
About Joyce Pujol Smit – Editor’s Introduction:

We had the pleasure to meet Joyce Pujol Smit in 2015, when she attended the FES Practitioner Certification Course at Terra Flora , in Nevada City, California. Her compassionate and wise presence was so appreciated in our group, especially her deep sensitivity for our animal companions. Joyce went on to complete her FES Certification in 2017.

Particularly impressive was her in-depth case study of her dog, Lola, a Mastiff and Labrador mixed breed. Lola was adopted from an animal shelter in Joyce’s native city of Barcelona, Spain, where Lola had suffered since an early age from various forms of abandonment trauma and aggression from other dogs. Lola presented with severe stress-related digestive problems, including vomiting and diarrhea. When Joyce and her husband re-located temporarily to the United States, Lola endured further transition trauma and eventually required ligament surgery for her knees.

Joyce discovered that flower essences brought continued restorative balance throughout the many daunting episodes of Lola’s recovery. She carefully documented Lola’s challenges and progress, tracking the beneficial results of many flower essences, especially Walnut, Chamomile, Self-Heal, Arnica, Aloe Vera, Corn, Penstemon , and Star of Bethlehem . Remarkably, Lola regained her health and inner equilibrium and now lives happily in Barcelona, Spain. She runs with energy, jumping and playing with other dogs, and loves hiking with Joyce and her husband, Wolfgang. As Joyce noted at the conclusion of her case, “Lola totally recovered her joy for life, and we also experience this happiness with her."

Coincident with helping Lola recover and noting the amazing impact of the flower essences, Joyce began helping dog sitters as well as her friends, especially with dogs that had been adopted from shelters. She also volunteered at the Altarriba Foundation for dogs in La Bisbal, Girona, Spain, as well as at other dog centers.

Joyce continued her research regarding dog behavior, body language, nutrition and different breeds of dogs. Over time, she has become deeply passionate and knowledgeable about dogs and their emotional health. Her healing approach involves a careful observation of each dog, accompanied by an extensive phase of information gathering from the human caretakers, and follow-up sessions to track any new behaviors, challenges and emerging benefits.

Below are four outstanding case reports from Joyce, describing her current healing work with dogs. These cases have been edited and summarized for publication. Readers are encouraged to network with Joyce to learn more about the full extent of her therapeutic approach.

Juan Luis is a professional dog sitter in Barcelona, Spain, who followed his passion when he quit his thriving career as a Finance Consultant so he could care for dogs. He had good results handling difficult and aggressive dogs and quickly acquired clients. However, in an urban area with limited space, it is always challenging to ensure the social harmony of dogs that do not know each other. In my consultation with him, I recommended a general flower essence combination to reduce stress and agitation that would lead to fights, and to encourage social cohesiveness. The five dogs in his group included:

Shira: a Border collie with problems of aggression and compulsive obsessions, who preferred to avoid the presence of other dogs near her. In addition, she was possessive of Juan Luis. After therapy, she adapted perfectly to her home and lived with up to four other dogs.

Maio: a mini Schnauzer with problems of aggression towards humans and dogs alike. The first thing Maio did when she arrived at Juan Luis's house was to bite him. Her owners could not leave her with a sitter, because no one could deal with the dog's bites and temper. After flower essence therapy, she could stay happily with three to four dogs at the same time.

Sandry: an elderly 11-year-old boxer who could not be socialized with other dogs because of aggression issues. After the floral treatment, she has lived with up to four other dogs perfectly well.

Mopar: a mix between Boxer and Italian mastiff. His owners did not dare to approach other dogs for reasons of aggression. With Juan Luis, he even played with some dogs, and his behavior was especially calm at home after using the flower essences.

Tucu: an alpha male dog that had not been socialized with other dogs and behaved aggressively with them. Since the owners traveled extensively, Tucu spent a lot of time with Juan Luis. For this reason, we agreed with Tucu's caretakers to create a personalized flower essences combination to make it easier for him to live with other dogs and also to help with his constant gastrointestinal issues, which are often related to emotions in dogs. See details of Tucu's case in the next section of this article.

