
Table of Contents and Introduction to
Awakening the Holographic Human;
Nature's Path to Healing & Higher Consciousness

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. The Holographic Psyche: A Transpersonal View of the All-Possible Human

The holographic psyche is a transpersonal state—a state beyond the personal three-dimensional reality that we experience conditionally on Earth. The shift from a personal toward a transpersonal identity brings one into a life-path trajectory that aligns with the highest levels of human destiny.

Chapter 2. The Mythic Landscape of Healing: A Multicultural Perspective

This chapter shows how the natural world reflects the movement of mind and spirit. It describes six traditional systems of healing that recognize spirit as the predominant influence in healing and well-being.

Chapter 3. Plants in the Light of Healing: Aligning Mind/Body/Soul

The reader journeys into the mystical nature of plants—how they heal and speak to the human mind/body/soul. This chapter also highlights practical plant preparations for maintaining health and wellness in life.

Chapter 4. Gems in the Light of Healing: Accessing Cosmic Intelligence

Though gems are created on Earth, they resonate with stellar points of origin throughout the galaxy, interfacing with energies that empower their healing properties. This chapter describes how gem elixirs work through the chakra system and subtle bodies, how gems enhance the light within our electromagnetic body, how they’re made, and how to apply gems as color/light therapy.

Chapter 5. Sacred Geometry and the Mystical Power of Gems

Sacred geometry is a mathematical language that reveals information about how creation unfolds, understood by the ancients to be the “language of the Godhead.” This chapter looks at the primary organizing patterns of the manifest world known as the Platonic solids and how each of these evolutionary mathematical progressions is directly expressed through gems.

Chapter 6. The Twelve Zodiacal Archetypes: Nature’s Blueprint of Our Holographic Psyche

The astrological archetypes form the energies upon which all mystical gnosis is built—from the runes to astrology to tarot to aspects of Vedic science. Knowledge and mastery of these archetypes form the foundation of all our aspirations, the place of residence for all our potential. Flower essences and gem elixirs associated with each archetype are provided to help the user embody the higher-dimensional attributes and forces of Nature.

Chapter 7. The Seven Chakras: Dimensional Bridges

The foundation of both our humanity and our divinity, the chakra system clothes us in light. It gives us the fundamental tools of reckoning between our environment and ourselves. Flower essences and gem elixirs associated with each chakra are offered as illustration and vehicles for entry into the sacred fields of the chakras.

Chapter 8. Higher Technology for Higher Consciousness: The Birth of Bioactive Techno-Intelligence

This chapter looks at the extension of the natural world into the world of technology for higher consciousness: specifically, the birth of techno-intelligence. How do we live in harmony with technology and preserve our humanity? This chapter explores this question and looks at how the functioning of human beings is changing to equip us to handle the speed, efficacy, and neural challenge of modern technology.

An Invitation to the Sublime

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.

The human race is at the tipping point of disaster, desperate for transformation. Crises of every kind—social, economic, political, ecological, and spiritual—pose seemingly insurmountable challenges to mankind. And as if the stress of watching the evening news weren’t enough, we’re all forced daily to deal with our own social, economic, and spiritual crises.

Overwhelmed by everything from the pace of technology to too much to do in too little time to expenses that exceed our income, we long to reconnect—with sanity, with nature, with ourselves. We’re turning by the millions to spiritual practices, such as meditation, yoga, and mindfulness. We’re choosing alternative medicine, such as mind-body and energy medicine. And we’re realizing that the madness within humanity—which is both accelerating and intensifying—can be transmuted by only one thing: a shift in consciousness.

Such a shift in consciousness is the topic of Awakening the Holographic Human: Nature’s Path to Healing and Higher Consciousness . In this book, I have attempted to articulate the state of beauty that resides in every human being, the state that can be lived by anyone as limitations are cleared. This infinite, supernatural state is a state of higher consciousness capable of anything—cognizing, healing, manifesting, understanding, and compassion—all beyond our ordinary comprehension of what it means to be human.

The true glory of this supernatural state is that it allows us to shift from a personal state of reference to a transpersonal experience of living, one that is not limited by the conditions of our personal reality. Transpersonal living allows us to view our lives from a more objective perspective; as we grow in the ability to allow and accept, we are no longer bogged down by our personal “stories.” We no longer fall victim to our beliefs, thoughts, and reactions—are no longer enslaved by them.

To go beyond the personal is to go deep into the Mystery, the Sacred, the Sublime. This state has been revealed to me over the years through Nature, through experiences of intimate communion with what I call “the personal cosmos.” Mother Earth is generous in the tools she offers us humans, and my own revelations have been well served through the experience of flowers, herbs, gems, colors, and energy when applied within the universal templates of the chakras and the stars—blueprints of Nature that contain codes for us to enliven and elevate our consciousness to that of the “holographic human.” I joyfully share my experience and knowledge of these blueprints and gifts with you in this book.

— Elizabeth E. Botchis, PhD

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