
Animals and Animal Care

See also:



shock, trauma, illness, injury, surgery
unknown fear or terror in an animal; especially indicated when treating wild or nervous animals
breaking undue emotional attachments to the caretaker, such as whining cats or moping dogs waiting for the owner to return
lifting the spirit of an animal that may be depressed because of illness or old age
for barking dogs; emotional upset accompanied by stomach distress such as gas or vomiting
extreme tension or stress, such as a terrified animal that is trapped
instilling effective learning patterns during training; to stimulate the animal's emotional memory and ability to retain training, not repeat mistakes
especially indicated for younger animals such as whining puppies or kittens; also indicated when the illness may be psychosomatic or to get attention
to encourage interspecies communication; helpful where different animals are gathered; useful when training animals, or establishing psychic bonds in one-on-one relationships; indicated for both animal and caretaker
overwhelm or confusion such as during travel or upset of schedule
for any form of stress or emergency, or when uncertain of which remedy to give
jealous pets, especially when jealousy involves another pet vying for the attention of the caretaker
for nervous, "high-strung," impulsive animals
wounded or deeply suffering animal which may not live
assisting mother-infant bonding, especially if the animal is being introduced to a surrogate mother; also good for young animals in a new home
nervous conditions in animals; good for jittery horses or shy animals who hide from people
illness or trauma; gives inner strength during adverse circumstances
pets who take on or mirror the emotions of their human caretakers
helping animals living together in a group or herd to adjust; especially important when a new animal has been introduced
calming to hysterical animals, particularly cats; can be used effectively when taking an animal to a veterinarian for treatment
add to almost any combination to stimulate inner healing forces of an animal, awaken vitality and will to live
for animals who bite; especially indicated for aggressive tendencies in horses such as biting and sucking
abused animals, or any animal who has suffered injury or trauma
for hostile or aggressive cats or dogs
for hyperactive, overly tense animals
for animals which dominate younger or weaker animals
before and after a major move; to help break links to old places of residence; also good for animals giving birth
for apathetic, listless animals

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