Water Bowl, and Spray Bottle Application Methods

Since each dog had different foods, meal times and frequency, I administered approximately 20 drops of stock essences in the water they all drank collectively in containers distributed on the floor.

Also, for momentary situations of tension, I prepared the same combination in the form of a spray to quickly apply to the dog's head and also to rub behind the ears. The area behind the ears is especially sensitive and receptive for dogs and essences applied there work very quickly.

A combination of nine flower essences was used, composed of the following: Rock Water, Walnut, Quaking Grass, Pink Yarrow, Dill, Holly, Beech, Tiger Lily and Snapdragon. The role of each flower is described below:

Rock Water - Dogs are creatures of habit and do not usually handle changes to their routine well. Dogs are used to their eating schedules, going out, taking naps, their bed or mattress and their family routines. When a dog enters the dog sitter’s home, the sitter's routines are typically different. Rock Water essence encourages flexibility and also an open mind towards the situations encountered with a dog sitter.

Walnut essence helps to facilitate all kinds of transitions that can otherwise cause insecurity or anxiety. Walnut is a fantastic essence for easing these emotions and allows dogs to adapt more easily to new routines and to live with other dogs they do not yet know.

Quaking Grass is an essence that gives the ability to harmonize and live together in a group. It also helps to be flexible and to cooperate with others. This essence is essential in my general combinations for positive cohabitation among a group of dogs, since dogs come and go on a daily basis in Juan Luis´s house. It is also very suitable for calming conflict situations as it makes communication easier between them.

Pink Yarrow is an essence that I usually include in all therapeutic work with dogs because they immediately register the energy of their human companions, as well as that of their immediate environment. If a person feels insecure when he or she is managing their dog, the dog will automatically feel this insecurity from his caretaker and this may facilitate the dog's aggression, as they perceive it as a threat. Pink Yarrow helps each dog establish clear and safe boundaries, which reduces the level of fear or insecurity that can trigger hostility or mistrust.

Dill helps to alleviate the feeling of being overwhelmed by many new forms of external stimulation. For example, the dog may not be used to the sirens of the ambulance or to extreme traffic. In Barcelona, many people gather in squares and meet on terraces. This can be very overwhelming for a dog that may not be accustomed to these types of environments. For example, Juan Luis liked to have his dogs accompany him when he went for coffee in the Plaza del Sol in the Gracia district. This remedy helped so much in these situations and has led to my using it as a key essence for dogs in Barcelona.

Holly essence helps with emotional security because each dog typically competes for attention with other members of the pack, creating high-stress situations or fights. Also, jealousy can be triggered when a new animal is introduced into these fluid groups.

Beech works well with dogs that have shown a high degree of rejection towards other dogs, many times showing their teeth and growling, a clear signal of dislike towards the other dog. This is actually a distinct message that lets the other dog know to leave, without insisting on approaching. If we abort this signal, we are preventing the dog from being able to communicate. With Beech, each dog displays a higher degree of tolerance and innate understanding for the other dogs.

Tiger Lily this flower addresses an excess of male "yang" energy, rivalry, and dominance. When these qualities are better harmonized, there is more positive social integration.

Snapdragon is good for dogs that have a strong alpha type personality along with contact and communication problems. It is also good for dogs with pronounced aggression to others, especially when prone to biting. (It was added after Maio arrived and bit Juan on the arm!)

Juan Luis found this Group Flower Formula to be very efficacious. Here are his own words in summary:

“I must say that the experience was a success from the beginning and also developed further over time… I can assure you that relations between my client dogs in the house have been harmonious, with a high level of tolerance towards each other. This reduces the possibility of disagreements or tension that could lead to a fight. I found my dogs particularly calm and more adaptable to the new routines, even when they were obviously different from those they typically experienced.”

Tucu is an Akita Inu breed, a strongly built 65-kilo dog, with an imposing presence and body language. He looks every inch the proud, mountain dog that is the hallmark of his breed, along with a bold and willful temperament. He lived his first three years in Argentina, and then re-located to Barcelona.

