
Case studies by Lorena Solinger

When childhood issues are resolved, the soul energy is freed up to excel in present circumstances and relationships.

Having done healing work in regard to childhood relationships and circumstances with their own parents, Daniel and Susan were able to become spiritually and physically healthy individuals with a strengthened marriage relationship. They also began to achieve more satisfaction in their business careers and were more successful in parenting their own children.

Father, Mother, male toddler, pre- and post-natal baby

Daniel, the father

Susan, the mother

Daniel, the father

Astrological path card: the Hermit - this indicates someone who needs time alone, it signifies being at the end of a cycle, there’s “light,” and much wisdom and knowledge. He, in fact, didn’t have that feeling about himself; he was a lost soul.

Current year: 6 year, Lovers card - signifies healing the relationship with parents, siblings; in general, a time for healing relationships, and telling people with whom they have relationships what their needs are.

May 2005

Daniel was ill with coughing and had symptoms of hay fever, allergies and mucous in his eyes which was blocking his vision.

He and his wife Susan experienced conflict in their communication and bickered regularly; he felt anger, hostility, the passion was gone between them and he was concerned about impotency and his sexual performance. He was depressed, he slept a lot but did not feel rested.

He had anger in parenting his young toddler and felt impatient.

Two months prior to the session, he had quit smoking and now felt another personality was surfacing which he didn’t like. Before, while still smoking, he felt laid-back and easygoing. Now, he felt he was becoming verbally abusive as was his own father; he was very concerned because he didn’t want to be like him.

His father had been both verbally and physically abusive and often beat him with a belt. He was raised in a highly structured and confining religious environment. At age 15, he walked away from religion. His parents separated when he was in junior high school. They didn’t show love to each other, didn’t say, “I love you” and didn’t show physical love. His mother was depressed.

During the energy session, Lorena asked the angels and beings around him “are you of the light?” He in fact had an entity that was negative and she “sent it up to the light.” Daniel experienced a huge shift immediately and felt reconnected with spiritual hope; his belief in God was beginning to be restored.

His overall intention for healing was to have a loving relationship with his wife, a good connection with his son and the baby who would be born in 6 months, and also to improve his physical health.

Essences used:

Holly - needed for heart cleansing, coughing, etc.

Dandelion - because he worked in a stressful business and worked 12-14 hours per day, 6 days a week

Willow - to get rid of resentments he was holding in relation to Susan and his son’s discipline problems

Impatiens – for patience and to not lose his temper

Shooting Star and Forget-Me-Not - so he could connect with the unborn child, something that was important to him

During the summer months in which the following sessions occurred, Daniel’s health went “up and down” while he continued working. He was not healing and had a blood test that showed nothing wrong though he continued coughing.

Shooting Star  

Addressing issues in regard to fathering

Essences used:

Yarrow Environmental Solution

Baby Blue Eyes, Black-Eyed Susan, Agrimony and Golden Yarrow - to work on issues with his own father and fathering to his own son

Golden Yarrow was chosen specifically because Daniel tended to be withdrawn, shy and had a difficult time communicating; it was difficult for him to express himself. He seemed to be a deep thinking, scientific, artistic type who liked to work with his hands, in the garden and with wood.

Baby Blue Eyes  
Black-Eyed Susan  
Golden Yarrow

Addressing physical vitality, depression and issues in regard to parenting

Borage – for depression

Echinacea - to support the integrity of his core self and immune system

Angelica – to contact his angels and guides

Hibiscus – for the difficulty with physical sexuality

Yerba Santa – for his coughing

By August, Daniel started showing quite a bit of improvement: his depression was almost gone, his sex drive and positive feelings toward Susan improved, he was not frustrated in parenting his son, and his relationship with his son had improved.

He also experienced more self-confidence but still argued with Susan. After one argument, she threatened to move out; this was very frightening for him. Subsequently, Susan made a decision to stay in the family home together.

Daniel and Susan did not separate and there occurred a turning point in their relationship. Susan began to understand that many of her marital issues were really issues she had with her own father which she projected onto Daniel. Once she was able to realize that, she apologized for her verbal abuse and vowed to stop the unhealthy behaviors. It was a “happy ending” for them; “having cleared the air,” they are much closer and communicate with greater ease. They also added elements of romance into their relationship and went on dates and getaways which were fun for Daniel to plan.

