
A Candle of Conscience: The Clarifying Light of Mullein Flower Essence

Mullein – Enduring Stature and Sun-Soaring Presence

Mullein is a spectacular flower to observe throughout the summer as it towers skyward. Even in autumn, the ascent continues — its growing tips suffused with bright yellow blossoms newly opening each day to greet the sun and eager bees. The botanical name for Mullein is Verbascum Thapsus. It is a biennial that begins with a low rosette of soft silver leaves in its first year, and then in the second year, it sends up a vertical stalk which can be as much as 13 feet in stature. The more common name of Mullein is likely derived from mollis, Latin for soft, referring to the felt-like dew-retentive leaves which are so prominent in its first year of growth.

 By contrast, this plant is also known as “wooly” Mullein, referring to the lanceolate leaves that become rougher and more densely covered in small hairs during its vertical progression in the second year. The name of Verbascum, is a corruption of the Latin barbascum derived from the Latin barba, meaning beard, again characterizing the beard-like hairy filaments in the leaves. Its second name of thapsus likely derives from the Greek thapsinos, meaning yellow, describing its abundant bright yellow blossoms. The flowers are so richly endowed with yellow that they impart a golden color to boiling water—an infusion used in the Greco-Roman era to impart a light-filled hue to hair.

The tall inflorescences of yellow flowers on the Mullein are indeed impressive to experience. The higher the Mullein stalks grow, the longer they bloom. Well-developed strong Mullein plants develop not only a single candle-like stalk but also flowering side shoots that create a “candelabra” form. Hundreds of small yellow, 5-petaled flowers are grouped densely on each leafy spike. They bloom progressively throughout the summer and early autumn, growing from the bottom to the top in successive spirals. Each individual flower has a diurnal rhythm, opening before dawn and closing by mid-afternoon.

 The rounded fruit capsule splits in half at maturity, each side crammed with tiny six-sided brown seeds with wavy ridges and deep grooves. Individual plants produce 200-300 seed capsules, each containing 500-800 seeds, meaning that approximately 100,000‑240,000 seeds are produced in a single plant! These seeds are food for many birds, squirrels and other animals, but if they find a home in the soil, they can maintain their vitality for decades, with some seeds shown to have retained their potency for a century or more.

An Ancient Herbal Medicine used Primarily for Respiratory and Lymphatic Healing

The use of Mullein as a medicine extends at least as far back as the Greek era, approximately three thousand years ago. The famous physician and botanist, Dioscorides, recommends Mullein in his foundational treatise, De Materia Medica, for a wide variety of pulmonary and respiratory ailments. Since that time Mullein continued to be used extensively throughout the world, prepared through many different methods, using one or more parts of the plant. Leaves were brewed for a tea or poultice to treat lung ailments, and were also smoked for curative purposes by various Native American peoples. Oil infusions of Mullein flowers were especially powerful for earaches, and related conditions, involving lymphatic drainage. A wide variety of topical applications utilizing the leaf as well as root, flower or seed have been employed over many centuries for the treatment of skin conditions such as warts, boils, carbuncles, and hemorrhoids. Modern day herbalists, including Matthew Wood and Jim McDonald, have found a new application for Mullein primarily using a tincture from the seeds to lubricate synovial fluid, thereby making the spine more pliable and comfortable.

The Archetypal Role of Saturn: Healing the Lungs

Renaissance herbalist Nicholas Culpeper correlates Mullein with the planet Saturn – the celestial body within our original solar system that has the longest orbit around the sun, and is generally known for its enduring and sustaining formative qualities. These attributes are certainly reflected in the magnificent stature and growth patterns of the Mullein, with its steady incremental ascent, forming tall stalks and elongated flowering spikes that start in early spring and continue into late autumn. Even after exposure to frost and snow, Mullein stands tall and true in its essential form, bearing thousands of seeds that retain their germinal potential for decades.

The planet Saturn traditionally rules the lungs and in fact, one of the folk names for Mullein is “lungwort.” The lungs are situated like an upside down tree within the human being. They are the polar complement to trees (and all plants) within the human body. While the plant breathes in carbon and exhales oxygen, the human lung breathes out carbon and inhales oxygen.

This gives an additional archetypal picture for why Mullein is such a renowned respiratory remedy; one can especially note the signature of numerous small hairs throughout the leaves and flowers of Mullein: these resemble the cilia of the lungs; the vital structure so critical for keeping the lungs clean and functional.

The Physical Lung as a Pathway to Higher Consciousness

An important attribute of the Saturn archetype involves the theme of light emerging from darkness. Saturn has an awakening influence, stimulating the human identity toward greater responsiveness and responsibility. The breathing in of air into the human lungs literally allows us to become physically conscious. However, breathing is more than a physiological reality. The physical element of Air is accompanied by the ether of Light. All ancient spiritual practices involve the regulation of breathing in order to create supersensible structures of Light in the human soul. These states of “enlightenment” engender spiritual awakening, guiding what is darkened or unconscious in the human soul toward greater clarity, illumination and self-mastery. With this understanding of how human respiration is related to inspiration and other states of higher consciousness, we can come to a more profound understanding of the ancient Greek perception of the Mullein and its spiritual qualities.

