
I have learned over the years that tearing apart a home often evokes deeply held psychological, spiritual and emotional issues for the client. Opening the inner recesses of a building is a disruptive process and crisis points emerge.

by Nicholas Borrell

Challenging circumstances create personal and interpersonal “cracks in the façade,” “erosion of the foundation,” and “structural weaknesses”

The human energetic field receives complex signals from its physical environment and no environment is more important than home

Bringing balance through flower essences to the job site

Treating the needs and concerns of the client

Fears over financial distress brought back to healthy balance

Healing a life of emotional trauma while transitioning to a smaller home

Working creatively in the face of multiple challenges

About Nicholas Borrell and the concept of construction and healing

Editor’s note: Dr. Bach, in his foundational thinking about flower essence therapy, envisioned that the remedies would be involved in all aspects of human life. Nicholas Borrell is the first person we’re aware of who has established a bridge between the profession of home remodeling construction and therapeutic healing.

The process of remodeling or building a home has often been cited as one of the causes for a couple to undergo divorce. Due to the high stress, necessity for communication and making decisions, and the high level of disruption inherent in any remodeling process, concurrent therapeutic attention for a couple and family has great value. Following is an article written by Nicholas outlining the development of his incorporation of flower essence therapy into his construction business.

The merging of the design and construction process with the healing arts has its roots in Taoist philosophy and Confucian feng shui. The cultural context of ancient China with its innate understanding of geomantic forces and its superstitious populace, made the physical adjustment corrections universally acceptable.

In feng shui, remedies such as mirrors, colors, directional analysis, and furniture placement, control and resolve the subtle flow of chi – benefiting the health and wealth of the occupants. In my work, we sometimes completely demolish the interior and exterior finishes and structures. Strong remedies indeed!

In my business, I marry design, construction, and healing processes integrally. By fitting the designed space to personal and energetic flow, and by addressing how these changes may bring up some of the soul’s dark matter to be released, I hope to help create a new vision for how we live. The marriage of opportunity – to release held limit /trauma in a structure, in concert with the use of flower essences to aid and resolve issues – is a new direction, a far more interesting and dynamic way of looking at “home.” — Nicolas Borrell

Challenging circumstances create personal and interpersonal “cracks in the façade,” “erosion of the foundation,” and “structural weaknesses”

The home building business, and especially the remodeling/restoration aspect of it, can be exhilarating as well as intimately challenging.

I have learned over the years that tearing apart a home often evokes deeply held psychological, spiritual and emotional issues for the client. Opening the inner recesses of a building is a disruptive process and crisis points emerge.

On the surface, the client’s issues concern the obvious: money, time, and structural issues that cannot be anticipated until the scope of the renovation is fully exposed. On another level, for the client or couple, these challenging circumstances sometimes create personal and interpersonal “cracks in the façade,” “erosion of the foundation,” and “structural weaknesses” that get exposed to the light of day.

The human energetic field receives complex signals from its physical environment and no environment is more important than home

By the time a potential client calls for a design and construction consultation, the building has usually reached some type of critical issue. Many times it is an older structure with serious problems. The client’s Wish List is extensive and demands correction. The metaphorical parallels – between the client’s psycho-spiritual nature and the limits of the structure he/she wishes to transform – became more obvious to me as I journeyed down the road of experience.

As far back as I can remember I had the ability to “read” a structure. Reading the client is also part of my responsibility. In working with couples it is important to ask, are they on the same page? Do they both desire to undertake a large (or small) scale project? Are they ready for the noise, dust, and cost? Are their objectives in balance? Do they communicate? If there are contraindications in these areas, it can be a rocky ride for all involved.

During the early design and budgeting phase I instinctively begin asking questions about health and happiness to discern the underlying desire of what is sought.  Residual energy may remain when clients purchase a house, as the previous family may have gone through the cyclical ups and downs of life. The new owners may wait years just to paint and repair, living with the ghosts of the past.

I have often heard, “We don’t fit in this house anymore.” This comment signals that the occupants have grown emotionally and/or physically beyond the space. This can result in negative physical symptoms such as sleep disturbances or breathing issues. More than a few times I have worked in houses of families where there was a history of asthma or allergies. Mold, rot, and insect damage challenge the health of the occupants. Safety issues may exist: ill-fitting doors or windows, or water incursions in the roof or basement. Unbalanced heating systems make some areas of the house more comfortable than others.