Yerba Santa

Healing the maternal relationship, developing intimacy and mobilizing will forces

Daniel began attending a class on meditation taught by Lorena and began meditating regularly. He also began practicing and acknowledging gratitude in his life. Shifts continued to occur in his life.

Essences used:

Mariposa Lily - for healing with his mother as he felt like he was not connected with her

Evening Primrose – for intimacy issues and to nurture himself more

Blackberry - for his will power, for getting his health back and for manifesting for himself personally

Mariposa Lily  
Evening Primrose  

Developing self confidence, will and integration

Essences used:

Larch - for supporting his self confidence as he was working, getting a new house ready for his family and the baby who was to be born the next month

Shasta Daisy – to bring all aspects together mentally

Downy Avens – to mitigate his inability to be successful at his job, for his tendency to be a “late bloomer” in developing and expressing all his gifts and abilities.

California Wild Rose – to allow him to incarnate at a deeper level, to feel more connected to his heart, his will and the whole new life he was moving toward

Shasta Daisy  
Downy Avens  
Wild Rose


Susan was fearful of having another baby as she had had a difficult first pregnancy and also did not bond well with the child. Subsequently after the birth of their son, Daniel had been “Mr. Mom.” This role contributed to the problems in the marital relationship and in regard to his parenting. However, with the benefit of a Lamaze birthing class and the current situation, the birth of their second baby went well.

January 2006
Reinforcing positive changes

The family was well settled in their new home and Daniel wanted to work on breaking the old mold of the “old” person he was. While he felt he had made a permanent change in his being and felt positive, he wanted to reinforce it and not fall back into old patterns.

Essences used:

“Breaking the Mold” – comprised of Walnut, Centaury, Mountain Pride, Trumpet Vine and Larkspur

Purple Monkeyflower - for his childhood influence by religion

Mountain Pride  
Trumpet Vine  

Developing a spiritual practice

Daniel felt he had made many permanent changes. He was reading spiritual books and was interested in the books written by the Dalai Lama. He took a Reiki class and began using it with his children and also took an interest in sending Reiki to various troubled areas in the world; he was a spiritual person.

Solidifying changes

Daniel felt a strong sense of self worth and his ability to succeed; he felt open-minded. However, he felt he still lacked faith and worried that no matter how well or successful he became, he would fall back into his old habit of not being happy or successful in business.

Essences used:

“Breaking the Mold” for a second time


Daniel felt as though he had overcome his old persona and began doing speaking engagements for children in junior high regarding career choices.

He also bonded back with an estranged family member with whom he hadn’t had much contact and with his new baby nephew.

Releasing restricting family values

Daniel and Susan still bickered but their relationship was much healthier.

Essences used:

Joshua Tree – this resonated with him because he felt like he didn’t belong in his family of origin; he was totally opposite from the other members and couldn’t relate to the family

Pine - for being harsh and critical of himself, and for the guilt he felt that he was never good enough and could never “measure up”

Joshua Tree  


Daniel had a good reaction with Joshua Tree and felt like he was headed in a completely different direction. He recognized that he was not like his parents, was on a different path and realized that he felt fine about that. He was “into” angels, metaphysics, positive thinking, the Dalai Lama and “peaceful being.”

Strengthening the masculine

From a pessimistic man over a year ago who first went to see Lorena with zero faith in the process and flower essences, Daniel now excels in his job and as a husband and father. His whole family has noticed the tremendous change in his health and excellent energy. He has a daily spiritual practice, does meditation, practices gratefulness and reads self-help books. He also went on to study Reiki II. He is happy in his relationship with Susan with whom he recently celebrated their 16th year anniversary; they both cried with joy at being together. (Susan later told Lorena that she had never before seen Daniel cry.)

Essences used:

Sunflower - to continue working on issues in regard to his father and to develop more individuality

Penstemon - because his body needed “extra” to keep going to accomplish all that he wants to do. He’s going to take more of a lead in the business with his wife, forge ahead while she takes a step back.