Tucu’s particular issue was that he poorly interacted with other dogs. He has an alpha character, but also was not allowed to socialize much in Argentina, as there are many feral street dogs that carry diseases and move in hostile packs. If Tucu encountered any other dogs, he would immediately try to mark his dominance via aggression. He also had Irritable Bowel Syndrome. His stool was never of the right consistency and the bowel movement was irregular and often unpredictable. This was an expression of his feeling unsettled and unable to absorb new changes in his circumstances. A further factor in Tucu’s healing was that his caretakers made the decision to castrate him, in the hope that it would help his overall condition of pent-up aggressive energy.

Flowers Chosen and Method of Treatment

Tucu’s treatment lasted for seven months. I prepared six bottles of Tucu´s personalized flower essences, each lasting four to five weeks. The flower essences used for Tucu included Walnut, Sweet Pea, Baby Blues Eyes, Vine. Tiger Lily, Beech, Snapdragon, Calendula and Calla Lily.

At home,15-20 drops were added to his water bowl, which he generally emptied on a daily basis, and also four additional drops in his food once a day.

When Tucu was with Juan Luis the dog sitter, he drank from the general calming mixture for all dogs and also received his personalized formula orally with four drops on his nose two times per day. I prefer the nose method of administration for individualized treatment. Putting flower essences directly in a dog’s mouth means using force, since a dog seldom opens his mouth freely. On the other hand, the nose treatment elicits a natural reflex, prompting the dog to simply lick his nose.

Discussion of the Flowers for Tucu

Walnut was included throughout all the formulas throughout the months of treatment. At first, it was intended to help Tucu settle in and feel protected from the transitions he was living . Walnut was also a key essence in his recovery from gastric problems that seemed to have an emotional component due to a lack of assimilation and adaptation. Furthermore, after the castration, this flower played a vital role for the change he was experiencing.

Sweet Pea was used from the beginning to help Tucu’s sense of belonging. His frequent moves in Argentina, the re-location to Spain, as well as further moves between his family and the dog-sitter had resulted in an unsettled quality. Now Tucu feels that he has two families, he is very happy and has completely integrated his sense of belonging between both homes.

Baby Blue Eyes was an essence chosen in attunement to Tucu on a deeper intuitive level. In this sense, Tucu himself communicated that he needed this flower. Tucu had likely never felt a sense of emotional support in his youth as he was raised by a breeder. He seemed insecure, as though he was missing a masculine “father” component, even though he was physically an imposing dog. His antisocial outer presentation seemed to hide his tender and sensitive character.

Tiger Lily, Vine, Beech and Snapdragon essences all helped Tucu to live with other dogs. Tiger Lily flower helps when an excess of Yang energy is present, especially in alpha dogs . Vine cultivates innate leadership while also encouraging respect for human caretakers. Beech helps in learning to tolerate other dogs and their unique way of being. Snapdragon balances dogs with a strong powerful presence in addition to calming aggressive tendencies to attack other dogs.

Calla Lily was incorporated after Tucu was castrated, in order to integrate and accept his new sexuality. For an alpha dog, being castrated can create confusion. In a male dog, production of testosterone hormone ceases, but the estrogen hormones remain in circulation. He needed Calla Lily to understand his new sexuality and incorporate it.

Concluding Observations from Juan Luis, Tucu’s dog-Sitter:

"After a short time in my care and with the flower therapy, I noticed that Tucu transformed every time he entered my house. He became a totally receptive dog that avoids problems. He has been with males at home without major problems….
I sit with him on a terrace and watch other dogs pass by that Tucu doesn’t react to. He has adapted phenomenally to life at home with other dogs, with very different situations every time he comes."

Concluding Observations from Tucu’s Caretakers:

"Tucu can now live with other dogs, he has become sociable. Before we couldn't risk putting him together with other dogs because of what might happen. Juan Luis's good management and the experience of living with other dogs, the flower essences and having him spayed, are factors that have made Tucu a wonderful dog…. Now we can also invite guests with dogs to our home.”

