
Agrimony, Clematis, Mustard and the Chestnut flower essences
play a significant role in Laurette DeJulian's therapeutic practice.

Edited by Jann Garitty

Brokenness, abandonment and the belief in lack: seed thoughts that cause addictions

Relieving obsessive thought patterns and becoming centered

Recovering from obsessive compulsive behavior and moving toward lightness

Healing the soul and recovering from alcoholism

About Laurette DeJulian

Laurette DeJulian works with people who are considered dark cases; she calls her therapy “shadow work healing.” Soon after she began her practice, local doctors learned about her and began to send patients to her whom they could no longer help. Laurette meets and speaks with a patient and their doctor about what is occurring physically and also spiritually, and then she suggests natural forms of healing that could be used to help in the patient's recovery.

“A large percentage of my practice is working with addictions. We’re all addicts to some extent. We all use something to keep us out of our divinity, whether addictive thoughts or habits that we do. I see many people addicted to thoughts and chemically addicted as well. Medical technology, which is appropriate as emergency technology, tends to alleviate surface level suffering, but what is needed is to address the body on a more holistic and organic level and that is the type of work that I do.”

“Agrimony is the leading essence in my practice. Agrimony in my understanding is about having a false face that we put on and show to the world. It doesn’t even belong to us, it is one we acquire through our life experiences, our beliefs or patterns. Because they are not our divine nature, we separate with this false mask. We have this humanness and divine nature, and there’s a separation which creates anxiety. Many people can’t even describe this underlying anxiety. They say, ‘I feel anxious, and feel stress.’ This is because they are trying to live a life that is not in alignment with their highest good. That is where the addictive stress comes from, and in those cases, we have used Agrimony .”

“Flower essences are in the forefront of my work. Many people who come to me deaden their sensitivity through drug use, whether it’s with anti depressants, through pain killers or street drug use. They’re out of alignment to begin with and so we need to build that sensitivity again. With this type of people first of all, if they don’t believe it’s going to work, then I don’t propose flower essences for them. The belief in the healing is the most important component, being open to it. I usually combine this with a physical modality, which I don’t do myself, but I ask for craniosacral or reiki work to be done to open the channels and to reconnect them with their sensitivity. At that time, I start the flower essences. I have four very heavy drug abuse cases right now that swear by the flower essences. When their dosage bottles are low, they immediately demand that I refill them. People often respond and say, ‘I feel more like my real self. I feel like the anxiety is relieved. It brings me calm and peace, and connection that I can’t get anywhere else.’”

“I see on the average four addictive clients a day. Out of that, two will ask for essences, but only one will stick with them. One has to be consistent. For us, we’re used to having huge medical protocols that create these big explosions in our body that turn off our natural abilities. So many people get impatient with the flower essence process.”

“In terms of animals that have anxiety, the most common is separation anxiety and the essence I use is Heather . It is one that brings much relief for that condition.”

Brokenness, abandonment and the belief in lack: seed thoughts that cause addictions

“Addictions are caused usually by what I call, seed thoughts. It’s almost like getting a pit in your car windshield when a rock hits. But then it splinters out into all these other thoughts. In my practice we get down to those seed thoughts and I find that the flower essences I use treat them quite effectively.”

The three seed thoughts are brokenness , abandonment and the belief in lack .

  • One of the most common seed thoughts is ‘I am not loveable, I am damaged. There is something wrong with me. I carry this underlying shame that makes me unlovable.’ It’s brokenness.
  • Another thought commonly seen with addiction is ‘Everyone’s going to leave me; I don’t want to be left alone.’ These people are always waiting for that shoe to drop.
  • A third one is a belief in lack, which feeds into victimhood: ‘Why can’t I get my fair share?’ Or, a belief that there isn’t enough love to go around.

“However, there are some people who have organic issues in terms of an obsessive-compulsive nature, Asperger’s syndrome, some autism and maybe schizophrenic tendencies. In my belief, these people are in two planes at once. They keep popping in and out of two dimensions, and are in two places at once, having two experiences at once. What we have to do with them is first honor that they’re very gifted. You’ll see in some books and writings that they talk about the “gift of attention deficit disorder,” which is the ability to see in other dimensions, the ability to hyperfocus. In terms of that, the flower essence that comes up often is Clematis .”