Echinacea, Dandelion, Blackberry – to continue becoming more of the “man” he is




Daniel actually had had “walking pneumonia” over a four-month period of time which was not diagnosed nor had he been given antibiotics. Lorena feels that the Yerba Santa and Holly “pulled it out” and allowed him to heal on his own.

Susan, the mother

Astrological path card: the Hierophant, “spiritual teacher”

Current year: 12th year, Hanged Man card - signifies looking at everything from a different perspective

May, 2005

Susan was 31 years old and three months pregnant. She said she was exhausted, had nausea and had complaints about the relationship with her husband. Susan started the family business that Daniel later joined. She possessed greater knowledge of the business due to her years of experience. This was very stressful and caused difficulties in their home life.

Susan had had a difficult birth with her son, did not enjoy breastfeeding and had not bonded with him. The child would “not let her be his mother,” she was strict and constantly corrected him. She wanted the current pregnancy to be different and have a better relationship with the new baby.

She sought help for herself but also wanted her husband to be more spiritual and she wanted him to attend sessions as well.

Her own father had been a traveling salesman and was never around. Her parents were divorced when she was 14. Her mother was controlling and Susan carried a lot of anger toward her mother during her upbringing and in her early married life with Daniel. She became further estranged from her mother when her mother remarried and honored her stepfather’s wishes more than Susan’s and she felt hurt by that.

Her intentions for healing were to have peace of mind, to bond with her son and new baby, and to have improved relationships with her husband, family and career.

Essences used:

Mariposa Lily – for all her related mothering issues

Forget-Me-Not, Shooting Star, Angelica – to be “in touch” with the baby

Olive - for her exhaustion

California Wild Rose - to align her heart with her will and to help her to deeply incarnate into the role of motherhood

In an energy healing session Susan became aware of one of her guardian angels named “ Nancy” (coincidentally her mother’s name as well) who was overlooking her pregnancy, the baby and Susan. Immediately, she felt compassion for her mother and was able to feel forgiveness toward her in regard to the grief she had caused for Susan and her family.



Wild Rose

Physical support, grounding, bonding with family and incarnating baby

Within one month, Susan had noticed an improvement: “my son is warming up to me” and she felt happy. She noticed that her husband seemed calmer, there was not as much friction between them and she was less stressed: “Daniel is letting me have my space and be a mom with Benjamin.” However, Benjamin had started having asthma attacks at night and she was awake and up often with him.

Susan’s father had called and told her that he loved her; she cried while on the phone. She was very emotional and felt that she had had a spiritual opening; she felt grounded and had a deeper appreciation for life.

Essences used:

Calendula, Mariposa Lily and Star Tulip – for inner listening to the incarnating new being

Chamomile - for nausea

Quince - for being a working mother

Red Chestnut – for worry about her young son and the health of the baby

Corn - for grounding; and because she is a very ethereal being, very “light,” psychic and intuitive


Releasing fears and developing gratitude

2nd trimester of her pregnancy, in June the nausea had stopped. Susan felt better about her son but was worried about the baby. She felt she was short tempered, moody and impatient. Her son said to her “I love you mom and I’ll always take care of you.”

She started to feel more thankful and look at the blessings in her life. She felt she wanted to dedicate her life to helping other people be happy, and was very interested in knowing her destiny and life work.

During the energy session she saw herself doing hands-on healing. But also during that healing, her morbid fear of death was taken away; she said, “I have been lifted from the fear of death. She had felt she’d had a past life where she and the baby died together. She worked with that and her fear for the baby’s health, though she felt solidly connected with the baby.

Susan felt very in touch with her purpose to do healing for other people. She was in communication with her angels every day. She was given guidance in her business and felt very “right on.” “I go completely on feelings, I continue forgiving my mother; I am bonded with my angels, God and the universe.”

Releasing anger, cleansing and developing a sense of protection

Susan was feeling very foggy and had had many bad dreams; one dream felt as though she was being sexually abused. Her father, after a long absence, had come to see her but only spent ten minutes of time with her and she felt disconnected from him. Subsequently, she had an argument with Daniel and said she was going to leave him and relocate back to San Diego where she had been raised.

