
Educating the client is fundamental. When the client understands how the flowers will help on the healing path, there is already a 50% higher chance of success.

Raising Awareness and Taking Responsibility

Since the beginning of my practice in 1995, I have felt it important to raise awareness about Flower Essence Therapy with new clients. I explain the difference between this therapy and other better known healing modalities such as allopathic medicine and homeopathy.

No less important, is stimulating clients' awareness in taking responsibility for their own healing, emphasizing that the flowers will not do the work on our behalf, as typically happens with other therapies. Instead, the flowers “accompany us” on a journey into the Self to understand the origin of a certain disharmony that seems to suddenly appear. With this insight, as well as an understanding of the unique action of the flowers, the issue can then melt away like “snow in the sunshine,” as Dr. Edward Bach said (“Ye Suffer From Yourselves,” address given in 1931).

The Affirmation Cards: A Visual & Voice Connection

The session with the client begins with in-depth education about Flower Essence Therapy. Afterwards, I gladly share the flower affirmation cards with the client. It is important that a visual contact be established with the actual flowers that will accompany them. In addition, I read the relevant affirmations, inviting the client to take pictures of the flowers with the affirmations to read when taking the flower formula.

Establishing a Dream Diary

Another important modality to incorporate is the dream diary. As a therapist, I do not interpret the client’s dreams. Rather, I guide the client through a process of dialogue, to achieve an understanding for the soul messages being revealed. These dream reflections provide me with significant information and useful details on the progress of the healing path. The dream diary also amplifies the work of awareness, teaching the client to listen to the depths of the inner Self.

Caring for Oneself: Creating Joy

In the healing process, it is fundamental to involve the client in self-care activities. To this purpose, I have conceived my own modality: the “stamp philosophy.” It means carving out a small space only for oneself to carry out an activity that creates joy and makes one feel good (Note: This is derived from the idea of having a stamp collection for such a purpose.) Clients often arrive loaded with weight on their shoulders—family, work, various life situations—and are therefore energetically drained. The stamp activity helps re-establish a right balance. By engaging in the activity chosen, one can receive the energy needed to recharge and then be able to give again to others.

Intake Interview and Client Expectations

Over the years, I have worked with infants, children, adolescents, adults, the elderly and pets (especially problem dogs). For several years, some time ago, I worked with adopted children (from Russia and Brazil) and their adoptive families. In some circumstances, I have taken care of entire families. Initially, the parents arrived for the children, but after having understood how important the synergy and the action of the flower essences were, they very willingly accepted my advice to also take the essences themselves, for a better harmony within the family.

Before a session with a new client, I send the Client Evaluation Form (from the Flower Essence Society [FES]) and ask that it be returned a few days before the interview. This form is a valuable tool that allows me to collect useful information and details. I will know in advance the topics the client will speak about and where to investigate further. In this way, we optimize the time of our interview.

At the beginning of the session, I always ask the new client the reason for choosing Flower Essence Therapy as a healing modality, along with their expectations. This clarification is necessary because several times I have come across articles in women’s magazines that wrote about flowers in an improper way, sometimes calling them “subtle psychotropic medications.” It is obvious that the message received by a person taking pharmaceutical medications is that these can be replaced with flower essences that are not harmful. Therefore, this first question allows me to enter the educational phase with the client, in which I explain that flowers are not pharmaceutical medications and do not replace them. Flower essences work in a completely different way.

Clarifying the Modality of Flower Essence Therapy

Since we are talking about plants and flowers, I explain the difference between herbal medicine and Flower Essence Therapy, after briefly introducing the origin of Flower Essence Therapy through Dr. Edward Bach's intuitive and pioneering work. Then, I explain the differences between allopathic medicine, homeopathic medicine, and Flower Essence Therapy, highlighting in particular how the action of the flowers is not directed to the symptom, but to the human energy field or the aura. Clients are usually familiar with these terms but rarely apply this knowledge to themselves. I explain this concept with Albert Einstein's idea that everything in the universe is energy, and energy that vibrates at a lower frequency condenses and creates matter.

At this point, it is easier for the client to understand that the physical body is the visible energy expression of an invisible body that is part of us already.