Nero is a Bouvier des Flanders, a herding dog breed from Belgium. While his early years were relatively easy, as he grew older, he became very fearful, which expressed itself as aggressive behavior. It is important to note that his aggression came from anxiety and fear, not a desire to dominate. He is an uncastrated male, standing tall and impressive at 45 kilos.

Nero had to suddenly face a difficult time when he was six years old and his primary male caretaker died unexpectedly. This man was a father figure who could manage and understand Nero’s personality. However, the grieving wife was also struggling with her own depression and was daunted by Nero’s size. She grew more and more anxious about being able to cope with and control him.

Nero was not only mourning the loss of his master, but also confined in an apartment with a female caretaker who was unable to handle him emotionally or physically. She stopped taking him out as much, as she worried about her ability to control him physically and manage his anxiety-driven aggressive behavior on their walks.

Nero’s insecurities were amplified by the emotions he felt from her, and he grew more and more disturbed. He started barking a lot and became aggressive to other dogs and people. He was apprehensive around cars and other objects.

Exposure Therapy in Tandem with Flower Essence Therapy

Nero was taken to Maria Jose, a professional dog sitter, who slowly increased his exposure to his various stressors. Meanwhile, I worked in tandem with her using flower essences.

At the end of the treatment period, there was a marked change in Nero. To begin with, he now sits easily with the other dogs in transport, without barking or needing to be isolated. He doesn’t immediately start barking whenever he sees other dogs and is far more relaxed in both mind and body. When outdoors with other dogs, Nero has a good time, running about and even rolling and exposing his belly, a sign of security and comfort. He plays with other female dogs and is comfortable sharing his physical space.

Nero was administered four drops in his food at his three mealtimes - twice at the day care center and once in the evening, over a period of two months. His combination contained the following essences: Pink Yarrow, Bleeding Heart, Star of Bethlehem, Mimulus, Larch, Oregon Grape, Mallow, and Snapdragon.

Addressing Layers of Trauma: Anxiety, Fear, Grief and Social Reactivity

Nero needed help to calm his feelings and help him cope with the grief and emptiness he faced after the loss of his human guide. On another track, he needed help coping with these traumas and his behavioral reactions.

Pink Yarrow is beneficial when a dog becomes a “sponge,” absorbing the energy and emotions of its human caretakers. In Nero's case, it was evident that the widow's anxiety and depression were aggravating his emotional condition. Pink Yarrow essence re-establishes clear, healthy boundaries.

Bleeding Heart and Star of Bethlehem were core components of Nero’s formula to address the great loss he suffered when his primary caretaker died. With these flower essences, Nero was able to overcome his grief, emotional shock and resultant social trauma.

Oregon Grape and Mallow essences. Oregon Grape helps to create an expectation of goodwill from others. It sets a positive expectation, breaking the pattern of mistrust. This is especially useful when dealing with dogs who due to their prior experience or circumstances, are distrustful of other dogs or humans. Because of their paranoia, they expect hostility and threat. This becomes a vicious cycle. Oregon Grape and Mallow encouraged friendly interaction, helping Nero to register the positive signals emitted by other dogs instead of reacting viscerally in fear. In addition, Mallow helped Nero to overcome his barriers of insecurity, enabling him to be more open and enjoy his relationships with other dogs.

Snapdragon notably reduces biting in dogs and also softens the libido impulses in dogs that have not been neutered, as is the case with Nero.

Mimulus and Larch worked together to impart courage and confidence to Nero. Mimulus especially helped him to face fear and reduce vulnerability, which can trigger aggression. Larch accompanies this process, perhaps even addressing older insecurities.

Maria Jose’s Concluding Comments:

“Nero is more relaxed and joyful after two months of treatment, not reacting to every dog or person. I used to take Nero out alone, now I put him in the van and take him with other dogs - something I could not do before…. Overall, I find Nero more playful and open towards life.”

Phoebus was adopted as a two-year-old from a rescue shelter in Greece. His true breed was unknown, but his appearance suggested he could be part Havanese and part King Charles Cavalier Spaniel. Phoebus had lived on the streets since he was six months old and then in a shelter for over a year. Phoebus had bonded with his shelter pack but was then uprooted through airplane travel to his new home in Austria. He showed clear signs of stomach distress and separation anxiety, in addition to bleeding from an infection. Phoebus was very clingy—if his caretakers left him alone even for half an hour, he would act destructively in his new home.

