
The following are additional stories from Steven Horne regarding others who have been helped by flower essences—

Help for empaths and emotional healers
Healing birth trauma
Dramatic change for an “unwanted pregnancy”
Restoring enthusiasm for life

Help for empaths and emotional healers

My hairdresser friend and I had another friend who was such an empath that she would get physically ill when someone in her family was sick. She’d wake up in the morning with a slight sore throat and call around to see which of her brothers or sisters had a sore throat that morning. She could “tune in” to other peoples emotions and energies very easily, but had no way to tune them out.

I made a blend using Yarrow and Pink Yarrow flower essences and gave it to her. The problems stopped in a couple of days and never returned. It gave her the ability to tune-out when she didn’t want to be empathic.

I’ve used this same blend of Yarrow and Pink Yarrow in my emotional healing classes. When a student would process a particularly intense issue, such as sexual or physical abuse, you could look around the room and see that almost everybody was in a kind of emotional shock. It’s like they had soaked up all the pain the person had been releasing. I would pass a bottle of Yarrow/Pink Yarrow flower essence around the room and as soon as everyone had taken it the entire atmosphere in the room would change. It helped people “let go” of the emotions and clear their heads.

Healing birth trauma

A mother called me once and told me that her son had some serious problems with co-ordination. He really wanted to play baseball with the other boys and wondered if I knew anything that would help. Since I had experienced the same problem when I was young, I was very anxious to try to help and told her to bring him in.

He was dyslexic, so I did some brain gym exercises on him to integrate his right and left hemispheres. But, using muscle testing I also determined that he wasn’t grounded, that is, he wasn’t fully in his body. I inquired about his birth and found it had been very difficult and traumatic, so I gave him Shooting Star flower essence.

One week later his father called. I asked how his son was doing. He said, “That’s why I called. He’s made so much improvement in a week that I was wondering if I could come in and see you myself.”

Dramatic change for an “unwanted pregnancy”

While traveling and teaching, I visited the home of a couple who had a son who was so disruptive he had been thrown out of every public and private school he had ever been placed in. They had no choice but to home school him and were having serious difficulties doing so. They asked if I would see what I could do.

I went to the boy’s bedroom to check him out. As I tried talking to the boy, his eyes would roll upwards towards the top of his head and then start wandering around the room. “Look at me,” I’d say, and he would only be able to do so for a few seconds before his eyes (and his attention) would wander again. Based on these observations, and using the system for emotional muscle testing I had developed, I determined the kid wasn’t really “here.”

I went back to the parents and asked about his conception and birth. I found out that when the couple had been engaged, both sets of in laws were opposed to the marriage and actively tried to break them up. They were about to give in and cancel their marriage plans when they found out she was pregnant. So, for the sake of the child they went through with the marriage, much to the disappointment of their parents and extended families. They also revealed that they both had felt resentment towards the unborn child over the situation.

As I’ve seen in many cases of unwanted pregnancy, the boy didn’t really want to come. (Who wants to be born into a home where you aren’t wanted?) He was three weeks overdue and the labor and birth were painful and traumatic for both mother and child. I recommended a blend of two flower essences for the child, Mariposa Lily (to enhance the mother/infant bond) and Shooting Star (to bring the soul fully into the body). I also asked the mother to take the Mariposa Lily flower essence.

This simple thing made a dramatic change in the child. When I saw mom and son about six months later, the boy had settled down and his ability to focus had dramatically increased. Both parents were both pleased and amazed at the change.

Restoring enthusiasm for life

While traveling, I was consulting with a woman who had contracted parasites while on a church mission in South America. She had struggled with her health for several years since she had returned to the states. Although I was supposed to be consulting her about her physical health, it was obvious to me that she didn’t care about life anymore. The trials she had been through had so weighed her down that she didn’t want to live anymore and had no interest in working on her health physically. So, I wound up recommending only one thing, Borage flower essence. The local herbalist called me the following week to tell me that within three days her entire attitude had turned around. She wanted to live and was now working enthusiastically on an herbal/nutritional program to restore her health.

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