Odysseus Learns to Wield the “Moly” Plant: The Birth of Human Conscience

The Herbarium Apuleii Platonici, compiled in the 4th century AD, but based on much older manuscripts, says about Mullein: “ If one beareth with him one twig of this Wort, he will not be terrified with any awe, nor will a wild beast hurt him, or any evil coming near. These indications lead to a deeper appreciation of the “mythological” or archetypal story of Odysseus (who is also called Ulysses) in the Odyssey. Odysseus is given a talisman plant -which many scholars believe to be the Mullein – by Mercury, the God of healing, to protect himself from Circe. The Goddess Circe is the noble adversary or teacher who challenges and ultimately initiates Odysseus by stimulating his own “I-bearing” self-consciousness into greater awakening and self-control. Other members of the ship in which Odysseus travels have been turned to “swine” by Circe. This means they succumbed to the consciousness of their lower astral forms, being entirely under the influence of various passions and animal-like desires.

With the help of Mullein, Odysseus prevails against Circe, by coming into awareness of his I-consciousness. In this way, he controls the “wild beasts” of the lower astral realms, with their unbridled desires and passions. This aspect of consciousness in which the “I-Self”—with its vertical axis of alignment in the spine—can be termed “conscience.” By conscience, one refers to the Saturnine aspect of consciousness that awakens to its own karma and responsibility, becoming a witness to the Self. By virtue of this internal power of objective Self-awareness, one is able to subdue the impurities arising from egotistic desire and dishonest representations of the Self to others.

Conscience is a Saturnine aspect of consciousness,  awakening  to one’s own karma and responsibility, by  becoming a witness to the Self.

The Greek period of human evolution was an important turning point, in which the higher spiritual world increasingly refrained from entering directly into the consciousness of human beings, leaving the human being more free and self-directed. This theme of being challenged and awakened is a story well-told in the journeys of individualities like Odysseus in the Odyssey.

By contrast, we can see how conscience is still directed from without in the earlier periods of Greek history. For example in The Oresteia, a trilogy of Greek tragedies written by Aeschylus in the 5th century BC, Orestes is tormented by the Furies, a trio of goddesses acting as external instruments of justice. They relentlessly pursue Orestes for killing his mother, exercising their powerful influence from without. Many artists have rightfully depicted this experience of Orestes  showing him covering his ears, in an attempt to blot out these Voices of Justice that assail him. By contrast, a hero like Odysseus is able to wield a sword of truth from within his own consciousness, through witnessing and gaining control over the lower astral dimension of desires, passions and transgressions working within him.

The Mullein Flower Essence – A Candle of Conscience Illumining the Human Soul

By understanding the deeper mythological or archetypal significance of Mullein in the humanity’s evolution of consciousness, we can also gain an appreciation of a long-held custom in many European villages, involving the Königskerze or “King’s Candle” (another folk-name for Mullein). A torch or wand is fashioned from the spent flowering stalks of the Mullein.  It is dipped in tallow or beeswax and then lit and carried in procession during the seasonal time of darkness and cold – on All Hallow’s Eve or other times like St. Martin’s Day, on November 11. What a stirring picture—to convert the magnificent Mullein, which has given its golden flowering light to the Sun, now becoming a Soul Candle which lights the way, giving strength, inner courage and affirmation of Self-consciousness in the cold and dark time when Nature’s influence wanes.

Just as the flowers of the Mullein can heal the physiological ear, the Mullein flower essence informs the psychic ear of inner hearing, the strength of consciousness to awake and take hold of one’s destiny and karma. The Mullein flower essence helps each one of us to step firmly into the life we have created, guiding us to the awareness of an Inner Voice of conscience that acts as a sword of truth.  This Self-Awakening is  a deeper realization of Saturn consciousness.  While often depicted as a punitive or malefic influence,  Saturn is more accurately the Wise Teacher who wants us to take hold of our life choices and their karmic consequences, gaining strength through self-responsibility and inner mastery.

Case Example:
Breaking the Pattern of Dishonesty and Achieving Spinal Integrity

A case which highlights the use of only the singular flower of Mullein in the early months of healing involves a woman who sought help due to severe stress and anxiety. The stress was caused by legal proceedings against her for lying about her employment status and collecting several years of welfare payments that she was not eligible to receive. At the time, she was still seeking a lawyer that would ‘get her out” of her legal situation. She only sought the help of flower essences because of her anxiety symptoms and inability to sleep at night. With the use of Mullein and counseling, she experienced a profound awakening, able to witness her situation and how she had created her own karmic circumstance. Her healing extended over several months, in which she came to understand that the pattern of being unable to ‘stand up’ to truth went deep into her family history, wherein telling lies was strongly ingrained in daily life. Remarkably, one unexpected outcome is that this woman experienced a significant lessening of back pain and symptoms of scoliosis, that had plagued her for many years. 