Phoebus’s condition become worse when his caretakers had to travel to India unexpectedly for a family medical emergency. They had to leave Phoebus with a dog sitter for almost a month. While they were gone, he fell so ill that his weight fell from 5.3 kg to 4 kg . Phoebus was anxious, soiling the dog sitter’s house and he remained aloof from the other dogs. Phoebus ate little food and almost died. He likely felt that he was being abandoned yet again.

The caretakers managed to nurse Phoebus back to health when they returned from India. However, they were afraid he would not survive a second separation, when they would be required to return again to India to settle legal matters. It was at this point that I was asked to help with flower essences for Phoebus.

Flowers Selected and Methods Used

The flowers used for Phoebus included Sweet Pea, Walnut, Red Chestnut, Five-Flower Formula, Lotus, Self-Heal and Chicory. Phoebus was very small in size and weight; he never ate his food in full, and one could not predict how much water he would drink. It was more reliable to administer his essences three times a day three drops of the essence, directly onto his nose and also add them to his water. This method would insure a constant flow of the flowers into his nervous system.

Sweet Pea was a central remedy, working in this case at a much deeper level than Walnut. In considering Phoebus's case, I took into account that from the age of six months he had been wandering from one place to another till he was two years old, first in the streets in Greece like a stray dog, and then one year in a shelter. Then after being taken from the shelter, he experienced more disruptions.

Phoebus did not have time to acclimatize and assimilate all these overwhelming changes. Consequently, he did not feel a sense of secure territory or home. He did not have a sense of belonging or a feeling of being nurtured by his surroundings. Sweet Pea facilitated openness to his new environment, and the ability to begin to feel safe and at “home.” This stabilization may have also helped him to better absorb his food, as many digestive problems in dogs come from a lack of assimilation of factors in their environment.

Rescue (Five-Flower) with Lotus and Self Heal – I find that Lotus and Self Heal flowers amplify Dr. Bach’s original blend. For Phoebus, the frequent use of this formula provided constant calming to balance his emotions and alleviate stress. This helps especially whenever he is changing location, or sensing change in his environment.

Red Chestnut - Dogs are pack animals and can show extreme separation anxiety when left alone. Often, this behavior can manifest negatively, as they can become destructive or mess the house. Hence, Red Chestnut was vital to help Phoebus filter out unnecessary anxiety about his family's welfare. I also wanted to free him to enjoy his time with the dog sitter and other dogs.

Walnut is a key essence for dogs. It helps with digestive stress, giving protection and strength for many changes, whether in the house or during travel. I found it appropriate for Phoebus during his time in the dog sitter's home, while knowing that Sweet Pea was working on this situation within deeper levels of his being.

Chicory is known to be helpful for over-dependent or clingy children and their mothers. It worked similarly for Phoebus, to help him stop being possessive with his family. He didn’t need to impose his rules, he was now open to other ways of loving.

Observations of the Changes in Phoebus by his Primary Caretaker:

“When we returned from our second trip, Phoebus was a different dog. He even gained 200 gm. He felt very secure with the dog sitter, did not soil inside the house and he made friends with the other dogs that were staying over the holiday.”

Observations of Phoebus’s Dog Sitter:

“He was different dog the second time. He was much more relaxed and secure.”

The dog sitter even took him with her own dog on a New Year’s trip to Slovenia where he was very comfortable. Bear in mind, Slovenia was yet another unfamiliar environment, and the trip there required a seven-hour drive in a car. Phoebus was calm and comfortable and bonded well with her pet dog.

Joyce Pujol Smit is certified as a Flower Essence Society Practitioner and a Findhorn Flower Essence Practitioner.

She is also deeply skilled in various forms of energy healing, including Reiki Usui Master Level, Constellation Work as taught by Bert Hellinger and Archetypal Healing as taught by Colin Bloy.

Find out more about Joyce and her healing services at her website and Facebook page .

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