
by Jann Garitty

Listening to the body through touch

Topical application of flower essences

Seasons of the Soul herbal flower oils greatly enhance osteopathy treatments

Healing work with children and babies

Flower essences help a mother and child to become confident and bond with each other

Psychosomatic vertigo healed after establishing renewed interest in life

Clearing physical post trauma and finding true purpose in life

“This is profound work that would be tiring if it were just body work. With flower essences, the energy is moving inside as it moves outside…it seems like a natural effort.”

Trained in osteopathy immediately after graduating from high school, Lucas Vergnettes has found that osteopathy provides answers to physical problems that are difficult to resolve. Using a variety of methods involving touch, osteopathy addresses the mind-body-spirit interface and stimulates the body to self-regulate and heal. Lucas attended an osteopathic school in Aix-en-Provence, France for six years where he was introduced to among other modalities, acupuncture, nutrition, as well as psychological states and emotions, and their affects on the body. He now resides in Canada where he continues to practice.

Listening to the body through touch

Lucas discovered that he had a particular expertise in “touch” and by touching the patient, he was able to understand the “big picture;” he had a natural competence for this skill. Later on, Lucas had further training with a Belgian teacher who had trained with direct students of Drs Still, Sutherland and Becker, who developed the practice of osteopathy in the United States. Lucas has a particular interest in the biodynamic approach of osteopathy, which sees the body as a whole, capable of communicating to us imbalances in the system that can then be addressed. In this approach, he then helps the body to self-regulate following the unfolding of different patterns of tension.

“I listen to the body, and through my techniques and the use of flower essences, the healing process in the body is stimulated, resulting in homeostasis for patients. I don’t fix my patients, but rather help the body and person to get into their own regulation; this the interaction of the function and structure of body.”

Lucas studied homeopathy on his own, and incorporated it into his practice only as a diagnostic approach, for “profiling” patients. Later, he was introduced to the Bach flower remedies by one of his teachers. There were Bach remedies at a shop near his practice and he thought, “Why not try them with patients?” and he began to study about crossing homeopathic profiles and Bach remedies. He went on to read more by Jacques David who described the Bach remedies from an energetic perspective, and he found the information interesting, easy to learn and at the same time effective in his practice. He discontinued using homeopathic profiles and began to use flower remedy diagnosis exclusively once he had more experience and saw the healing results in his patients.

Topical application of flower essences

Lucas first began to profile his patients to understand what function was in excess or in deficiency. Then, he began to make suggestions to his patients as to what flower remedies might be helpful. He experimented a great deal and learned how to combine the remedies. Continuing his studies, he discovered and utilized the work of Dietmar Krämer who had developed body maps for topical applications of the Bach remedies, and Lucas observed more how various pains could be related to emotional states; he incorporated some this information into his practice as well. He also learned further about topical applications from the writings of Ricardo Orozco , for which the understanding came easily for him to apply in his practice. He then went on and trained with Ricardo Orozco on topical applications and personality disorders, and he also attended the FES Professional Course.

In his current practice with patients, Lucas typically uses most frequently flower essences applied in a crème base. Still, he does traditional osteopathy, “listening” by touch to regulate the self healing process, and he can see the changes which occur. Lucas applies a remedy, talks about the issue, while working on the body. The essences have potential to maintain focus on a particular state  and go on to help regulate the body toward balance. With flower essences, he has found that a better healing potential is realized. The essences provide a gentle way for his patients to find resolution for their illnesses, a way that is also respectful and calming for them in their process. “Flower essences help to reveal that there are other ways to resolve health issues.”

Lucas uses flower essences in tandem with body work directly after traumas occur. “The body tells a lot; it shows on the surface what needs to be worked on. The body will then go on to reveal the next issue, and the next. It’s like pulling a thread…”

After a session, many patients report that they feel like they’re “floating on a cloud,” and they are energy charged. Patients often report to Lucas that “It’s been a long time since I felt like this…”

FloraFusions herbal flower oils greatly enhance osteopathy treatments

Of the FloraFusions oils, Lucas uses most often Dandelion Dynamo . At one point he had been searching for a remedy for acute exhaustion – typical symptoms of “burn out” – for someone who had not recovered and had no vitality. He thought to use Olive , which works well for such cases, but felt something was missing. He decided to mix Olive with Dandelion Dynamo , and when applied to the neck and shoulders, it worked very effectively.

”The treatment is 100 times better than just using osteopathy alone: it would have taken one hour to resolve the issue versus the 10 minutes with the Dandelion Dynamo and Olive flower essence combination. That means that other patient issues as well could be addressed during the appointment.”

Lucas uses Benediction oil on the chest area for pain from recent grief. A colleague, who is a midwife, uses Dandelion Dynamo in massages for pregnant women and the Mugwort Moon Magic oil at the end of pregnancy for delivery. In addition, Lucas finds that Arnica Allay is of tremendous help applied on bruises and for acute trauma; he has seen bruises begin to resolve in less than an hour after application. With trauma, there is a loss of vitality and he has found that Arnica Allay helps the body to regain well-being. In particular, flower essences address the full scale of trauma, the emotions, fear, etc., which are as important to address as the physical issues.

Healing work with children and babies

Lucas uses Calendula Caress as a base oil for children, frequently adding Mariposa Lily . He feels that this particular oil formulation helps foster bonds between parents and their children. He often combines Chicory with it as well. Nourishing the bond between the family members is sometimes more important than the physical work he does in practice. When the essential issues are addressed, the smaller issues resolve. Addressing the equilibrium of the emotions of the whole family contributes to the well-being of the child, and helps alleviate the “guilt” that parents sometimes feel about the child’s welfare.

In addition to his own practice, Lucas also works utilizing his osteopathy techniques with women and babies after delivery and birth in a private hospital setting. However, only in his private practice, is he able to incorporate flower essences and the Seasons of the Soul oils. He uses flower essences in crèmes as much as possible with children and pregnant women. He also recommends using flower essences in baths every day or two for babies.

Many of the babies with whom he works have experienced birth trauma, and he has observed that some severe emotional states are reactional states due to a lack of oxygen during the birthing process.

“The first breath of a baby is important, to experience the ability to hold the first breath.” If a baby has had this experience disrupted, Lucas can help the baby enter more fully into the body, relive and experience it. This process is easier when it’s done soon after birth; when a child is some months older, it becomes more difficult. Lucas uses Arnica , Chicory , Star of Bethlehem , Rock Rose and Shooting Star for the “fear generated from lacking nutritive substances, i.e., oxygen.”

 Read case reports here

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