin the building process, many arguments and feelings of unrest and unease developed between them to the point where they began speaking of a divorce. A counselor led them in a process of inner attunement over several months, also including the use of Downy Avens flower essence. What emerged was a new shared vision involving completely different values for what they really wanted their home to be. Their original plan was an expensive large home in a new suburban development. They realized that this location would require much driving for their jobs and would place them in an undesirable school district for their children. Moreover, building a new home would put them in debt for years to come. What they really valued was community and family. In the end they chose not to build a new home, but instead purchase a smaller older home in a tree-lined neighborhood, closer to parks and other features, and located in a family and community-oriented neighborhood. Discovering and committing to their shared values sourced at a deeper level of heart consciousness helped them to move forward positively with their life values and goals.

Comparisons with similar essences

Please note that any of the flowers below can be excellent companions with Downy Avens. However, it is also useful to review the distinctions and specific healing benefits of those flowers that have over-lapping themes.

Impatiens – Both Impatiens and Downy Avens essences work with the soul’s lack of balance within the process of time. Impatiens is indicated for the more overt form of this state. For example, these personality types finish another’s sentences, or they feel the thrill of speed, such as completing tasks rapidly or maneuvering a car quickly through lanes of traffic. Such individuals tend to have nervous or excessive movement, and even when ill, are challenged to remain at rest and allow a full healing process. By contrast, Downy Avens addresses a more internal alchemy that is not always easy to identify through outer symptoms in the initial stages. Here, the heart often bypasses its need for internal knowing and feeling. Instead, one is compelled by social norms or other exterior measures, to achieve or manifest outwardly before the heart has truly anchored, engaged or otherwise identified with one’s inner motivation for outer actions. Thus, there is a lack of deeper passion, purpose and engagement with what is presented or achieved in the world.

Impatiens flower
Impatiens flower

Impatiens – Both Impatiens and Downy Avens essences work with the soul’s lack of balance within the process of time. Impatiens is indicated for the more overt form of this state. For example, these personality types finish another’s sentences, or they feel the thrill of speed, such as completing tasks rapidly or maneuvering a car quickly through lanes of traffic. Such individuals tend to have nervous or excessive movement, and even when ill, are challenged to remain at rest and allow a full healing process. By contrast, Downy Avens addresses a more internal alchemy that is not always easy to identify through outer symptoms in the initial stages. Here, the heart often bypasses its need for internal knowing and feeling. Instead, one is compelled by social norms or other exterior measures, to achieve or manifest outwardly before the heart has truly anchored, engaged or otherwise identified with one’s inner motivation for outer actions. Thus, there is a lack of deeper passion, purpose and engagement with what is presented or achieved in the world.

Cosmos flower

Cosmos – Both Cosmos and Downy Avens address ways in which intelligence is accessed by the soul. In the case of Cosmos, the need is to reach higher mental fields that are blocked by the intellect, or the general sluggishness of the brain. Cosmos quickens the connection of the soul to higher worlds beyond the immediate confines of materialistic consciousness. Therefore, the thinking can become more dynamic and vibrantly involved. On the other hand, Downy Avens works more directly at the heart level to guide the soul in a careful tending and cultivation of inner content, much as a gardener would tend for a plant over time until it comes to full flower and fruit.

California Wild Rose – Both California Wild Rose and Downy Avens encourage the vitality and involvement of the heart in life processes. California Wild Rose works at a more general and basic level of the heart, to overcome states of alienation, apathy, stagnant energy, or pessimism. This flower propels the heart to dive into life despite loss, defeat, or other imperfections. In this manner, the heart becomes stronger, more resilient, and more capable of rousing the will forces toward positive life goals and accomplishments. Meanwhile, Downy Avens directs the heart to an inner scope of reality. By tending and tempering one’s inner flame within the Heart’s Temple, what is brought forward to the world is more authentic and strongly anchored. It serves as inner sustenance and wisdom for one’s outer achievements and goals in the world.

California Wild Rose
California Wild Rose

California Wild Rose – Both California Wild Rose and Downy Avens encourage the vitality and involvement of the heart in life processes. California Wild Rose works at a more general and basic level of the heart, to overcome states of alienation, apathy, stagnant energy, or pessimism. This flower propels the heart to dive into life despite loss, defeat, or other imperfections. In this manner, the heart becomes stronger, more resilient, and more capable of rousing the will forces toward positive life goals and accomplishments. Meanwhile, Downy Avens directs the heart to an inner scope of reality. By tending and tempering one’s inner flame within the Heart’s Temple, what is brought forward to the world is more authentic and strongly anchored. It serves as inner sustenance and wisdom for one’s outer achievements and goals in the world.

Star Tulip flower

Star Tulip – Both Star Tulip and Downy Avens involve positive receptivity and inner engagement of the soul. Star Tulip helps refine the senses, especially hearing, so that one can perceive and commune with the world beyond its material surface of sensory experience. Thereby, the soul is led gradually through a subtle process of refinement to deeper foundations of spiritual reality. A similar process of amelioration is also involved in the Downy Avens journey. But here one engages heart awakening by learning to identify and nurture one’s ideals, moral values, and ennobled feelings. Thus, one makes the heart more true, more authentic, and more dynamically capable of meeting the outer world with love and passion. Thus, the process for Downy Avens is one that starts from within the soul and moves out into the world. By contrast, the alchemy of Star Tulip starts first with outer sense phenomena and related experiences, gradually enriching and deepening the soul’s inner perception and activity.

Iris– As does Downy Avens, Iris encourages creative capacities within the soul life. Iris engenders an awareness for unique expression and soul color in all that one does in life. It is especially helpful for those with limiting beliefs about their artistic identity, or who have suppressed their artistic sensibilities in favor of a work, community or family standard that does not recognize or undervalues such expressions. Downy Avens nurtures the heart’s sensibilities from deep within the creative womb of life. These seeds of potential within the heart include deeper feelings based upon moral values, ideals, and visions for one’s future. These heart stirrings can certainly be colored by the soul’s artistry, but the Downy Avens also stimulates a broader foundation of heart wisdom and inner strength.

Wild Iris
Wild Iris

Iris– As does Downy Avens, Iris encourages creative capacities within the soul life. Iris engenders an awareness for unique expression and soul color in all that one does in life. It is especially helpful for those with limiting beliefs about their artistic identity, or who have suppressed their artistic sensibilities in favor of a work, community or family standard that does not recognize or undervalues such expressions. Downy Avens nurtures the heart’s sensibilities from deep within the creative womb of life. These seeds of potential within the heart include deeper feelings based upon moral values, ideals, and visions for one’s future. These heart stirrings can certainly be colored by the soul’s artistry, but the Downy Avens also stimulates a broader foundation of heart wisdom and inner strength.

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