Eventually, Susan talked with Daniel who said “I’m tired of you hurting me and always pushing me away.” In fact, Susan had threatened him often and he had lost all trust in her. When he communicated this to her, she apologized. She said that Daniel had changed so much that she would try to change, too. They reevaluated their relationship, making a list of changes and improvements they wanted to incorporate.

At that time, when asked about what was going on with her own parents when she was in her mother’s womb, she said they were having marital problems. Her father had gone to the hospital when she was born and her mother knew that her father had been unfaithful by the hickey on his neck.

Essences used:

Chaparral - for the bad dreams; for psychic cleansing

Evening Primrose and Scarlet Monkeyflower - for anger and Susan’s experience in the womb

Bleeding Heart - because she was grieving the condition of her relationship with both her husband and father

St. John’s Wort - for protection

Susan wanted not to say or act in any way hurtful towards Daniel. She began to be congested and was coughing up a lot of phlegm; she was given Holly and Yerba Santa . She also learned from her mother that her pregnancy was not planned; this was enlightening for Susan.

St. John's  

September – December
Supporting motherhood

Susan decided to write a love letter to her father. When she did, she felt as though a huge weight lifted off of her and immediately she felt more loving towards Daniel. She was trying to have a different tone of voice, she changed her way of expressing with words, and was much kinder now. She felt good towards her father. Susan and Daniel in the past would give each other the “silent treatment” and go weeks without speaking, but instead of silence and harsh words when she was upset, she just gave Daniel a kiss. She expressed to him that she would never threaten him again but that sometimes she “just needs space.”

Susan and Daniel had been going away for romantic weekends and had enjoyable times with excellent sexual intimacy. She behaved more “softly.” She also felt much closer to her son as well. The son started apologizing to her after having arguments. In the past, he had kicked her, was verbally abusive towards her and had tantrums.

Susan took a meditation class from Lorena and began meditating regularly.

Susan and Daniel were getting ready for the birth of the baby. The doctors wanted to induce the baby; this idea was not agreeable to her and she started into labor on her own and the baby was born within a day of its original due date. It was an easy 5-1/2 hour labor with minimal complications. Everything turned out fine and it was an easy birth.

Essences used:

Nursing remedies—

Chamomile - for the “ups and downs” and so they would not “imprint” in her milk

Indian Paintbrush

Scarlet Fritillary – to balance yin and yang

Alpine Lily - to help bring her milk in

Mariposa Lily – for mothering

Alpine Lily  

Post-partum remedies—

Cherry Plum

Olive – because she worked right up to the last minute before the birth

Lavender and Yarrow – for over-sensitivity and nervousness, for being stretched beyond her limits; for adjusting to being a mother to her son and the new baby

When Susan’s baby girl was three weeks old, she felt totally different than after the birth of her son. They were closely bonded, the baby slept well and she was breast-feeding. However, she was struggling to stay patient and positive. She was very hesitant to give the entire family business over to Daniel though he wanted her not to work or have worries so that she could focus on the baby, their son and their home.


Energy treatment:

Susan felt drawn deeply into feminine energy, as though a wise woman with calm eyes was looking over her, and she felt good.

February 2006
Clearing baby’s lung infection

Susan went back to work but was going home and feeding the baby and pumping milk as necessary. There was a full-time nanny for both children who lived in their home. Working shopkeeper hours from 8:00 am until 8:00 pm as well as enlisting outside sales was very demanding for Susan.

The baby became sick with a lung infection and was given penicillin for three weeks; it did not cure the infection. She was given Yerba Santa , Holly and Mariposa Lily in her mother’s milk and within a couple of days, the infection cleared up.


Lorena never actually did a session with Benjamin though she was around him often and could observe his behavior. He had behavior problems in terms of discipline, mostly in family interactions but not at school. He was given essences at various times and both his uncle and grandmother commented that they saw great improvement in his behavior, almost to the point that they didn’t recognize him as the same child as before the family began taking flower essences. Benjamin was awarded student of the month at school. The entire family celebrated this wonderful achievement. Benjamin loves his baby sister and helps care for her.

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