
Eating Disorders

See also:



using food as a way of escaping or masking real feelings
patterns of denial related to eating; to consciously face one's eating behaviors, such as bingeing, eating forbidden food, hiding or stealing food
tendency to weak digestion; difficulty breaking down foreign elements in food; physical vigor and strength through harnessing instinctive forces
poor appetite, low vitality, lack of interest in food and in the physical world
ability to determine and act upon one's own nutritional needs, especially when overly reliant upon others' advice, or on nutritional programs or fad diets
tension-created digestive disturbances in the stomach area; flatulence
feeling out of control about eating; binge/purge cycles as in bulimia or anorexia
eating out of habit; to break repetitive patterns of eating that are counterproductive
exaggerated fear of impurities in food or of body toxins; excessive need for cleansing diets or purgatives; also to promote release of toxins during fasting or cleansing programs
overstimulation in life leading to digestive disorders; taking in too many varied sensory experiences, leading to indigestion
prone to overeating, tendency to have an expanded stomach as though pregnant; seldom feeling full or nourished by food even when large amounts are eaten
emphasis on thinness or anorexic tendencies so that body will continue to look childlike
general lack of interest in food or physical substance, due to overly spiritual lifestyle
digestive problems or emotional tension in the solar plexus and stomach, due to conflict between sensitivity and involvement in the world
overweight used to hide one's true Self, creating social barriers to others; obnoxious or repulsive eating habits to get negative attention from others
overweight when due to overly materialistic attitude toward life; need for more levity, upliftment; need to spiritualize relationship to matter
tendency to eat too fast, not chewing, savoring or enjoying food
craving for sweets and general hypoglycemic tendencies, especially as a way to deny or repress true creative needs of the soul; using food to feel high or elevated, rather than using forces of inspiration
inability to love physical body; tendency to starve or abuse the body as in anorexia nervosa and bulimia
lack of feeling nurtured as a child, overeating or denying food as a result; using food as an emotional crutch or "mother" substitute
blotting out consciousness with food, often eating to the point of stupefaction
addiction to junk food, erratic eating patterns; late night bingeing; desire for stimulants such as caffeine
craving for food when in withdrawal from tobacco or related substances; desire to eat as a way of numbing the intensity of emotional experience
sleepiness after eating, inability to use mental forces; lack of integration of metabolism with thinking forces
obesity as a way of masking and protecting the body, as a shield for shame; fear that others will see body as it really is
using food as a buffer for emotional oversensitivity; stuffing oneself to "dull out" or numb feelings
seeing oneself as ugly, creating image of extreme fatness or thinness because of inability to find true source of inner beauty
excessive strictness in diet, ascetic approach; harsh physical regimen; views body as a machine
poor metabolic response to food, stagnant digestion, inability to transform physical matter due to poor relationship of soul to the body
confidence in body's ability to digest and assimilate food; being nourished and energized by what one eats
desire to experience oral activity; continuous biting, crunching and chewing as a sublimation for feelings of misplaced libido or unexpressed anger
tendency to create a heavy-set body or overweight due to sluggishness, lethargy
to break habitual ties to old patterns of eating and develop new relationship to nourishing foods; moving away from social or cultural ties to food or food rituals
using body weight as a shield or armor of protection from psychic oversensitivity

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