Educating the client and giving the correct information are fundamental so that the client can understand the real effectiveness and value of Flower Essence Therapy. When the client understands what Flower Essence Therapy really is and how the flowers will help on the healing path, there is already a 50% higher chance of success.

I dedicate one hour to the educational aspect and then I urge the client to ask all questions necessary for any clarification. At the end of this first part, which is also a moment of mutual agreement, I ask the client “What can my flowers and I do for you?” At this point, I leave the client free to explain what is important for them. Even if the Client Intake Form has already provided me with important information, I explore this again through specific questions. In the final part of the session, I involve the client in the recommended program, summarized by the essence formula that will be taken.

Regular feedback is important because it allows me to monitor the client’s progress and instill awareness of transformation and healing.

Client Reporting:
Guiding the Assessment and Reflection Process

As previously mentioned, the flower affirmation cards play a significant role on the healing path, as does the dream diary. I have clients commit to telephone feedback every 15 days. This regular telephone contact is very important in helping the client become aware of ongoing changes. Before reporting to me, the client is guided to inwardly assess the situation and observe changes. Regular feedback is important because it allows me to monitor the client’s progress and instill awareness of transformation and healing.

Once some time ago, a financial controller asked me for help because his fear of flying precluded any chance of advancing his career. The group for which he worked had several foreign subsidiaries and my client was asked to carry out administrative work of control and supervision. I gave him Mimulus for a few months. When he called to update me, he told me with great ease that he had been on vacation in Peru (a very unlikely event previously, considering his fear of flying). For the person who was talking to me, it was a very “normal” event to have been on vacation in Peru. He had completely forgotten his initial situation. When I pointed this out to him, to his amazement, and only after my words, did he realize that his fear of flying had left him.

Case Evaluation:
Assessing Old Issues and Recognizing New Goals

When the feedback from the client shows a clear positive development of the originally presented issues, we take a break in the therapy for 15 days to ascertain the evolution of the healing path. This helps determine which issues appear to have been resolved, which ones are still present, and whether possible new ones have emerged in the meantime. This pause is vital because it is the starting point for continuing further on the healing path.

I therefore invite the client to take note of all changes by filling out the Case Evaluation Form (from FES) at the end of the 15 days and then to return it before the next follow-up session. The Case Evaluation Form is another useful tool not only because it helps the client focus on the current situation but also because, compared to the Client Intake Form, it allows me to capture important details about the client's healing journey.

In each follow-up session with the client, we retrace the entire evolution that has taken place, starting from the present and going back to where we began. This process is intended to verify that the client is aware of all the changes that have occurred thus far. What emerges from the new scenario then becomes the subject of the next phase of progression which, in agreement with the client, is synthesized with a new flower essence formula . The overall work proceeds in this way in the respect of the client’s will. There are clients who are content to resolve the issue for which they have asked for advice. Others understand the potential of working with flowers, and therefore choose to work with them longer to achieve deeper changes in their lives.

About Donatella Tordoni

donatella tordoni Since 1995, Donatella had been practicing Flower Essence Therapy, which she liked to call “the subtle art of healing with flowers.”

She had been a member of the Managing Committee of the Unione di Floriterapia of Milan, Italy since 1996, and of the teaching staff of the Triennial School of Education in Flower Essence Therapy of Unione, where she had taught FES Flower Essence Therapy since 2004.

Donatella’s collaboration with the Flower Essence Society started in 2000. In 2004 she received the authorization to teach the MetaFlora System , a healing approach to the MetaFlora Levels (a specific research and healing philosophy researched and formulated by Patricia Kaminski and taught in the FES Professional Certification Program ).

As an official FES teacher, Donatella was responsible for providing Italy and Switzerland with educational activity concerning FES Flower Essence Therapy, which she carried out through Introductory and Advanced Professional Courses endorsed by FES. See an annoucement of one such program in early 2021.

Since 2013, she had been responsible for the FES Certification Program , a professional program for the recognition of the FES Certified Practitioner qualification.

Donatella's article on the Flourish Formulas

Read a tribute to Donatella , celebrating the life of a beloved colleague and friend. 

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