“I work with many people who have lost hope, who are suicidal, and usually it’s some form of Chestnut that I use with them, along with Mustard . We as a society don’t like to feel, that’s our problem, and so every time we have to feel something or process it, a lot of us freak out. During the detoxification and going sober period with addiction clients, they have to process those feelings that they’ve been anesthetizing for years. During that very critical period, it becomes very difficult and many people contemplate suicide. They have the fear that they will experience these feelings and they won’t be able to take it. So rather than sitting in the pain, popping it and seeing that it doesn’t exist, they have the fear of the fear. I find that the Chestnuts, which one depending on the individual, and Mustard are used often in those situations.”

Relieving obsessive thought patterns and becoming centered

T is a 31 year old man who has low self-esteem, slight depression, edginess, and anger. He also has obsessive thought patterns, and is recovering from abuse.

His formula included Chestnut Bud , Clematis , Gorse , Larch , Mustard and Walnut .

After taking the formula, T commented:

“I am much more grounded and centered, I have taken steps towards reaching goals that I haven't previously felt comfortable doing. I feel much more hopeful that I can have what I want and that I'm capable enough to hold on to it. My meditations have been more powerful and I have a general sense of feeling more comfortable in my skin and in my environment. Thank you flowers!”

Recovering from obsessive compulsive behavior and moving toward lightness

N is a 29 year old woman with intense depression coupled with Obsessive Compulsive behavior. She is recovering from abuse.

The formula determined for N was Agrimony , Aspen , Crab Apple , Holly , Mustard , Oak , Sweet Chestnut and Walnut.

N said, “I used the flower essences because I was in such a low place. I had been experiencing so much sadness (on and off throughout my life, really), worry, extreme negative thinking, and fear about my life, the future, and everything really. I had experimented with flower essences once before, but never had a personalized mix made just for me.”

“The essences, along with seeing Lauri, definitely seemed to have been part of the shift I have been experiencing. I have been able to put so much more trust in the universe / God's plan, and have slowly been more sure of my own light. The sadness has begun to diminish, and I think I in-part owe the essences for allowing me to make decisions for my highest good and for love.”

“The first bottle I went through seemed to stir things up. I would have times of clarity and love, but interspersed with the whole gamut of thoughts and emotions. But it felt like things were at least ‘moving.’ After I started the second bottle, I began to feel like the momentum was moving toward love and light, and it still is. I will continue to use the essences in my recovery.”

Healing the soul and recovering from alcoholism

S is a 32 year old woman with deep depression, low self esteem, and addiction to alcohol, who is highly critical and also is a perfectionist. She is unable to sleep or concentrate well, and is recovering from abuse.

The formula for S included Centaury , Gentian , Aspen , Red Chestnut and
Clematis .

S said of her process: “I was doing everything I could to heal ongoing anxiety, insomnia and low level depression. I was on herbs, eating well, meditating and going for regular acupuncture appointments. All of this was helping but I still wasn't feeling nearly as well as I desired. At this point, I was open to anything that would help. My experience was much more powerful than I ever could have anticipated. It was like a tap had been turned on and suddenly I started to feel parts of myself I had almost forgotten about. I started to feel more positive, more relaxed and less stuck. I am actually going onto my third dosage bottle and I can't imagine not using them. This is super powerful medicine for the soul!”

About Laurette DeJulian

Laurette DeJulian has been a natural intuitive since she was young, and offers these gifts to clients and groups seeking to make real and positive change. Her passion includes helping people open up to their Divine essence, and the powers and perspectives unique to them. Her practice is based in the United States, however she also maintains a large international practice. On a daily basis, Laurette works with clients and groups, serving as an intuitive coach.

Clients are commonly referred by professionals, including psychiatrists, medical doctors, and therapists. She continues to hone her ability to help people discover their essential selves so that they can make healthy and positive changes in their lives.

Laurette has been trained in several different healing modalities, including shamanism, intuitive healing, energy healing, hypnotherapy and NLP therapy. Laurette has presented seminars and workshops on Self-esteem, Forgiveness, Fear, Life Purpose and Intuition. Her training has encompassed studies in shamanism and healing. She seeks to unify the world’s most vital spiritual messages, encouraging understanding and community among all peoples.

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