The soul lives within the highly dynamic energetic system of the physical body that lives upon the surface of the planet. If the structural foundation is literally cracked, it speaks to the grounding of the earth below creating destabilizing energies. The occupants may not know that this is happening but they do feel it.

A house rectifies, holds, and releases energies, which are subtle and not so subtle. When we a) stabilize the foundation, b) repair water issues, c) allow the structure to breathe, d) bring in light and fresh prana/air, we create empowering environments for nourishment; we create sanctuary. It is easier to live a healthy abundant life when the home supports coherent waveforms. Egress release, window placement, room size/ proportion, and color are all important in achieving this balance.

Bringing balance through flower essences to the job site

Early on, to help myself manage the stress of the work, I would personally take Rescue Remedy (aka Five-Flower Formula ). I had learned that my adjusted field – my calm voice and demeanor – had a clear positive effect on the atmosphere of the jobsite, bringing a balance to the volatile changes going on in my client’s life.

It has been my observation that vibrational healing can be induced through any person within the shared field. Remedies given to any individual in a group or a family, for instance, a mother or a child, one party within a couple, or myself as a temporary “significant other,” has an effect on the mutual experience. I call this “miasmatic healing.”

It is metaphysically clear that we create the reality we live in. As individuals, we broadcast a composite signal containing our personal information and worldview. This signal or energy field contains feedback loops that charge and recharge depending upon how much we have chosen to learn. How much we are willing to be aware of and take responsibility for is the choice of each individual. Consciously or not, the soul moves toward wholeness.

I use the word miasma in a less than classical sense – suggesting that the energetic field forms a “cloud” of “held” history, supporting the moment-to-moment truth of the souls’ life. We are capable of creating and holding sacred fields where social agreements within families, work groupings, communities, nations and even planetary systems contain agreed-upon realities and illusions. After all, we live in a Free Will Zone and create and support anything we choose.

As a designer/builder, I have been drawn into the held miasmas of the families I have worked for. I have become a temporary “significant other” with the potential to change their lives through the transformation of the physical space they live in.

As my empathic/intuitive skills grew, I began to see my work in a different light. I began to sense these held fields, seeing them shift as new or reorganized spaces emerged. Some clients shared that I had “made their dreams come true.” Others passed through cathartic releases of anger, at times directed at the builder because the disruption created by the construction process disturbed the field so thoroughly that some form of radical change had to occur. New agreements and lifestyle modifications became imperative.

I began to understand that my personal field had an effect on the whole field. Using flower essences to maintain my balance, particularly the Rescue Remedy (aka Five-Flower Formula ), had a beneficial effect overall. It helped me to bring a revitalized calm to the atmosphere where my focus, attitude and presence affected the progress and outcome.

Through the concept of “miasma,” I explore how the individual’s field may effect change within the larger scope of family, community, and the natural environment. Some of the projects I have undertaken were of a fairly long duration, a year or longer. Inevitably, after so long a time, the project would hit a crisis phase where everyone – including the carpenters, the laborers, and me – were ready to be finished.

Olive supported my ability to go the distance. The last thing a client wanted to hear was that I was exhausted and tired of their problems. After all, my work as designer and builder was manifesting their dream. But in fact, I often felt more like a marriage counselor, a problem solver, and a coach. I was held responsible not only for delays in the timetable but more … for causing discomfort. I found that opening up a house opened up the psyche. I also saw that the healing opportunity is immense.

Treating the needs and concerns of the client

As a professional, I am intuitively attuned to my client’s needs and mindful of their concerns. However, I am often on the receiving end of a client’s frustration over money, time, and project alterations. When clients call up screaming it is clear that something really deep and powerful is going on. I have, at times, suggested the use of flower essences to help ameliorate stress. I offer them as a friend – to ease their discomfort. These client/contractor/therapist exchanges often happen on site where all the action is!

It is difficult to suggest vibrational healing to a person who lacks comprehension or openness to naturopathic/homeopathic therapies. It is even more unusual to get clients to accept a trial. Their trust in me is critical. We have usually bonded as survivors of a difficult sea passage and they let me “work a little magic” for them. I offer my healing energies as a non-contractual part of a process. I now know there is profound opportunity to resolve hidden miasma. Lives change as new energy circulates through the openings created.

