
Prophet: a dog whose grief and anxiety resolved into well-being

Riley: a cat who developed confidence to stand her own ground

BooBoo: a cat who made a remarkable recovery from seizures and partial paralysis

At the time Mary Sue was called, BooBoo, a black Persian cat, was 3 years old, but she was small for her age. It was explained to Mary Sue that BooBoo had had a seizure and was partially paralyzed. The owners did not know what to do; they had taken the cat to a veterinarian but were searching for additional help. When Mary Sue first saw BooBoo, she was laying on her side and could not walk, though she could move her head.

Mary Sue learned from the owners that BooBoo had been the runt of a litter of kittens, she’d always had stomach and elimination problems--apparently her
digestive system was not fully developed. She was a “special needs” cat; and she’d had another seizure prior to this one. The family was all very devoted to BooBoo and really loved her.

Mary Sue asked what BooBoo what her purpose was and learned that it was “to help the family get along.” The family included a man, his wife, daughter and a son.

Mary Sue discovered that five of the seven cat’s chakras were blocked, and that BooBoo’s energy was very shut down. She did a healing touch session, and then chose the following flower essences:

Self-Heal to stimulate healing potential
Olive for rejuvenation, exhaustion, and soothing energy
Red Chestnut because BooBoo was concerned about her family and took that job seriously
California Wild Rose because her heart chakra was blocked, and Mary Sue considers that as a remedy for the heart

BooBoo was being given water by mouth with a syringe, and one drop of the remedy was put in the syringe in the morning and evening.

By the time of the second session, six days later, BooBoo was eating. “This is quite miraculous—it doesn’t always work that way.” BooBoo was more mobile; she was improved, but still not walking. Her appetite was back and she was eating well; her balance was better, and she was more alert. She was peeing on her own, but was constipated.

Mary Sue’s assessment showed that only three chakras were blocked, not five as before; the energy was flowing better. She communicated to BooBoo that her present job was to get well. The family continued to give the same formula in the water syringe.

The third session, three days later found that BooBoo was basically doing okay, but there remained concern about her constipation; the family had had to take her to the veterinarian for an enema treatment. At the beginning of the session, four chakras were blocked, but by the end of the session, all had opened up. BooBoo continued with the same formula.

The fourth session with BooBoo occurred two weeks after the first one. The cat had been able to eliminate on her own after the third HTA session. She was alert, sitting, and her appetite was good. Two chakras were blocked at the beginning of the session, but her heart chakra had opened up so Mary Sue felt that she was feeling happier.

Three weeks into the treatments, BooBoo was walking. “It makes a big difference when an animal has so much support and love.” Constipation still remained an issue, and so during the session Mary Sue talked with BooBoo. “When one talks to animals, it’s not like they’re getting the meaning of the words per se, but as you
talk with images going through your head, animals pick up on the images telepathically; they’re very attuned to the energy conveyed.” Mary Sue told BooBoo as clearly as she could to please eliminate on her own: “If you do that, you won’t have to go to the vet for an enema.” BooBoo really got it! The owner called the next day to say that she had eliminated, and then thereafter did everyday on her own.

By the sixth session, still using the same formula, BooBoo was eating, vocalizing, and eliminating on her own. Six of the seven chakras, including the heart chakra, were open at the beginning of the session; her energy field was flowing and open.  The last remedy BooBoo was given was Self-Heal and Chamomile for soothing her stomach and digestion, as also Crab Apple for constipation and cleansing.

BooBoo continued to do well for approximately three more years, though constipation was still an issue at times. Mary Sue recently called the owner to ask if she had a picture of BooBoo she could send for inclusion with this article, and the owner who was quite broken-up said that BooBoo had died the last month. The owner was grateful to have had BooBoo for six years.

“In this situation that is a miracle in and of itself—that BooBoo was able to live as long as she did. I am always so touched by the intensity of the bond between humans and their animals and also honored to be a part of their process.”

Prophet: a dog whose grief and anxiety resolved into well-being

Prophet is a very endearing 13-year old, white Sealy Ham Terrier. Prophet’s owner called Mary Sue because he has a heart murmur, was slowing down and was panting a lot. The woman explained that she’d had a beautiful German Shepherd who had died recently, and Prophet acted nervous now that the German Shepherd was gone: “Prophet felt that he needed to take on the role of the deceased dog and he was nervous about it.” However, Mary Sue and the owner also feel that Prophet was enjoying getting more attention now that the other dog was not there.

Mary Sue initially assessed that five of the seven chakras were blocked, and so Prophet was quite shut down energetically. His main response after the chakra balance was that he simply laid down with a big sigh. Mary Sue gave him Borage for his grief at the death of his dog friend, and California Wild Rose to help with his heart, and to bring enthusiasm for life.

A month later, Mary Sue had another session with Prophet. He had more energy, and only three chakras were blocked at the beginning of the session. She gave him Self-Heal and Olive for rejuvenation and fatigue, and also Borage as before.

Another month later, during the third session with Prophet, the owner reported that she’d noticed changes, he seemed to have more of a sense of well being, and wanted to go on walks. She also said that he was not as nervous as before, and seems more settled.

Again, Mary Sue gave him Self-Heal , Olive and Borage , but also added Buttercup for self-worth. She also included Pink Yarrow because his owner was going through recent emotional struggles and she thought that it would be helpful for Prophet.

Riley: a cat who developed confidence to stand her own ground

Riley’s owner called because as a great cat lover, she was distressed that Riley was being picked on by other cats in the household. She had fostered Riley from the humane society, and she was somewhat feral.

During the session, Riley stayed a bit of distance away from Mary Sue. So, Mary Sue sat as close to her as she could but did not touch her. Riley stayed close to Mary Sue and seemed to enjoy the treatment but for her it needed to be at that distance.

When the other cats chased Riley, she was not standing her ground even though she was 6 years old. Her owner wanted her to relax more and defend herself. When assessed, the cat seemed healthy, though her 3rd solar plexus chakra, which has to do with feeling empowered and self worth, was blocked. Mary Sue asked the owner to give all the cats Quaking Grass for the group to get along better. Riley was given Sunflower for balanced ego expression, and Larch for confidence.

After just the one session, the owner said that Riley defends herself better, stands her ground, and doesn’t run and hide. The whole group dynamic changed from the other cats ganging up on her; to now it’s almost a game that Riley initiates with the others.

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