
Yarrow Environmental Solution

Botanical Name:
FES Quintessentials

Positive Qualities: Enhancing integrity of etheric body, of vital formative forces

Patterns of Imbalance: Disturbance of life-force and vitality by noxious radiation, pollution, or other geopathic stress; residual effects of past exposure

Definition: <Font Size = "2">A mixture of Yarrow Achillea millefolium, Pink Yarrow <em>Achillea millefolium</em> var. <em>rubra</em>, Golden Yarrow <em>Achillea filipendulina</em>, Arnica <em>Arnica mollis</em>, and Echinacea<em> Echinacea purpurea</em> flower essences, along with herbal tinctures of Yarrow and Echinacea, in a sea salt water base.</Font> <P>Yarrow Environmental Solution <em><strong><font color="#660066">(YES)</font></strong></em><em></strong></em> is a highly beneficial blend of flower essences and whole plant tinctures in a sea salt base. Its purpose is to strengthen and protect against toxic environmental influences, geopathic stress, and other hazards of technology-dominated modern life. This includes the disruptive effects of radiation on human energy fields from X-rays, televisions, computer monitors, electromagnetic fields, airplane flights or nuclear fall-out.</P> <P><em><strong><font color="#660066">YES</font></strong></em> is formulated from three different variations of the Yarrow plant, along with two related allies in the same plant family&#8212;Echinacea and Arnica. All of these plants are members of the Composite (Asteraceae) family, recognized as exceptional for their finely detailed geometric patterns and strong, enduring structures. As herbs they have numerous valuable qualities for enhancing the immune response. Working together in <em><strong><font color="#660066">YES</font></strong></em> , these plants perform in a synergistic manner to strengthen the integrity of the immune system and clarity of consciousness with the human individuality.</P> <P>FES originally developed this special formula (formerly called <strong>Yarrow Special Formula</strong>) as a response to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster in Europe in 1986. Favorable clinical reports from European practitioners resulted in the further development of the <em><strong><font color="#660066">YES</font></strong></em> formula, now used widely throughout the world. Many practitioners consider it a baseline remedy or ongoing stabilizer to address a wide variety of fundamental health issues endemic to our modern world. The <em><strong><font color="#660066">YES</font></strong></em> formula is often a necessary measure in addition to, or before, administering other flower essences.</P> <P>Composed of three outstanding members of the composite family of plants, the <em><strong><font color="#660066">YES</font></strong></em> formula works in a uniquely synergistic manner to address the tri-fold aspect of the human individuality; in body, soul and spirit. The Arnica plant, with its bright yellow sun-like blossoms and fluid leafy structure, grows close to the earth in moist mountain habitats; it is the very picture of spiritual forces which are well integrated with the physical and etheric realms. <em>Thus Arnica flower essence particularly addresses the physical and etheric bodies by helping to bring spiritual forces from the heights down and into the body. </em></P> <P><em>By contrast, the Echinacea plant demonstrates movement from the ground of matter into the pole of Spirit. </em> It flourishes on the level ground of the open prairie, with a strong vertical gesture upward. The magenta-purple blossoms emerge from a fiery orange cone-like bristle, growing on a sturdy stem with tough, rigid leaves. The Echinacea is a vivid expression of physical forces which have lifted or resurrected themselves out of hardened matter into spirit. </P> <p>The Yarrow flowers are the very heart of the <em><strong><font color="#660066">YES</font></strong></em> formula, with qualities that unite and harmonize the essential polarities of both Arnica and Echinacea. With its fine feathery leaves and highly attenuated umbel-like blossoms, the Yarrow plant is an extraordinary picture of soul sensitivity. <em>As the soul mediates between body and spirit, so does the Yarrow plant integrate both light and form in a most remarkable way.</em> Its role in this formula is to allow the soul, or middle realm of the human being to remain sensitive and in touch with its feeling life, but in such a way that these soul qualities are neither blunted by the harshness of the modern technological world, or made so diffuse and porous as to stymie the vital expression of the individual. Arnica and Echinacea act as anchors from the polarities of body and spirit, to facilitate the full unfoldment of soul forces which the Yarrow so uniquely bestows. Finally, within this essential trinity is still another exquisite trine within the Yarrow flowers themselves of white, pink and golden flowers to balance the energetic structures of the soul. </p> <li>As a general tonic and strengthener to meet harsh technological and environmental challenges in the modern world. </li> <li> Before and after exposure to radiation in X-rays, video terminals, airports, radiation treatments. </li> <li> When subjected to forces of geopathic stress, strong electromagnetic fields, or other forms of environmental toxicity</li> <li> To strengthen the immune system, particularly those who are prone to allergies and chemical sensitivities, or other forms of immune dysfunction.</li> <li> During or after times of extreme stress, especially experiences which seem to shatter or tear apart the core sense of identity and integrity. </li> <li> For those with pronounced sensitivity, especially when traveling, in large crowds of people or similar environmental situations. </li> <P><Font Size = "2">Note: The intended action of this formula is on the etheric level. Anyone suffering from physical illness as a result of radiation or other environmental afflictions should consult the appropriate medical practitioner.</font></P>

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