Not all projects are successful. Patience can be challenged when clients revert back to their old ways. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.

Fears over financial distress brought back to healthy balance

This was a long-term, whole house renovation, remodel, and additions – a very costly project. Three-quarters of the way through, Linda’s husband lost his job. Well into the renovation, there was no turning back. Linda decided to use savings to continue the project. One evening after receiving the current bill, Linda called up in a very agitated state, quite unlike her normal generous self. She needed to “speak to me.”

Linda was open to “alternative health options” so I asked if I could bring essences. She agreed. My choice was to begin with Rescue Pastilles. She was a food-oriented nurturer – so the act of feeding her, while supporting her – seemed appropriate. I also brought a combination of Olive and Elm to restore her to her normal balanced capacities.

Together, we addressed her financial concerns as well as the design/build decisions at hand. We also broached the future. The project completed without further incident.

Healing a life of emotional trauma while transitioning to a smaller home

Alayne is an active 80+ year-old woman for whom I renovated a lakeside cottage to be a full year-round home. She planned to transition to it from the larger home where her family had been raised. Alayne’s husband Mike suffered with Parkinson’s disease.

During this time, Mike’s symptoms intensified to the point of becoming angry, disoriented, and difficult to manage. His irrational decision to hold on to their old home stressed their relationship. In this case, money was not a significant issue. But during her life Alayne had had her share of emotional trauma. Her daughter had committed suicide at age 26; and Mike’s severe decline and imminent death re-traumatized the field to the breaking point. I used Star of Bethlehem and Self-Heal to calm and support her, and to release some of the potency that Mike’s health issues brought up. My crew was eventually able to move them out of the old and into the new. Mike died within the year. Alayne uses the Bach Sleep combination on a regular basis still – and now has normal sleep patterns. She is a remarkable woman.

Working creatively in the face of multiple challenges

Susan is a divorced mother with one elementary school-aged daughter. Susan and her husband had purchased a dilapidated lake cottage as an investment. Susan now owned it as the result of a divorce settlement. A local architect designed a new house and Susan chose my company to build it for her.

Money was an issue from the start – even to the point where she needed to borrow from family to make progress payments. This was difficult and a challenge to her pride.

During construction, Susan lost her job, putting additional stress on the situation. She needed constant support and encouragement. We worked aggressively to find creative ways to complete the task, as well as to save her money. I was, of course, worried about getting paid – but Susan’s dignity and independence helped me to overcome my own fears. The last thing she needed was more pressure!

I suggested and provided Cerato for self-administration, even though I knew she had very conventional ideas about health. I believe the combination of my trust and the subtle changes Cerato encouraged created the opportunity for success of the project. We also worked together to design a visualization strategy for future employment and abundance. She is now employed again living happily in her new home with her daughter.

About Nicholas Borrell and the concept of construction and healing

I heal homes. I listen carefully to both my client’s wishes and needs and the energetic patterns in the existing building’s structure.

In homeopathic/naturopathic healing work, it is well known that the symptoms of the disease often worsen at the start, then reach climax, and are released.

The same is true for the construction process. During this radical process, the builder (on behalf of the client) will demolish, tear out and temporarily weaken, expose to weather, and begin to rebuild a structure.

Although my clients may logically understand the construction process, they are usually shocked and challenged when their own nest of safety is destroyed. This experience may bring up layers of limitation – held family and personal miasma, and even ghosts of the past.

My business, The Healing Home , is beginning to evolve this process as a strategy to promote emotional and physical health. The relationship between where we live and how we feel could not be clearer. As I say on my website, “Change your life by changing the space you live in.” The flower essence protocols are essential allies in my work.

Nicholas Borrell has 35 years of experience in the Design and Construction of Residential Architecture. He has a parallel personal passion for the healing arts, and has studied herbal therapeutic applications for forty years. He has also studied homeopathy with physician, William Franklin McCoy, M.D., D.Ht., is a Certified Hypnotherapy Regression Therapist, and has had used flower essences for personal and client application for 25 years. Nicholas is an author, photographer, and naturalist. Visit his website .

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