
Mid-Life Crisis

See also:



addressing hidden or stifled parts of oneself which need honest examination; especially if using drugs or alcohol to hide real feelings
feelings of burnout and exhaustion from pushing oneself to achieve career goals or social status
bringing to light parts of the Self which are submerged, which operate largely as shadow forces in mid-life crisis
deep and unexplained feelings of grief and loss over that which has not been fulfilled or achieved
accepting one's destiny, especially when feeling that one has not achieved outer importance or social prominence
feelings of resignation or apathy; going through the outer motions of daily responsibilities without inner connection
over-identification with fleeting material or worldly goals; need for the soul to establish deeper values, to face death and other forms of impermanence
for the over-achiever, with major stress or toxic accumulation in the body; allowing the body to relax and become more soulful
overwhelmed due to life's responsibilities, to revitalize and re-align with true aims of Higher Self
desire to relive youth, unbalanced psychological need to date younger persons, or appear younger than one actually is; irresponsibility toward family, friends or work
extreme feelings of nostalgia, reliving past experiences, excessive longing for old relationships; believing the past is better than present circumstances
feeling weighed down by the ordinariness or dullness of the world, inability to see one's Self or potential with fresh creative vision; lack of artistic or soulful activity
reclaiming connection with body, especially if body is overweight or devitalized
learning to surrender and accept limits, especially for one who has strongly identified with the role of provider or hero
imbalanced or obsessive concern about one's physical aging; contacting inner beauty within the soul rather than simply through physical artifice
reviewing or reassessing one's life direction; to gain a higher perspective or to glimpse the right direction for one's destiny
letting go of outer attachments or material possessions, to empty and purify in order to experience clarity; especially when the soul feels encumbered or entangled in present circumstances
physical or psychological healing crisis; awakening the Self to its own responsibility and purpose for living
profound periods of suffering during mid-life; especially when the soul feels cut off from spiritual guidance; feelings of anguish or existential loneliness
excessive drive for power or possessions, which has left the soul congested or burdened; transforming personal desires into higher social values
for individuals in mid-life crisis who must make a clear and definite break with current circumstances in order to continue to evolve; courage to follow one's destiny

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