In reflecting some time later on her use of Mullein flower essence she commented, “It’s as though I now have a stronger spinal column. Something in me has more integrity and strength to stand upright and face life. I am not weak, I have inner strength and I do not need to lie about anything. I accept the consequences of any errors, rather than hiding behind them… .”

Case Example: Moral Integrity in Relationships Leading to Greater Efficacy as a Professional Therapist

A second case also demonstrates the singular use of Mullein in the early stages of healing for a woman had attended our Practitioner Training course.  She was eager to incorporate the flower essences into her therapeutic practice, but she contacted me two years later, feeling that she needed more effective tools for selection, because the flower essences seemed to be “not working” for her patients. In taking her case, she revealed that she lived a double-life, deeply involved with another man. These activities were carefully hidden from her husband and children through an ever more intricate web of lies. She felt she could not “come clean” because she might lose custody of her children; yet she felt that her children subconsciously knew anyway and were acting out their anger through increasingly destructive and rebellious behaviors. Meanwhile her relationship with her husband had degenerated to escalating arguments and cold estrangement. Taking Mullein flower essence resulted in  a dramatic breakthrough for her over a series of several months,  in which she realized she could no longer sustain the duplicity of her entangled life of lies.  The flower essences of Agrimony, Basil and Black-Eyed Susan were added later for additional support as she openly faced the truth of her situation with herself and her family.  Her marriage ended and she eventually shared her children in joint custody. Curiously, the relationship which had driven her deceptions also ended around the same time, when she discovered that this man was seeing another woman. What did triumph was her healing practice, which became ever more vibrant and efficacious, including her use of flower essences. Her patients told her she was “more present and seemed more attuned to them.”

In reflection, she commented “I have learned that being a therapist  is not simply the exercise of outer skills and techniques, it is carried by the energy of integrity and truth. We are never perfect, but we always have the power to be true to ourselves. This is the most important soul attribute that carries any outer healing practice. Clients feel this and know this about us.”

Summary Statement on Mullein Flower Essence

Mullein is used in countless circumstances to help clients shake off the shackles of dishonesty, excuses, or various lifestyle subterfuges that block the full power of the Self. With the Mullein we become our own candle of Light, illuminating the darkness of unconscious motives, lower desires or murky karmic circumstances. We find our True Voice and thereby move more powerfully and forthrightly into our true Destiny and authentic Self.

Comparing Mullein with Similar Flower Essences

Many of the flowers listed below are useful to combine with Mullein essence, in order to facilitate broader healing themes. However, it is also important to understand their distinct properties for greater efficacy in selection and outcome.

Agrimony– Both Mullein and Agrimony types can practice social deception or dishonesty by not presenting their true Self or feelings and motives to others. The Agrimony personality wears a false visage that covers deep-seated psychic pain and mental turmoil. The attempt of the Agrimony type is to present a false emotional exterior in order to hide or draw attention away from one’s inner angst. With Mullein, the intention is to live the lie, for example to pretend that one is faithful to a marriage partner, while secretly engaging in an affair with another.

Basil– Basil flower essence and Mullein are frequently used together to heal deceptive or abusive sexual relationships. Basil flower essence involves overwhelming desires and passions within the sexual identity that frequently compromise the moral integrity of that person. One is driven by lower forces that become addictive and must be satisfied at all costs, including exploiting, demeaning or violating the innocence, dignity and autonomy of others. The Basil personality practices duplicity and dishonesty in order to carry on such practices. Mullein involves the honest witnessing and owning by the Higher Self of such practices that rob others and well as one’s Self of true integrity and moral coherence.

Black-Eyed Susan– The Mullein and Black-Eyed Susan types both share the need to face reality forthrightly and see clearly through various forms of deception. In situations calling for Black-Eyed Susan, the need is to uncover hidden or unseen aspects that stymie one’s full understanding. These delusions can involve outer circumstances as well as inner resistance to full perception. The Mullein type knows that one is not fully honest or transparent but refrains from acting upon one’s conscience because of lower desires or passions that are satisfied.

Goldenrod– Mullein and Goldenrod are both individuating flower essences, helping one to find greater strength of conviction and uniqueness of identity in social situations. With Goldenrod, the pull is more social – to want to “get along” with others in a family, peer group, community network, or work group. There is a weakness in knowing who one genuinely is as an individual, thereby acting from within the Self and one’s genuine values and goals. On the other hand, Mullein is more about deceptive practices that distort the integrity of the Self. These choices are generally more conscious, involving social prestige, financial wealth, personal gratification, or greater power and influence over others.

Walnut– Walnut flower essence shares with Mullein the ability to break free from dysfunctional circumstances and old identities, in order to become stronger and clearer in one’s life path. In the case of Walnut, there is a quality of mental confusion or unsavory influence from others; thus Dr. Bach regards the Walnut flower as a “spell breaker.” By contrast, Mullein healing involves facing known lies and various forms of dishonesty that are practiced in order to satisfy lower desires – such as fame, wealth, social acceptability or personal gratification.

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