
Personal Relationships



ability to integrate sexuality and spirituality in relationships; to heal relationships based on secrecy or hidden sexual liaisons
clinging possessiveness and emotional co-dependence; to develop more freedom and objectivity in relationships
to develop one's sense of self-worth and self-esteem
communication, receptive listening with others; warmth in verbal intercourse; to heal argumentative tendencies
overcoming apathy and lack of concern about others
calming emotional trauma or hypersensitivity in relationships
using negative behavior to get attention; emotional neediness
inability to form committed relationships; afflicted relationships due to feelings of abandonment and rejection in childhood
relating to others as parental figures, feigning helplessness or dependency
perceiving deeper karmic bonds within relationships, ability to acknowledge spiritual destiny and intent of relationship
assuming false persona in effort to please others or to annoy others for negative attention; to retain individual integrity in relationships and social situations
seeking social contact by talking about one's problems; excessive preoccupation with oneself
letting go of jealousy and envy in relationships
ease in developing friendships; warmth and trust; overcoming rejection complex and other social barriers
healing mother-child bonding; developing nurturing aspect of all relationships
acknowledging the good will of others; ability to perceive that others are loving and caring; to counteract paranoid tendencies
strength and perseverance despite difficulties in relationships
shame and emotional masking, inability to express true feelings or make emotional contact
oversensitivity to others, lack of appropriate emotional boundaries
difficulty in yielding or showing a soft side; fear of vulnerability; creating barriers, displaying hostility
cooperation with others in group work
power and anger issues in relationships
feeling alien; profound sense of not fitting into human society, of being a stranger to Earth
improper expression of emotions through verbal aggression and hostility
sharing and generosity, giving of oneself; tendency to be miserly or stingy
dealing with issues of intimacy and sexuality; overcoming fear of intimacy; integrating sexuality with heart feelings
healing father relationship; afflicted masculine aspect or animus, which distorts relationships
relating with others, finding community and social bonding; developing a sense of belonging to a community
cooperation with others; to balance aggressive or egotistic tendencies
working for the common good; transforming personal survival impulses to social values
shyness, holding back in a group out of fear of being absorbed by others
overcoming aloofness with others, especially the feeling of disdain or pride
empathy for the feelings of others; compassionate presence and insight

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